• l’année dernière


00:00 I wanna ask you a very personal question,
00:02 and I hope this isn't too direct,
00:05 but how many of you have ever been caught
00:08 doing something wrong?
00:11 Again, am I coming on too hot?
00:15 Like, do I need to take you to dinner first
00:18 before we get that personal?
00:19 You've been caught doing something wrong.
00:20 Now, here's another question.
00:22 When you were caught doing something wrong,
00:24 how many of you were sorry?
00:26 Little deeper question.
00:30 Were you sorry that you were caught
00:32 doing something wrong,
00:35 or were you sorry that you did something wrong?
00:39 Because there is a difference.
00:41 For example, when I was in high school,
00:43 I got caught cheating on a test.
00:48 Small town, very embarrassing.
00:50 Everybody knew I was very sorry
00:53 that I got caught cheating on a test.
00:56 I wasn't really sorry that I cheated,
00:58 I was sorry that I got caught.
01:00 The last time I got caught,
01:02 I got caught talking bad about somebody that I love,
01:07 and I was very, very sorry.
01:09 Not just that I got caught,
01:11 but I was very sorry that I was talking bad
01:13 about someone that I love.
01:16 And this introduces our theme for today
01:19 in a message series we're calling
01:21 Habits of a Healthy Heart.
01:24 In the new year, if you wanna change your life,
01:27 what do you change?
01:28 You change your habits.
01:30 But if you wanna change your habits,
01:32 you let God change your heart.
01:35 And so we're talking about different habits of the heart.
01:39 The first week we talked about
01:40 the habit of self-examination.
01:44 The second week we talked about the habit of simplicity.
01:47 Better is one handful of tranquility
01:50 than two with twirling and chasing after the wind.
01:52 Last week we talked about the habit of slowing
01:55 and solitude to be still and know that He is God.
02:00 Next week, we're gonna talk about
02:01 the very important habit of steadfastness.
02:05 Today's habit though, is a very important habit
02:10 that the devil does not want you to adopt.
02:15 Because if your spiritual enemy
02:17 can keep you from this one habit,
02:19 he can keep you living in shame,
02:24 he can keep you distant from God,
02:29 and he can keep you from fulfilling your calling.
02:33 And that's why today I wanna talk to you
02:36 about the habit of godly sorrow.
02:39 The title for our message is Get Rid of Your Guilt.
02:44 So Father, we ask today that the truth
02:48 and the power of your living Word would pierce our souls.
02:54 Change our hearts.
02:57 And God, may our lives reflect
02:59 the goodness of your Son, Jesus.
03:03 Speak to us, God.
03:05 We pray in Jesus' name and everybody said.
03:08 Amen.
03:09 Amen, amen.
03:10 Let's talk about the habit of godly sorrow.
03:13 This comes from 2 Corinthians chapter seven,
03:16 where Paul actually talks about
03:17 two different kinds of sorrow.
03:20 Let's look at God's Word that tells us this.
03:22 We'll start in 2 Corinthians 7, 9.
03:25 Paul says this, he says, "Yet now I'm happy,
03:29 "not because you were made sorry,
03:32 "but because your sorrow led you to," what?
03:36 Let's say it aloud, "It led you to repentance.
03:39 "For you became sorrowful as God intended."
03:44 And now here's the difference.
03:47 Godly sorrow, there's two types of sorrow,
03:50 godly sorrow and worldly sorrow.
03:52 Godly sorrow, what does it bring?
03:54 It brings repentance and what does it lead to?
03:56 It leads to salvation and it leaves no regret.
04:00 Godly sorrow leads you to turn away from your sin.
04:04 It leads you to salvation.
04:05 But worldly sorrow, what does it do?
04:08 It brings death.
04:10 There's two types of sorrow
04:12 and I wanna look at these on the screen
04:14 just to kind of drive it in.
04:15 The first one is godly sorrow, which brings about what?
04:19 It brings about repentance.
04:20 It's a turning away from our sin
04:22 that leads us to salvation.
