• l’année dernière
Conception et simulation centrale solaire pv, vidéo numéro 2


00:00 Let's go. Well, at the panel level, we have chosen a Mono Plus 40 300W.
00:10 OK, here we are. We also have a panel 300W.
00:24 We have chosen a 220Ah battery. 220V on 12V.
00:43 Now we have to adjust the radiation parameters. First, we will change the panel level to get the best possible radiation.
01:01 I think that at 15°C, the maximum radiation, we will adjust it according to the average value.
01:13 Because the value is one dimension according to the average radiation.
01:19 As we learned in the case of the Ivory Coast, we have adjusted it according to the average value of the Ivory Coast.
01:30 Now, we can adjust it according to the minimum radiation.
01:36 In the United States, for example, the least favorable is in July.
01:42 We can adjust it according to this period.
01:45 So we know that with the other periods, maybe in January, we will have a good production.
01:54 It's a bit like that. It's one dimension according to the minimum radiation.
02:00 Here, we are based on the minimum factor, which allows us to have a balanced dimension throughout the year.
02:08 Now, we will accept.
02:11 Here, autonomy day, a day of planning.
02:18 Then, we will calculate. We can see that we have a 22 kW gauge, a regulator of 70A, 40V, the panels and the batteries of 200A.
02:35 I launch the calculation.
02:41 The Moutin Solar software is the same as the one that gave me all the necessary parameters.
02:47 First, on my installation.
02:50 Here, we can see that we need 4 batteries in series, 539 in parallel, 2 panels in series and 499 panels in branch.
03:09 That means that for our installation, we have all the necessary elements.
03:12 The number of branches, the number of series, whether it's the number of panels or the number of batteries.
03:17 This means that I will be able to implement it easily.
03:24 We have just mentioned the central of the 1 MWh in a few minutes, as you can see.
03:32 And we know that Moutin does not stop there.
03:35 It gives us even more results.
03:38 Here, we can see that we even have the number of regulators.
03:44 Moutin requires, Moutin said that we will need 89 regulators in parallel for our installation of 1 MWh.
04:02 It also gives us all the parameters up to the section of the cable, the conductor and the installation.
04:13 You see, it means that with this, a professional already knows what he is going to work with.
04:20 Now, we will return to the simulation.
04:28 Here is the simulation of our production.
04:33 This is the simulation of our production.
04:37 Here is our product of energy needs in Wh.
04:43 We can switch to Wcr for those who want it.
04:46 The software calculates these parameters easily.
04:50 Everything is integrated so that the software calculates the switch from Wh to Wcr.
04:56 We can see that we need energy that is 291,194 Wh.
05:04 Here, we can see the production over the year.
05:10 In January, we can see that in June, we will have a production weight of 128 kW.
05:20 Which is huge.
05:24 The software gives us all the information over the year about our production.
05:29 It is the capacity, the amperage, the autonomy, everything.
05:34 We can go even further by asking for a 3D simulation.
05:42 I click.
05:45 We can see here the software that gives us the data.
