لبنان.. التعميم البديل قد يعيد النظر بقدرة بعض المصارف على الاستمرارية

  • 8 months ago


00:00 The new loan for the Egyptian banks in Lebanon will soon be at 151, which was terminated at
00:09 the end of 2023.
00:10 The banks were allowed to pay the borrowed dollar deposits to the Lebanese banks at
00:15 a price of 15,000 Lira per dollar.
00:17 The new loan is expected to allow the borrowers to get their deposits in the currency, with
00:23 the withdrawal of the deposit to be reduced to about 13,500,000 Lira, or $150 per month.
00:30 A generalization may stop the severance of a large part of the money of the borrowers
00:37 who suffered from it since the beginning of the crisis, and is estimated at about 85%.
00:43 But it is a very low amount in terms of the level of living, and it takes many years to
00:49 recover the deposits.
00:53 The withdrawal of $150 may solve the problem of the small depositors, but the majority
01:00 of the $150 deposits do not cause the withdrawal of the money from the banks.
01:05 Who decided on $150?
01:07 And based on what?
01:09 What are the studies that the Bank of Lebanon did with the banks?
01:12 Did it look at the financial situation of the banks to decide on $150?
01:15 Did it look at the actual amount of deposits that are left in the banks today?
01:19 Where are the studies and the numbers that were originally studied and decided on $150?
01:26 The discrepancy in opinions emerged between the banks and the central bank.
01:30 Despite the fact that the Bank of Lebanon's governor, Wasim Mansouri, said that the
01:34 compensation issued by the central bank is obligatory, the banks were divided between
01:38 those who responded to Mansouri's request and those who refused it because they were
01:42 unable to secure the demand for the deposits to cover the expected withdrawals.
01:47 The data indicate that the annual cost of the new deposit reaches $250 million annually.
01:55 The Bank of Lebanon secures 50% of it, while the banks cover the remaining 50%.
02:01 There are two types of banks, a capable one and a non-capable one.
02:06 This confirms what we have been saying for years, that there are bankrupt banks and
02:10 no one wants to admit it.
02:12 The bankruptcy in the banks is a situation that is starting to emerge, and will emerge
02:18 more, with objections from a number of banks that they still have or are unable to pay
02:23 more money to the depositors, with the argument that the money is with the state and not
02:27 with the banks.
02:28 So there is something strange.
02:29 I think that there is a pressure, not only a matter of money, but a pressure from a
02:34 number of banks to fail any plans and impose what they want, which is to protect the
02:40 state and all the members.
02:42 The issue of the distribution of losses between the state, the central bank and the banks
02:46 remains the most prominent issue in the issue of the withdrawal of the depositors' money,
02:50 especially since the banks are subject to Article 113 of the Criminal Code, which
02:55 recommends that the state should cover the losses of the Bank of Lebanon, which
03:00 exceeds $68 billion, which is, according to experts, the first benefit from the
03:06 accounting processes.
03:09 Among the accounts that will benefit from the 151 generalization, more than 100,000
03:15 accounts, and in parallel, the work will continue with the 158 generalization, which
03:21 allows the payment of $300 to everyone who has accounts in dollars before November
03:28 17, 2019.
03:30 But this discrimination and discrepancy between accounts is considered by depositors
03:35 as a form of oppression and injustice, and it is a threat to the trust in the banks.
03:40 Elena Mrat, CNBC Arabia, Beirut.