04:25 There's a different type of sorrow
04:27 and this is the, oh, I'm not sorry I did wrong,
04:29 but it's I'm sorry I got caught.
04:31 It's a worldly sorrow that brings about remorse.
04:36 I don't really wanna change, but I'm like, yeah,
04:38 I'm kind of embarrassed I got caught.
04:40 And that leads to spiritual death.
04:42 The good news is godly sorrow
04:45 can actually bring about significant change,
04:50 healing, and wholeness in our lives.
04:55 Now, I'll be a little bit transparent
04:57 and I hope this doesn't offend you.
04:58 I can't speak for all of you,
05:00 but I am actually an expert at finding fault in others.
05:05 Some of you are too.
05:07 Some of you got the spiritual gift of criticism.
05:09 You can find fault everywhere you go.
05:11 And it's really, really easy for me
05:14 to make excuses for my own shortcomings
05:18 while picking out everybody else's wrongdoings.
05:22 And some of you are doing that right now
05:23 because you're already thinking,
05:24 oh, I know so-and-so who needs this message
05:26 'cause they've been, you know,
05:28 they got the worldly sorrow and I need that.
05:30 I hope my husband's listening to this one, you know.
05:34 Because if you're like me,
05:35 it's really, really easy to point out someone else's fault.
05:38 Easy to point out the speck in someone else's eye
05:42 and ignore or rationalize or justify the log
05:47 in your own eye.
05:50 What do we do?
05:50 We often will accuse others and excuse ourselves.
05:55 You did wrong and you're a mess and you sin,
06:00 but then we make excuses for our own shortcomings,
06:03 especially in today's culture
06:06 because almost everything in culture today
06:09 wants to like sanitize or rebrand sin.
06:14 In fact, even the fact that I've used the word sin
06:19 for some of you is too much.
06:22 There are a lot of people today who say like,
06:23 yeah, don't use the word sin because I didn't sin,
06:28 I made a mistake.
06:31 Or a lot of people will say, well, I'm living my truth.
06:35 Who are you to tell me what sin is for me?
06:39 And so cultural kind of like sanitize
06:42 or almost like try to baptize sin.
06:44 Like we wouldn't say like I told a lie
06:46 because that sounds too harsh.
06:48 I exaggerated a little bit, or it was a white lie,
06:51 or it was kind of a fib.
06:53 We'll make it sound a little bit better.
06:56 Sex outside of marriage, the Bible calls it fornication.
06:59 That's kind of an old fashioned judgmental word.
07:02 I don't like that.
07:03 I just kind of like call it meeting my needs.
07:05 Like just getting things done.
07:06 Like getting, like, you know, I'm not, you know,
07:09 let's just call it cohabitation,
07:12 which makes a lot of sense nowadays, right?
07:15 Because we can save money, we can kind of see how things go.
07:18 And you wouldn't buy a car without test driving it first,
07:21 now would you?
07:22 Some of you are not like really laughing,
07:25 like going, is he being serious or is he joking?
07:27 This is sarcasm in case you don't know,
07:29 just in case you're wondering.
07:32 We're gonna make things sound better.
07:33 Like the Bible says some like pretty direct things.
07:37 Like drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God.
07:41 So we're not gonna use the word drunkards,
07:43 but we're not also gonna call ourselves an alcoholic.
07:46 We just like to party a lot.
07:48 We just like to have a good time.
07:50 I just like to have three or four glasses of wine to unwind.
07:54 It helps me feel closer to God and sleeps better at night.
07:58 Sarcasm again, in case you're wondering.
08:02 Gossip, this is a good one.
08:03 Like we don't know when it gossips.
08:05 We just share prayer requests.
08:07 (congregation laughing)
08:10 And you knew what sister Sally was doing.
08:12 Oh, we gotta pray in the spirit for her
08:14 'cause she's doing this, that and the other.
08:16 And before long we like take everything
08:19 and kind of just like make it pretty.
08:21 And literally we might be like the movies we watch,
08:28 the shows we consume, what we see on our social media,
08:31 like literally the things that we enjoy are sin.
08:36 Like many times we are being entertained by sin.
