The WORST Entrant In EVERY WWE Royal Rumble | partsFUNknown

  • 9 months ago
Who do you think is the worst entrant in every Royal Rumble? Let us know in the comments!
Adam B is here to run down the worst Royal Rumble entrant in EVERY Royal Rumble. He loves this job.

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00:00 So many bloody people have been in the Royal Rumble, right?
00:03 Not all of them can be good. What makes a Royal Rumble competitor bad?
00:07 Is it a lack of impact? Shortest time in the match? No one knowing who the hell you are?
00:12 General rubbishness? I mean, sure, all of those and there are 30 goddamn five entries on this list. That's all the intro you're getting. Shut up!
00:20 I'm Adam from PartsFarunknown, and here's the worst entrant from every Royal Rumble.
00:26 So help me God. Also, check out all the Rumble content we're doing on the channel this month.
00:30 There's a lot of it because the Rumble is the best time of the year. At least it should be.
00:35 1988 Boris Sukhov. Only 20 men wrestled in the first ever Royal Rumble,
00:40 but they still found space for Boris Sukhov, the big Russian egg, one half of notably sh*t
00:44 tag team the Bolsheviks, and when you're the rubbish one in a team with Nikolai Volkov, you need to have a long hard think.
00:51 1989 Coco Beware. Every day
00:54 I remember that Coco Beware is a WWE Hall of Famer, and every day I drink. Coco had a terrible time in the 1989 Rumble,
01:02 being eliminated after less than two minutes by Hulk Hogan, and people don't even remember it for being a comedy quick elimination,
01:08 because the Warlord's second elimination happened that same year. Sorry, Coco.
01:12 Fly away now.
01:14 1990 Shawn Michaels. Not every year can be 1995, and normally that's a good thing. Not for tiny young Shawn Michaels, though,
01:21 getting cockwaffled out of the Rumble in 12 seconds by the Ultimate Warrior. Marty Jannetty, on the other hand, lasted 1 minute 35 seconds,
01:28 almost eight times as long. So I guess we know who the better rocker truly was.
01:32 1991 Randy Savage. He didn't f*cking show up.
01:36 That's why. It was an angle that Ultimate Warrior had scared Randy so much that he went home and no-showed the Rumble, and sure,
01:42 you can argue that that had more actual storyline impact on the Rumble than say, I don't know,
01:47 Sabba Simba, but at least he turned up for work.
01:51 1992 Skinner. Who the f*ck is Skinner, though? In one of the all-time great Rumbles, which featured a bunch of memorable characters,
01:59 Floridian Gator Baiter Skinner sticks out like a smelly thumb.
02:03 He lasted two minutes before being hooped out by Rick Martell. Insert gif of Superintendent Chalmers.
02:08 1993 Terry Taylor, aka Terry's second run in WWF after his first gimmick,
02:14 "The Red Rooster" flopped as hard as you'd expect from a man pretending to be a f*cking chicken.
02:19 However, you could argue that chicken is a better gimmick than
02:22 "Some Dude", especially "Some Dude Who's Chimney'd Out of the Rumble" in less than 30 seconds.
02:28 1994 Bastion Booger. Look, I don't want to spend a lot of time talking about Bastion Booger,
02:34 whose entire gimmick was just the word "yuck" scratched into a week-old ham.
02:38 He no-showed the 1994 Rumble, apparently because he made himself kayfabe sick from overeating.
02:44 Delightful.
02:46 1995 Timothy Well. No, but who is that, though?
02:50 Apparently he was part of a tag team with Steven Dunn, and they were called "Well Dunn". I hate that.
02:56 Timothy Well lasted 23 seconds in the 1995 Rumble. Dunn, on the other hand, lasted five minutes.
03:02 Oh, well, well. Well, Dunn, Dunn.
03:05 1996 The Squat Teamers. Stop making up wrestlers, Wikipedia!
03:09 There's absolutely no way that there was a tag team called The Squat Teamers.
03:13 Both men entered back-to-back in the '96 Rumble numbers 15 and 16 and collectively spent a total of one minute and 35
03:20 seconds in the Rumble. Thanks for f---ing coming.
03:23 1997 Fake Razor Ramon. Well, we were still doing the whole Fake Razor and Fake Diesel thing in 1997, then.
03:30 Alrighty. Fake Diesel, aka the man who'd become Kane a few months later, got over 15 minutes in this Rumble. Fake Razor,
03:38 who did not go on to become Kane, got 17 seconds.
03:42 Again, very cool.
