The Cast Of Disney’s “The Mysterious Benedict Society” Sits Down With SOHH

  • 7 months ago
00:00 Awesome. I'm Mike Omeron with and I'm thrilled today to be joined by the cast
00:04 of Mysterious Benedict Society. How are you guys doing today?
00:07 Good. Yeah, we're doing great.
00:10 Awesome. Seth, my first question is for you. I'm sure people out here are stopping you
00:14 on the street for your role in Black Panther. Can you share what was it like working on
00:18 such a culturally relevant movie?
00:20 It was really great. It was the scenery. I mean, it was so long ago, but the memory of
00:28 it is really cool. Everything they made, like they made their own sets. They would have
00:33 such big sound studios that they would be filming two scenes at the same time. So, I
00:40 mean, it was just really cool and everybody was great. I mean, it was just a really cool
00:44 experience all around.
00:45 I bet. I bet. Yeah. So my next question is for both of you guys. If you had to curate
00:52 a playlist of songs or artists that relate to your character, what songs or artists would
00:57 you guys put together?
00:58 Oh, that's a good question. I love music. It's like my favorite thing ever. I'm going
01:04 to think about this. Kate, talk.
01:08 I would, me personally, I would probably put like Drake and Lil Baby. Let me see the last
01:24 one. I must say, I must say, this is hard because there's a lot. There's a lot of people
01:32 I listen to.
01:33 I bet. Yeah.
01:34 But I'm going to just say Jack Arlo.
01:39 Yeah, Arlo. Cool. Cool.
01:42 All right. I'm looking through my music that I have on my phone.
01:47 Sure.
01:48 Okay. Good one. I think that, I think Kate as a character would probably love the song
01:53 American Pie just because it's like super long. I don't know. It's just like a hunch.
01:58 I feel like Kate would like really long songs. I'm mostly into sort of like independent bands.
02:05 Like I love Kimmy Dawson. She's in a couple of things I listen to. Like she's got one
02:13 band, which is like her and I think a friend of hers and it's called the Moldy Peaches.
02:18 And I love their music. So I'd say, I think, I think Kate would probably like their songs
02:23 too. Maybe the Mountain Goats. That kind of music.
02:27 I don't know who they are, but they sound pretty cool. Yeah, they are. I recommend them.
02:33 Sure. Yeah. I'll listen after this. What's been the most rewarding experience or aspect
02:38 of working on the show for both of you guys? Like, did you guys really learn Morse code
02:41 to help like in that episode or was that part of the, part of like, it provide people's
02:46 help you out with that or what?
02:47 We didn't learn Morse code. Morse code in the first season is not real.
02:52 Oh really?
02:53 No, it's just flashing lights. I don't, I don't think they actually made it real in
02:59 post. That would have been a lot of work. Yeah. No, we didn't really get to learn Morse
03:06 code. They gave it, they did give us little sheets though that had, it was like a Morse
03:11 code cheat sheet. So we did study it.
03:13 Okay. How about you, Sef?
03:17 Sorry, what was the question again?
03:21 The most rewarding aspect of working on the show.
03:23 Right. Well, it's probably the most rewarding to me was just seeing how it came out and
03:34 seeing that all the hard work that we put in, it was finally, it finally out and it
03:42 came out great. The first season, the second season looks amazing. I can't wait for everybody
03:48 to see it. I'm proud of what we did. And we really put, I think cast, crew, casting, producers,
03:55 directors, everybody. Thank you for all their work. That obviously was much more rewarding
04:02 to me, is the final product.
04:04 Gotcha. If you guys were able to like, do like a little like a chapter two type thing
04:08 and cast the older versions of your characters, which actors or actresses would you guys cast
04:12 as yourselves?
04:13 Older characters. Oh, um.
04:14 You can't say Michael B. Jordan.
04:15 Um, um, I'm trying to think of someone that's older than me.
04:20 Right, right.
04:21 That's like at the same time that I could play this character.
04:28 You know what? I'm gonna just go ahead. I'm gonna say Denza.
04:42 Who?
04:43 Yeah. Denza or Paceki.
04:44 I'm going to be honest. I do not know many actors. I am an actor, but I don't know actors.
04:52 I don't know actors' names. I don't know who they are. I'm, I'm, I'm just not super knowledgeable
04:56 about that stuff. I would say if I had to pick someone to play Kate as an adult, I would
05:02 pick me. I think they're, I think they're going to have to wait. And then it would be
05:08 me.
05:09 I respect that. I respect that.
05:10 My part.
05:11 Awesome. Well, thank you guys for your time. It was great talking with you. Just, yeah,
05:16 coming from your season.
05:17 Thank you. Yeah, it was great talking to you.
05:18 You too.
05:19 Thank you.