08:40 And Isaiah said, "Woe to those who call evil good."
08:47 Changing the wording doesn't change the sin.
09:01 What is sin?
09:02 Not a popular word, a lot of people get angry with it.
09:05 It comes from the Greek word hamartia.
09:08 It's kind of like, it's like an archery term.
09:10 And what it literally means is if this is the target
09:12 and this is the middle of the target,
09:14 hamartia means to miss the target.
09:15 It means missing the mark.
09:18 In other words, if we believe that there is a God,
09:21 then there is absolute truth.
09:23 And truth is not our idea, truth is a person.
09:26 Jesus is the way and the truth and the life.
09:30 And so if there is a God and God is God,
09:32 then God says the truth.
09:34 And if we miss his standard of truth,
09:36 that's called hamartia, that's sin.
09:38 That's coming under or missing God's standard
09:43 in the way that he calls us to live.
09:46 Now, Craig, you're being judgmental,
09:48 like call me, you know, saying,
09:49 calling out my sin or whatever.
09:51 I can't call out your sin without calling out my sin.
09:53 Every single one of us, every person who's ever lived
09:57 except for Jesus has sinned.
09:59 Romans 3:23 tells us very, very clearly,
10:01 for every one of us has sinned.
10:05 We all fall short, we all miss the standard
10:09 of God's glorious grace.
10:11 We miss God's standard.
10:13 And so you may say like, why are you doing this to us?
10:16 You're supposed to be fun.
10:17 You're the feel good life church guy, right?
10:19 You know, easy believers and stuff like that,
10:21 life church entertainment, feel good church, right?
10:24 Why are you talking about sin?
10:25 I already feel bad about myself.
10:27 I just wanna eat my donut here in church.
10:30 The reason we talk about this, it's very, very important
10:35 that we recognize that we sinned against God,
10:37 because until you see yourself as a sinner,
10:41 you won't see your need for a savior.
10:44 We've all sinned, every single one of us.
10:49 It's amazing that you're clapping for me calling you sinners.
10:53 That's got us really fun.
10:55 I love this church.
10:56 And so I sinned my senior year of high school
11:01 two weeks before graduation and got caught cheating.
11:07 And I was sorry because I was embarrassed
11:12 and I felt remorse because I got caught.
11:16 The challenge is remorse is not the same as repentance.
11:22 Some of you, if your sin became public,
11:27 that part of you that you don't want anybody to know,
11:31 that secret dark part of your heart, of your life,
11:34 if it became public, you'd feel bad
11:35 that other people know.
11:40 Repentance is not just feeling bad
11:43 that other people know, it's feeling so repentant
11:50 before God that you turn away from the sin
11:55 and run to God with all of your heart.
11:58 And some of you right now, there's something going on,
12:00 you kind of feel bad about it, you don't really want
12:02 anybody to know, and you might have a little bit of remorse.
12:05 And if it came out or if we talked about it,
12:07 or if I called you on it, you called me on something,
12:09 some of us, we just come up with our excuses.
12:12 Well, this is just how I deal with things.
12:13 This is not that big of a deal,
12:14 and it's really someone else's fault.
12:16 And if you do get caught, you're sorry that you got caught,
12:20 and you're sorry for what it cost you,
12:22 but you might be blind to what it's doing to others.
12:27 And when you're remorseful for your sin,
12:30 you often run away from God, you don't wanna take it to Him,
12:34 you run away from Him, and then one day,
12:37 you look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself.
12:39 And you have no idea how you got to where you are.
12:44 And for those of you that are Christians,
12:45 one day you might wake up and discover
12:48 you're not as close to God today as you were before.
12:53 Like you used to be intimate with God and talk to God
12:56 and be aware of His presence,
12:58 and He would prompt you during the day,
13:00 and His word was feeding you consistently,
13:04 but now not so much.
13:07 What's happened, your heart has grown cold toward God.
13:11 And some of you might even say like,
13:13 "Why don't I feel God the way I used to?
13:16 "I used to feel His presence.
13:17 "Why don't I feel Him?"
