• last year
Brandon Jenner Gets Real About Being a 'Present Father' After Past Issues With Caitlyn Jenner


00:00 So what are some of those things that you do the same and you also do differently raising your own children?
00:04 Uh a lot I mean so much. Um, I would say that I the
00:11 The thing that I do most differently is just be really present, you know, um, both both my parents my mom and my dad. Um,
00:21 We're really busy when I was growing up. My mom's fantastic. She's such a devoted mother
00:26 Um, but her and my stepdad they were they were out a lot. Like I just remember them, you know
00:30 Uh, just being very busy and having a lot going on and while I do have a lot going on
00:35 More than I can even handle most of the time
00:38 Uh when i'm home, I really try to be involved with them. I really try to like do fun stuff. I'm just a very like
00:46 um
00:47 Present father as much as I can be. Um, my phone is a problem aside from my phone
00:54 But I think that probably is the case for most people but um
00:56 Uh, yeah, you know, I think that's kind of the biggest thing is that you know, the the life that i'm
01:01 Really trying to lead is like kids first
01:04 Um, and everything else kind of comes afterwards
01:07 Kids and wife to get together. Brandon. How would you describe your relationship now with caitlin? Because like you said
01:13 It wasn't always present growing up. But how would you describe that relationship now? Oh, it's great
01:18 I mean, you know, my you know, my dad and I are very close. I talk to my dad almost every day
01:23 We have a lot of things in in common. We always have we've always
01:26 Had a lot of things in common meaning that we love, uh, you know
01:30 It used to be racing cars and go karts growing up and stuff and these days we're both pilots
01:34 um, so we share a hangar and uh, we're up there, you know, at least a couple times a week, uh working on planes and
01:41 Flying and stuff. So
01:43 We're very good friends. Um, and we have a we have a great relationship
01:47 Definitely better than than it's ever been or just more, you know close than it's than it's ever been which is nice
01:52 And I think it's important we call boom. She's boom boom to the kids and boom boom's present and the kids
01:58 You know ask about her and want to see her and they love to see her when she's around. So it's really nice
