• last year
Impénétrable et intense, l'actrice allemande Sandra Hüller, qui a été nommée aux Oscars et aux César pour son rôle dans "Anatomie d'une chute", fait son retour au cinéma mercredi dans "La zone d'intérêt", où elle incarne l'épouse du commandant du camp d'extermination d'Auschwitz.

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00:00 Impenetrable and intense, the German actress Sandra Hülle,
00:03 who was nominated for the Oscars and the Césars for her role in "Anatomy of a Fall",
00:07 returns to the cinema on Wednesday in the "Zone of Interest",
00:10 where she plays the wife of the commander of Auschwitz extermination camp.
00:13 "I never say that a film I make is important, but here, it is",
00:18 she says to AFP about this role on the banality of evil,
00:21 or the carelessness of a bourgeois life next to the death of a million European Jews in this camp between 1940 and 1945.
00:28 Question, the film is extremely disturbing for the viewer.
00:31 Did you also feel this discomfort while playing?
00:34 Answer, I avoid answering this question because it is strange to say that something was hard when you are in such a place,
00:41 in Auschwitz, note from the editorial, everything is to be put in perspective.
00:45 Whatever the difficulty you feel doing your job,
00:49 it is nothing compared to what really happened.
00:52 The teams were very respectful, warm, organized.
00:57 With Christian, Friedel, who plays the commander of the camp, we talked a lot,
01:01 we wondered all the time if we were acting right,
01:04 what was Jonathan's vision, Glazé, the director, where were the limits?
01:08 In the end, I would not say that it was hard.
01:12 It was for a time and it was just a costume that we put on.
01:15 Q, what convinced you that you were in the right by shooting this film?
01:20 R, it's the very person of Jonathan, Glazé.
01:24 His vulnerability, his doubts and the fact that he does not want to make a film on the Holocaust as others have done.
01:29 For him, this project was everything.
01:32 He made smart artistic decisions,
01:35 like using multiple cameras to create a permanent surveillance situation.
01:40 To take us, German actors, in this situation,
01:44 even if it was not about drawing a portrait of these people but showing a mechanism,
01:48 how people act.
01:49 For me, they do not even necessarily have to be SS,
01:53 it could be any couple.
01:55 Q, the rise of the far right in the world and the fragility of democracy,
01:59 does it give a particular resonance to your role?
02:02 R, I never say that the film I make is important, but here it is.
02:07 Yes, it is important to show that the far right, which is a fascism,
02:12 leads to violence anyway.
02:14 We cannot put this system in place without hurting people.
02:17 It is totally related to violence, whatever they say.
02:22 Even if people just want their little garden and live their beautiful life,
02:25 it is not possible without hurting others.
02:27 We must be aware of that.
02:30 Q, does this join the reason why you became an actress?
02:34 R, young, I did it just for fun and for the need to play.
02:38 It was the most pleasant thing I could choose.
02:42 When you grow up, more and more people see what you do and the responsibilities change.
02:48 At first, we don't think about it, but I always wonder what truth I am telling,
02:52 is it the truth of the author's or mine text?
02:54 Is there a connection between the two?
02:57 The question of responsibility,
02:59 of being honest and being political in what you do,
03:02 of carrying a message in which you believe,
03:04 it has always been there,
03:05 but the responsibility grows more and more.
03:08 I have everything I dream of.
03:10 I have no plan or anything.
03:13 I hope that this world will be a little more at peace
03:15 and that we will solve the problems it encounters.
03:17 It's much more important than my career.