13:19 Well, perhaps one of the reasons might be
13:21 because sin separates us from God.
13:26 God is holy, it separates us from God.
13:29 For example, let's say you're out in the cold.
13:33 And where I live, that's been about all there's been
13:35 for the last like four years, it feels like.
13:37 If you're out in the cold, it's really, really cold,
13:39 but you have a great hat on,
13:42 and maybe you have a scarf on,
13:44 and you've got some long johns or some long underwear on,
13:48 and a nice jacket and some gloves and some snow boots
13:53 and some great socks.
13:54 If you're covered in really, really warm clothes,
13:58 you won't feel the cold
14:01 because your clothes separate you from the cold.
14:05 In the same way, if you go out into the world
14:09 and you're covered in sin,
14:12 you can't feel the presence of God
14:16 because your sin separates you from God.
14:20 There's a difference between remorse and repentance.
14:25 I'll tell you a story.
14:26 Have I ever mentioned that we have six kids?
14:29 Okay, we have six.
14:30 I'm still trying to get my mind around that.
14:31 Like we got, now we got six grandkids.
14:33 I'm going, "How did this happen?"
14:35 They're gonna multiply, there's gonna be like 700 of them.
14:37 I can feel this, it's exponential, okay?
14:40 My second son, my youngest son, his name is Steven.
14:45 I'll show you a picture of,
14:47 this was Steven when he was about three.
14:49 We called him Bookie.
14:52 Sam is in that picture.
14:53 Sam started calling him Boobie,
14:56 which we felt would be inappropriate,
14:58 and so we rebranded it as Bookie.
15:03 And so Steven became Bookie.
15:04 And when Steven was about this age one day,
15:07 I came out in our front yard,
15:09 and he was just squealing in sheer delight.
15:13 Three-year-old Bookie was going, "My friend, my friend,
15:18 "my friend, my friend, my friend, my friend."
15:21 And he was dancing around his friend.
15:24 And I went and looked at his friend,
15:27 and it was a little baby rattlesnake.
15:30 The rattlesnake was dancing and rattling.
15:34 Steven was dancing and rattling,
15:35 having a blast with his friend.
15:38 "My friend."
15:40 So I disposed of his friend.
15:43 (audience laughing)
15:46 And Steven was so devastated.
15:49 "My friend, my friend, my friend."
15:51 A rattlesnake was his friend.
15:55 I would ask you with a serious tone,
15:59 is there a sin you've befriended?
16:02 Is there a sin that you're enjoying?
16:07 Is there a sin that is dangerous to you,
16:11 but you've been very comfortable with it?
16:13 It could be jealousy, like you're jealous
16:16 of her perfect hair and her perfect kids,
16:18 and she's got more shoes than Oprah.
16:20 Or it could be that someone hurts you,
16:24 and you're just really good at hating them.
16:27 You look at their feed all day long,
16:28 and you pick it apart.
16:29 Spend more time looking at their feed
16:32 than the people you love to pick them apart.
16:35 It could be materialism, but you rationalize it.
16:40 I just like nice things.
16:44 (audience laughing)
16:47 All you other losers, you like dumb things,
16:50 but I just like nice things.
16:54 It could be that you're like me,
16:56 you're cheating your way through school.
16:58 Or you just take God's name in vain.
17:01 I mean, you play golf, and you take God's name in vain.
17:05 (audience laughing)
17:07 Could be you're comfort eating,
17:10 or medicating yourself, or watching porn again.
17:15 And you rationalize it, and try to sell yourself.
17:21 It's no big deal.
17:22 It's not that big of a problem.
17:26 I can quit at any time.
17:30 Really, this is just my one thing.
17:34 This is just how I get by.
17:36 I'm not as bad as most people.
17:39 And you rationalize sin.
17:47 My friend, my friend, my friend.
17:52 Rationalizing your sin is the first sign
17:58 your heart is growing cold toward God.
18:02 (audience laughing)
18:04 Is there a sin you befriended?
18:06 Worldly sorrow may be embarrassed,
18:10 make you feel kind of bad, makes excuses,
18:14 but it lacks repentance.