03:44 1998 Tom Brandy. Who the f--- is Tom Brandy?
03:47 1999 Golga. Oh, this is a bad Rumble, with the interesting Austin McMahon stuff mostly happening outside the ring.
03:54 There's now but mid-carders in this year's Rumble, so picking between this lot is a nightmare. Gilberg's in it for the least time,
04:00 I suppose, but that's a comedy spot. Did kind of make me laugh. Golga, just turns up, is bad
04:06 and is bollocked out of the match in about 15 seconds. I guess they didn't respect his
04:11 authoritar.
04:12 2000 Mosh. Mosh turns up, Thrasher doesn't at any point,
04:16 not the other headbanger. Mosh then goes away after making no impact in three minutes.
04:23 And also he wears giant furry tits to the ring,
04:26 which is unforgivable.
04:28 2001 Taz. What a difference a year makes, from choking out Kurt Angle in his debut at
04:33 2000 Royal Rumble to running down to the ring, being picked up and plopped on the turnbuckle by Kane like he's five years old and being
04:39 disciplined by mother, and then punched out of the ring in 10 seconds. Abject humiliation.
04:44 Why, why did they do that?
04:46 2002 Farouk. A very good Royal Rumble, mostly full of good mid-carders that are mostly all used in favor of one spot or the other.
04:53 Even Chucky gets the fun of being eliminated by Austin twice.
04:56 Farouk just shows up and is kill-hauled in 30 seconds by Triple H, so he and Austin can focus on more important matters.
05:02 It was a hard choice. Sorry, Farouk. Damn, you know, damn.
05:07 2003 Bill DeMott. Oh good, Hugh G. Rection made it into a Royal Rumble, looking like if Colt Cabana joined the Third Street Saints.
05:15 F*** along now, Bill.
05:17 2004 Spike Dudley. You know which Royal Rumble spot I hate? The "Oh no, I was attacked on the ramp and now for some reason
05:23 I'm not in the Royal Rumble anymore." F*** that. In 2001, Austin was murdered by Triple H outside and still got to compete.
05:31 No excuses. Spike takes a weak-looking chokeslam from Kane on the ramp, then disappears forever. Poor Spike.
05:37 2005 Scotty 2 Hotty. They did it again!
05:41 Mohamed Hassan was eliminated and got his heat back by throwing a few punches to Scotty 2 Hotty, who then vanishes in a puff of smoke.
05:47 Hmm. Also, Kenzo Suzuki was in this Rumble, and who is that?
05:51 2006 Jonathan Coachman. Oh good, the coach gets to be in a Royal Rumble for 20 seconds.
05:59 Terrific. Always a sign of a strong Rumble when you can waste a spot on an announcer.
06:02 However, unlike Jerry Lawler's turn in 1997 that at least got a laugh, this has felt like an awkward waste of time.
06:08 2007 The Sandman, aka the only Rumble where ECW actually still felt like a viable brand. Most ECW guys got something to do, including the
06:16 all-time great elimination of Sabu through the table. Sandman gets nothing to do. Turns up to not Metallica,
06:23 hits three people with a cane, and then is bounced out by Booker T in 15 seconds.
06:27 Heck of a way to treat one of the top guys on your new show, WWE.
06:30 2008 Finlay. What kind of Doyle manages to get DQ'd in the f***ing Royal Rumble?
06:38 Was it because he arrived early? Al Snow did that in 2001. Or what, he used a weapon, did he? Everyone did that in 2001.
06:45 Lazy, contradictory booking. That can f*** off.
06:49 2009 The Brian Kendrick. F*** off Brian Kendrick.
06:53 2010 JTG. This is a hard one. It's another really good Rumble with very few dud moments. Guess I'll go for JTG.
07:00 Just because he's eliminated super quick by CM Punk during his whole Sermon on the Mount thing, but also because he was silly enough to do a stand on the turnbuckle and punch spot.
07:09 It's a really good way to get eliminated, JT genius.
07:12 2011 Tyler Rex. Who is that?
07:15 2012 Primo and Epico. Always nice when your current WWE Tag Team Champions, you know, aka the pinnacle of tag team wrestling,
07:23 in your company, get between them two combined minutes in the Royal Rumble. Fab stuff.
07:29 Announces Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole got more total time in the 2012 Royal Rumble than the f***ing Tag Champs.
07:35 2013 3MB. All of them were in it and all of them did bugger all.
07:40 They didn't even do the spot where all of them would be in it at the same time. What's the point?
