খুব কঠিন প্রশ্ন! কীসের উত্তর দিতে গিয়ে মহা চিন্তায় পড়লেন PM Narendra Modi? | Oneindia Bengali

  • 7 months ago
খুব কঠিন প্রশ্ন! কীসের উত্তর দিতে গিয়ে মহা চিন্তায় পড়লেন PM Narendra Modi?
00:00 How to not take peer pressure into our heads?
00:02 Your question is a little dangerous.
00:06 This type of question has come up for the first time in this exam.
00:10 This seed is sown in the parivagrik vatana.
00:16 Honorable Prime Minister Sir,
00:18 I am Swati Dilli, a class 11 student
00:21 from PM Shri Kendre Vidyalaya No. 1 Calicut of Ernakulam region.
00:26 Sir, could you please guide us on how,
00:28 in this competitive world,
00:30 we can avoid unhealthy and unnecessary competition
00:33 and also how to not take peer pressure into our heads?
00:37 If there are no challenges in life,
00:41 if there is no competition,
00:45 then life will become very inspirational,
00:54 it will become unconscious.
00:59 Competition should be there.
01:03 But as I asked a question from Calicut,
01:07 healthy competition.
01:10 So competition should be healthy.
01:13 Now your question is a little dangerous.
01:17 And that worries me.
01:19 I think I have also come across this type of question
01:22 for the first time in this exam.
01:25 See, sometimes the poison of this plant,
01:33 this seed,
01:37 is sown in the parivagrik vatana.
01:41 In the house, if there are two parents,
01:49 then sometimes they speak well for one,
01:54 sometimes for the other.
01:56 So sometimes, even between two brothers and sisters,
01:59 or between two brothers or two sisters,
02:01 see, the mother said this to him,
02:06 and said this to me.
02:08 This kind of distorted feeling of competition,
02:12 unknowingly,
02:15 is given a lot in the daily life of the family.
02:20 And that is why I insist on all my parents,
02:24 that by all means,
02:26 do not compare your children with this kind of comparison.
02:33 This creates a feeling of hatred in them.
02:38 And in the family,
02:41 after a long time,
02:43 that seed becomes a very poisonous plant.
02:47 In the same way,
02:50 I had seen a video a long time ago,
02:53 maybe you have also seen it.
02:56 Some young children,
02:59 they are all running in a competition.
03:03 12-15 children,
03:06 different physical abilities,
03:08 if they are divine, then it is difficult,
03:10 but they are running.
03:12 In the meantime,
03:14 a child falls down.
03:17 Now, if there were more intelligent people,
03:20 what would they do?
03:22 "Wow, he is gone!"
03:24 "Well, one has become less in his field."
03:27 But what did those children do?
03:30 All those who had gone ahead,
03:32 they also came behind,
03:33 those who were running,
03:34 they also stopped.
03:35 First, all of them made him stand.
03:39 And then,
03:41 then they started running.
03:48 Truly,
03:50 this video,
03:54 may be of the lives of divine children,
03:58 but it also gives us
04:01 a great inspiration and a great message.
04:08 Now, the third topic is,
04:11 what competition do you have
04:18 with your friend?
04:21 Suppose,
04:23 there is a 100 marks paper.
04:27 If your friend takes 90,
04:32 then do you have 10 marks left?
04:36 Do you have 10 marks left?
04:39 You also have 100 marks, right?
04:42 So, you don't have to compete with him,
04:45 you have to compete with yourself.
04:48 You have to compete with yourself,
04:50 that he took 90 out of 100,
04:52 how much should I get out of 100?
04:55 You don't have to compete with him.
04:58 Actually, he can be an inspiration for you.
05:03 And,
05:04 if this is your mentality,
05:06 then what will you do?
05:07 You will not make a friend
05:10 who is more intelligent than you.
05:12 You will make a friend
05:14 who is not successful in the market,
05:16 and you will roam around like a rich man.
05:20 Actually,
05:21 we should find talented friends.
05:25 The more talented friends we find,
05:28 the more our work increases,
05:31 our spirit also increases.
05:34 And, that is why,
05:36 whenever we have
05:40 such jealousy,
05:45 we should never let it enter our mind.
05:49 And, the third is,
05:51 it is a big worry for parents also.
05:54 Parents,
05:57 every time,
06:00 keep cursing their children,
06:04 "Look, you keep playing,
06:06 look, he studies in the school,
06:08 you keep doing this,
06:09 look, he studies in the school."
06:10 They also always give an example of this.
06:13 Then, this becomes a problem in your mind also.
06:18 By God's grace,
06:20 parents should avoid these things.
06:24 Sometimes, I have seen
06:28 that parents who have not been successful in their life,
06:34 who have not been able to tell the world
06:39 about their success,
06:42 their achievements,
06:44 their achievements,
06:46 then they make their children's report card
06:52 their visiting card.
06:56 They meet someone,
06:57 they tell the story of their child.
07:00 Now, this nature
07:03 also fills the mind of the child
07:08 with such a feeling that
07:11 "I am everything,
07:13 now I don't need to do anything."
07:15 This also causes a lot of loss.
07:17 Actually,
07:20 instead of jealousy,
07:25 we should try to find its potential.
07:29 If there is an expertise in mathematics,
07:33 if I have a low level of expertise,
07:35 if my friend helps me in mathematics more than my teacher,
07:39 then he will do it by understanding my psyche,
07:42 and maybe I will also go ahead in mathematics like him.
07:47 If he is weak in language,
07:49 and I am strong in language,
07:51 if I help him in language,
07:54 then both of us will get strength from each other
07:58 and we will become more capable.
08:01 And so, by doing this,
08:03 we should not get into the mood of competition and jealousy with our friends.
08:12 And I have seen such people
08:16 who fail themselves,
08:19 but if a friend has succeeded,
08:21 then he distributes sweets.
08:27 I have seen such friends
08:30 who have come from a very good family,
08:33 but they did not have a friend,
08:35 so they did not have a party at home,
08:39 they did not celebrate the festival.
08:41 Why? Because their friend was left behind.
08:44 Such people are friends.
08:46 And is friendship a game of giving and taking?
08:51 No, it is not.
08:53 Friendship is not a game of giving and taking.
08:57 Where there is no such thing as giving and taking,
09:02 there is love without any interest.
09:05 That is what friendship is.
09:07 And this friendship,
09:09 it will stay with you for the rest of your life,
09:11 leave school.
09:14 And so, by doing this,
09:17 we should choose friends who are more enlightened and spiritual than us,
09:23 and we should always try to learn from them.