18:16 And godly sorrow is very, very, very different.
18:20 Godly sorrow is a very, very deep and honest.
18:31 It's a sincere brokenness over your sinfulness,
18:36 over your wrongdoing.
18:39 It's marked by this genuine humility and grief.
18:44 Not that you were caught, but that you sinned against God.
18:50 It's this heartfelt repentance to God.
18:56 What does it mean to repent?
18:59 It's like a churchy word.
19:00 Well, what does re mean?
19:02 Re means to turn.
19:05 Pent is like the pent house.
19:08 It's turning from that which is lower
19:12 to God's higher standard.
19:15 It's to repent.
19:18 It's not just like, ah, yeah, I just had it again.
19:21 And I'm gonna try hard not to do it.
19:24 And three days later, I did it again.
19:25 Ah, I wish I had.
19:26 And it's just my one thing.
19:27 No, it is a God.
19:29 I'm so sorry, God, I love you.
19:31 God, I know you have something better.
19:33 God, I don't wanna do it again.
19:34 I am turning away.
19:36 I'm closing the door.
19:40 I'm doing something.
19:41 Have you ever noticed that most of the time
19:44 you fall and give into temptation,
19:47 you do it through a door that was left cracked open?
19:50 You guys are being kind of quiet.
19:53 The door was still open.
19:54 You sinned and you left the door cracked.
19:57 I don't wanna do it anymore.
19:58 Oh, but the door's still cracked.
20:00 I can still do it if I want to.
20:02 Repentance is like, I'm getting as far away
20:06 from that which breaks the heart of God
20:08 and hurts me as humanly possible.
20:10 I am turning away from the lower destructive things
20:15 and lies of the enemies of the higher calling of God.
20:20 It's a repentance.
20:21 It's turning toward God.
20:25 How do we do it?
20:26 Very, very simply, this is what happens.
20:29 We are going to confess quickly
20:32 and we're going to repent wholeheartedly.
20:37 What I've noticed is one of the marks of maturity
20:40 when I am walking by the Spirit,
20:43 when I'm intimate with God,
20:44 there is an immediate awareness of sin.
20:47 If I'm distant from God, if I'm ignoring God,
20:51 if I'm put God up on a shelf
20:52 and I'm gonna call on Him when I need Him,
20:55 if I'm not in the Word,
20:57 then I can actually slip into a sinfulness
20:59 and justify it and rationalize it
21:02 and kind of tolerate it and almost accept it.
21:07 But when God's Word is in my heart
21:11 and when His Spirit is directing my steps,
21:13 the moment I step out of His will,
21:15 immediately I'm convicted, not condemned, convicted
21:19 that there's a better way,
21:21 that this is a lower lie of the enemy
21:24 and there is a higher truth of God.
21:26 And I will confess quickly, oh God, I'm sorry.
21:30 Oh, I didn't mean to.
21:31 Oh God, oh please God.
21:32 God, thank you for your, God, I need your grace.
21:35 God, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly.
21:39 It's not that you're not gonna fall,
21:41 it's not that you're gonna mess up,
21:42 but you recognize it quickly and that's a good sign.
21:45 And then what do you do?
21:46 You repent wholeheartedly.
21:50 It's not a, oh, I'm sorry,
21:51 I'll probably do it again tomorrow.
21:54 Oh, I'm gonna rededicate to you
21:57 and I'm not gonna do it for three whole weeks.
21:59 This time, God.
22:00 No, it's a full on, God, I know that is against your heart,
22:05 against your will, hurts your people and destroys me.
22:09 I turn, I slam the door, I run away from that.
22:14 I confess quickly and I repent wholeheartedly.
22:21 What happens when you confess your sins to God?
22:26 Scripture tells us this.
22:27 If we confess our sins to God, the Bible says,
22:30 God is faithful and just and what will he do?
22:35 Hold it against us?
22:38 Bring condemnation into our lives?
22:40 Make us feel like losers for the next 30 days
22:43 while we earn our way back into his good grace?
