Brendan Gallagher Suspended Five Games: Is that enough?

  • 7 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Brendan Gallagher suspended for five games.
00:06 I didn't see the hit last night, I gotta be honest with you.
00:08 We're talking about the game last night,
00:10 I didn't even know that happened.
00:12 You know, like last night too,
00:14 the Denver Pioneers won the game.
00:16 I didn't even know that they stole the ball
00:18 to hit the three.
00:19 We can't see everything at once
00:21 when we're doing these shows.
00:22 Like, you know what I mean?
00:22 You got games on.
00:24 I can't watch 92 things at once.
00:27 So Gallagher's normally a pretty well-respected guy.
00:31 He is a well-respected guy in the National Hockey League.
00:34 That was very un-Gallagher-like.
00:37 Like Gallagher's a scrappy guy and stuff,
00:40 but he's not known.
00:41 Like, he's never done anything like that before.
00:43 And it's one of those deals where I watched it
00:47 a bunch of times and I'm like,
00:48 "Yeah, you know, it's not that bad
00:51 'cause I'm always that guy right with..."
00:52 No, you're overreacting.
00:54 I'm like, "Nah."
00:56 And I watched it like four times.
01:01 Then I watched it again from another angle,
01:02 another four or five times before.
01:04 And then I was gonna tweet about it.
01:06 And then I decided, I'm like, "Ah, I'll just talk about it."
01:08 I didn't even tweet about it.
01:10 But I watched it and I watched it
01:11 and I wanted to be that guy to say,
01:13 "Man, this is hockey, all right?
01:14 Everybody ease up."
01:16 And I'm like, "No, there's no justifying what you did."
01:19 I like to find out, like, "Why did you do that?"
01:23 Like, did the guy, you know what I mean?
01:25 Did the guy upset you that much somehow
01:27 that you decided to try to, like, murder him?
01:29 (upbeat music)
01:32 (bells chiming)