07:45 Heese later did the best of the three, lasting over 10 minutes, and neither Drew or Jinder lasted over 3 minutes in the match, and those two went on to become WWE Champions.
07:54 It's a hell of a timeline.
07:55 2014 Corporate Kane. F*** off worst version of Kane and take your shiny work shoes with you.
08:01 2015 Titus O'Neil. That feeling when your one job is to run down and be the immediately eliminated guy for that year, but you step too far forward and you mess up the spot.
08:12 Oh, Titus, Rumbles aren't your friend.
08:14 2016 Jack Swagger. Ah, former world champion Jack Swagger turning up in the 2016 Royal Rumble to be immediately munched and eliminated by Brock Lesnar, tossed over the ropes like a sack of xenophobic spuds.
08:26 2017 Apollo Crews. Poor Apollo Crews, debuting on the main roster in 2016 with the scintillating gimmick of "is here".
08:34 In the 2017 Royal Rumble, Apollo Crews is here for 5 minutes, doing nothing of consequence, no eliminations, no spots, sweet FA, and then boozled out of the ring.
08:44 2018 men's Dolph Ziggler. This one's personal.
08:48 See, everyone wanted Nakamura to win the 2018 Rumble, but for some reason, there was a persistent rumor online that Dolph Ziggler was gonna win it instead, so when he showed up at number 30, everyone got very anxious indeed.
09:00 And that's all he did. He turned up, made everyone briefly sad, eliminated Goldust, and then got eliminated by Finn Balor all in two minutes.
09:08 Cheers, Dolph.
09:09 2018 women's Kelly Kelly. The first women's Royal Rumble had a stiff task, make a 30-woman Rumble from a roster of about 20.
09:17 Thankfully, WWE had a number of legends on speed dial they could call in to bolster the numbers like Trish, Lita, Molly Holly, and Kelly Kelly, emblem of the Divas era,
09:27 who turned up to not run the ropes, not hit her move, and then hang around for five minutes, and then go away.
09:33 The greatest Royal Rumble, Dan Mather. Who is that?
09:37 2019 women's Alicia Fox and Maria Kanellis.
09:40 I keep watching the bit with the hat back, and I still, for the f***ing goddamn life of me, cannot understand what it was.
09:47 Alicia Fox had a hat, Maria had the hat, Maria hit the hat, which didn't break, Alicia Fox then glitched, all as people watched on like, "What the f*** was that?
10:00 What was the stuff with the hat?"
10:01 2019 men's Bobby Lashley.
10:04 The man who would two years later beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE title at the Rumble, turned up, and got eliminated in 18 seconds, all so he could hurt Seth on the outside, then sulkily walk away.
10:14 He's had better years, is what I'm saying.
10:17 2020 women's Santina Morella.
10:19 F*** off, Santina, bulls*** ass, b***h, let's f***.
10:22 2020 men's Matt Riddle.
10:24 Matt Riddle made Brock Lesnar cross before the 2020 Royal Rumble by saying he could deck him in that.
10:30 As punishment, Matt Riddle appeared in the Rumble and was made to look like a proper Melvin.
10:34 He kicked some people, never shared the ring with Lesnar, and was eliminated by Baron Corbin, of all people, in 40 seconds.
10:42 Don't make Brock Lesnar cross, I suppose.
10:44 2021 women's Santana Garrett.
10:47 Who is that?
10:48 2021 men's The Hurricane.
10:51 It was funny when you came back in 2018, Mr. Hurricane.
10:54 You tried to chokeslam John Cena, and how we laughed.
10:57 We slapped our thighs, our ribs sufficiently tickled, our nostalgia brain centers throbbing.
11:02 Then they did it again in 2021, and we said, "Oh, hello."
11:07 Again.
11:10 2022 women's Kelly Kelly.
11:12 Go away.
11:13 2022 men's Shane McMahon.
11:16 One of the only air-quote surprises of the men's Royal Rumble in 2022, with Shane McMahon arriving, looking like a serious thumb,
11:24 eliminating Kevin Owens, and then sweating all over the ring until Brock could throw him out, shortly followed by his dad throwing him out of the company succession style,
11:32 due in no small part to how Shane had helped put together the deeply s*** Rumble backstage.
11:37 What an impact.
11:38 And that's our list.
11:39 Who do you think is the worst entrant in Royal Rumble history?
11:42 Let us know in the comments.
11:42 Don't forget to like and share this video around if you enjoyed it.
11:45 Make sure you subscribe to PartsForKnown for more great Royal Rumble content, and never forget to jam that jam.
11:50 [outro music]