22:45 If we confess our sins, our God is faithful and just
22:51 and will forgive us our sins
22:55 and purify us from all unrighteousness.
23:00 Not only, listen, does he forgive us, but he purifies us.
23:05 He cleanses our hearts.
23:10 When you confess, he forgives you freely.
23:14 You did nothing to earn it.
23:19 You don't deserve it and yet he gives it to you.
23:23 And so what I wanna do is I wanna be close to God.
23:27 Am I gonna still sin?
23:28 Unfortunately, I'm still stuck in a sinful body,
23:31 prone to sin, prone to the wrong thoughts, wrong judgment,
23:36 wrong words, wrong actions, wrong attitudes.
23:39 But when I do, because I'm close to God, I confess quickly,
23:43 God, forgive me, change my heart
23:45 and I'm gonna repent wholeheartedly.
23:49 And when I receive God's undeserving mercy and grace,
23:54 it changes me.
23:57 When you receive his undeserving mercy and grace,
24:01 it changes you and you're different.
24:04 Confess quickly, repent wholeheartedly.
24:10 Confess quickly, repent wholeheartedly.
24:16 Confess quickly, repent wholeheartedly.
24:19 I was talking to a guy that
24:23 was still battling with pornography.
24:28 And he said, Craig, all these years,
24:32 I'm still fighting the urge to look at porn.
24:35 I said, well, let me tell you the good news
24:39 of what you just said.
24:40 And he said, what's the good news?
24:41 The good news is you're still fighting.
24:44 Meaning you haven't rationalized,
24:45 you haven't given into it, you're not dancing my friend,
24:47 my friend, you don't wanna do it.
24:49 So at least there's that.
24:51 And then we talked real openly about it.
24:53 So tell me about your repentance.
24:55 What does your repentance look like?
24:57 It's like, well, I tell God I'm sorry,
24:59 and then I do it again.
25:00 I tell God I'm sorry, and then I do it again.
25:02 I said, no, no, no, no, that's confession.
25:04 What about your repentance?
25:06 How do you turn from it?
25:07 He goes, well, what do you mean?
25:08 I tell God I'm sorry, and I go three days,
25:10 and I do it again.
25:11 I said, well, where do you look at?
25:13 He said, well, I'm always on my mobile phone.
25:18 I said, okay, so if that's where you're looking at it,
25:21 if you're turning from it, how are you closing the door?
25:25 And he looks kinda confused,
25:28 and at that point I didn't push anymore.
25:29 I said, just think about what you can do.
25:31 I was thinking you can like block things.
25:33 I said, go ask God what you can do to repent,
25:37 to close that door.
25:38 About, I don't know, three or four days later,
25:40 he came to me, and he was smiling really big.
25:42 He said, I repented, I repented, I repented.
25:43 I said, what'd you do?
25:44 He showed me a dumb phone.
25:45 I said, where's your smartphone?
25:48 He goes, I repented.
25:51 I got rid of it.
25:52 He said, you got rid of your phone?
25:53 He goes, he said, man, he said, if I continue in that,
25:56 I will lose my marriage.
25:58 I'd rather have a dumb phone and my marriage
26:00 than a smart one without it.
26:01 (congregation applauding)
26:05 That's repentance.
26:09 That's turning.
26:12 He told me he's been four months without looking at porn
26:17 for the first time in his life since he was 13 years old.
26:21 (congregation applauding)
26:24 In the Beatitudes, Jesus said this.
26:31 He said this, he said, "Blessed are those who mourn,
26:34 "for they will be comforted."
26:36 I always love that verse.
26:38 You lose a loved one.
26:40 Blessed are those who mourn, Jesus will comfort you.
26:43 I didn't realize that that's true,
26:45 that when you are hurting, God does comfort you,
26:48 but the word in the Greek is actually talking
26:51 about those who mourn for their sin.
26:53 Blessed are those who are really, really sad
26:58 that they sinned against God.
27:01 Blessed are those whose heart is breaking
27:06 when our actions break the heart of God.
27:08 Blessed are those who mourn for their sin,
27:10 for they will be comforted.
