• last year
Interview with Al Franken
00:00 Stuart was. For SNL, I will say a very three dimensional character,
00:07 Stuart was someone in recovery and in specifically his, I think,
00:15 group of choice was
00:18 Al-Anon, which is for family members and friends of alcoholics,
00:22 but he also go to O.A. and Coda Codependence Anonymous.
00:27 He went to a number of 12 step programs
00:30 and had found a lot of wisdom and knowledge and comfort in the programs.
00:37 And I had gone to Al-Anon meetings, again, for family members
00:41 and friends of alcoholics and had, you know, there be someone.
00:45 Sharing in a meeting, and I I hear them say, oh, you know,
00:50 I know the higher power put an apartment in my life
00:55 because I was at a meeting and this, you know, and I went, oh, boy.
00:59 And then but the next week at the same meeting, that guy would say something
01:03 that just would hit me very profoundly.
01:05 And I go, oh, I see you can learn stuff from.
01:09 From anybody and from other just from other people and don't judge people.
01:14 And that helped me.
01:17 And so I kind of design Stuart after.
01:23 A couple of people in the program and it really resonated with people.
01:28 Now, some people thought.
01:29 I don't think totally understood that I wasn't making fun of him,
01:34 that I was trying to show someone with a lot of vulnerability
01:39 who was actually working through stuff in a almost in a courageous way,
01:45 if sometimes a little confused.