27:13 Very similar to the woman who was caught in adultery
27:16 when all the religious men said, "Stoner, stoner, stoner,
27:20 "stoner to death," and Jesus knelt down by the woman
27:23 and started writing something in the sand.
27:25 We don't know what he wrote, but whatever he wrote
27:27 caused all the men to leave.
27:29 One by one, they left.
27:31 Some scholars think he probably wrote their sins.
27:35 Rabbi Important wrote his sin down and he left.
27:38 We don't know, but they all left.
27:40 And Jesus looked on at the woman and said,
27:43 "Where are your accusers?"
27:45 And she said, "They've all gone, they're not here."
27:49 And he looked at her with love and said,
27:51 "Then neither do I condemn you.
27:54 "Go your way and sin no more."
27:57 Go your way and sin.
27:59 Can you see how much God loves us?
28:05 God loves you.
28:06 Can you see his grace?
28:10 Romans 2, 4 says this.
28:12 Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant,
28:17 and patient God is with you?
28:19 Does this mean nothing to you?
28:23 Can't you see that his kindness is intended
28:26 to turn you from your sin?
28:28 It's his kindness.
28:31 It's not his anger.
28:34 It's not his wrath.
28:36 It's not his justice that leads you to repentance.
28:40 It is the love of God, the grace of God,
28:44 the kindness of God that leads you to repentance.
28:48 And that's why this should be a habit.
28:54 Sorrow, yes, godly sorrow.
28:59 Confess quickly, repent wholeheartedly.
29:04 God, anytime, I wanna be so close to God
29:08 that I'm aware immediately when I step off the path,
29:12 when my mind wanders,
29:14 when my mouth says something dishonoring to God.
29:17 Oh, God, forgive me.
29:21 I turn from it.
29:22 God, forgive me.
29:24 That's why this is one habit
29:26 the devil doesn't want you to adopt.
29:28 Because if you don't, he can keep you living in shame,
29:33 keep you distant from God,
29:34 and keep you from fulfilling your calling.
29:36 There's a worldly sorrow.
29:39 Yeah, not that big a deal.
29:43 You got your thing.
29:44 Why don't criticize me or rationalize it out?
29:47 And there's a godly sorrow.
29:48 It's a heart that's broken before God.
29:54 It's one that confesses quickly.
29:56 It's one that repents wholeheartedly.
30:00 And this leads to salvation where there is no regret.
30:05 So what is God saying to you today?
30:10 Don't feel a bit of condemnation.
30:14 There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
30:18 If it's conviction,
30:20 that is the result of a God who loves you
30:23 and has something better for you.
30:25 We close the door.
30:27 We confess quickly, repent wholeheartedly,
30:31 and we run to a Father who's running to you
30:35 'cause when you draw near to Him, He draws near to you.
30:38 It's His love, it's His kindness
30:41 that leads you to repentance.
30:43 And repentance leads to salvation
30:46 and the life that God wants you to have.
30:49 So don't settle for anything less.
30:53 So Father, today we thank you.
30:57 We thank you in advance for all the mercy and grace
31:02 that we're gonna receive 'cause God, we need it.
31:05 Holy Spirit, you work in the ways that you need to work.
31:12 We're open to what you wanna say to us.
31:15 Church, if you want to be so close to God
31:20 that you confess quickly, repent wholeheartedly,
31:26 you've got the habit of turning quickly from your sin
31:31 and turning quickly to God.
31:34 If you wanna be sensitive, righteous,
31:38 you wanna honor God, just lift up your hand right now,
31:40 just all of our churches, lift up your hand right now.
31:42 Online, you can type in the comment section,
31:44 I wanna honor God in every way.
31:46 I wanna honor God in every way.
31:48 God, I thank you that in our life groups,
31:53 we've got a safe place to confess.
31:56 God, we know that we confess to you for forgiveness
31:59 and we know we confess to people for healing.
32:00 We confess our sins to one another
32:03 and we pray for each other that we may be healed.
32:06 God, I thank you that on the other side of confession,
32:11 there's forgiveness and there's healing.
32:13 So God, prompt us to do what we need to do.
32:17 If we need a dumb phone or whatever it means
32:21 in whatever ever life, God, we wanna close the door
32:26 we wanna turn away from the lower lies of the devil
32:29 and turn to the higher things of your kingdom
32:32 to confess quickly and repent wholeheartedly.
32:37 And we thank you there's healing, forgiveness,
32:39 grace, mercy in your presence so we run to you.
32:42 God, we thank you that if we're mourning for our sins
32:45 that you will comfort us.
32:47 So we need you, we turn to you, we run to you.
32:52 As you keep praying today, there are those of you
32:55 that you might be like I was, you know,
32:58 I cheated in high school and then did a whole host
33:01 of other things and I felt so guilty.
33:03 I thought I need to really try to be good enough for God.
33:06 No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get there.
33:08 I didn't realize that every single one of us have sinned
33:11 and that it's impossible for me to work my way to God.
33:15 And it was when I read his word and I recognized
33:17 that the only way that we're made right with God
33:20 is by his grace, it's never our works,
33:23 it's only his grace, we put our faith in Jesus.
33:27 Who is Jesus?
33:28 He is the son of God.
33:29 He was without sin.
33:31 He was our sacrifice for our sins.
33:34 He died on a cross and God raised him from the grave.
33:37 And so what do we do now?
33:38 What is repentance?
33:39 It's turning away from our sin,
33:41 it's turning towards Jesus and just saying,
33:44 I wanna be like you.
33:46 I want you to be the Lord of my life,
33:47 I want you to be my savior.
33:49 I wanna follow you, I wanna be your disciple.
33:51 When you turn, when you call on him,
33:53 God hears your prayers.
33:54 Listen, he forgives everything.
33:56 Every sin is gone, separated from you.
33:59 You become brand new.
34:01 There are those of you today, this is your moment.
34:03 You've been under the weight of your sin for too long,
34:05 today is the day, we're turning away from it.
34:08 This isn't like a little Sunday school prayer,
34:10 this isn't like a feel good thing, this is a life change.
34:12 We are walking away from the old,
34:14 we're pursuing Jesus at all of our churches today.
34:16 Those who say, that's me, I need his forgiveness,
34:18 I need his grace.
34:19 This isn't just a little prayer, this is a life change.
34:21 We are repenting, we're turning away from our sin,
34:24 we're turning towards Jesus.
34:25 He's King, he's Lord, he's savior.
34:27 When you call on him, he hears your prayers,
34:29 he forgives your sins, you're about to be changed.
34:32 All of our churches, those who say,
34:34 yes, I need his grace, yes, I need his forgiveness,
34:37 yes, I step away from my sin, I give my life to him,
34:39 that's your prayer, lift your hands high right now.
34:41 All over the place and say yes over here,
34:43 praise God for you.
34:44 Right here, others of you say yes, Jesus.
34:46 Right back over here, I surrender,
34:48 I give you my whole life.
34:50 Others today lift up your hands and say yes, Jesus.
34:52 I trust you.
34:54 Online, type in the comment section,
34:56 I'm surrendering my life to Jesus.
34:58 And as we have people all over the world calling on him,
35:01 would you just pray aloud with those around you,
35:03 pray, heavenly Father, I turn from my sin
35:07 and I turn to you.
35:09 Jesus, save me, forgive me, make me brand new.
35:15 Fill me with your Spirit so I can know you
35:19 and I can live for you.
35:21 Direct my steps, heal me, change me.
35:27 My life is not mine, I give it all to you.
35:34 I am your disciple, you are my Lord.
35:37 Thank you for new life.
35:39 You have all of mine, in Jesus' name I pray.
35:43 And we've got a church full of people thanking God,
35:45 give them praise, give them praise, give them praise,
35:47 give them praise, give them praise, give them praise.
35:49 - Did this message on healthy habits speak to you?
35:51 Well, we've got even more videos ready for you right now.
35:55 Click here to access more content on habits.
35:58 (upbeat music)
