এটা সনাতন Bharat, কোনও ইসলামিক দেশ নয়, একি বললেন প্রধান ইমাম  Umer Ahmed Ilyasi! | Oneindia Bengali

  • 7 months ago
#ImamChief #RamMandir #Fatwa #PranPratishtha #hindu #sanatani #islamic
A fatwa has allegedly been issued against All India Imam Organization chief Dr Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi after he attended the 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony of Ram Lalla at Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22.

২২ জানুয়ারি অযোধ্যায় রামমন্দিরে রামলালার মূর্তির প্রাণ প্রতিষ্ঠা করা হয়। সেদিন অল ইন্ডিয়া ইমাম অর্গানাইজেশনের প্রধান ইমাম ডঃ ইমাম উমর আহমেদ ইলিয়াসীও অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন। ভিভিআইপি অতিথিদের মধ্যেই তিনি বসেছিলেন। কিন্তু সেই অনুষ্ঠানে যোগ দেওয়ার জন্যই তাঁর বিরুদ্ধে ফতোয়া জারি করা হয়েছে। এই বিষয়ে কটূক্তির জবাবও দিয়েছেন ডঃ ইমাম ওমর আহমেদ ইলিয়াসি।

00:00 I was invited by Ram Janam Bhoomi Trust.
00:07 I was the Chief Imam and I was invited.
00:10 All the people of Ayodhya welcomed me.
00:14 The saints and saints expressed their love and welcomed me.
00:19 I gave my message of love from there.
00:24 I issued this fatwa yesterday.
00:30 I received threats from different places.
00:33 They created a hateful atmosphere against me.
00:36 One of their points is that why did you go to Prana Prasthistha?
00:41 You are the Chief Imam and you have no right to go.
00:45 That is why you are issued with the fatwa of Kufr.
00:48 I want to tell them that this is not an Islamic country.
00:53 This is India. This is Sanatan India.
00:55 If I am loving the nation,
00:58 if it is my fault that I love my country,
01:01 and they are opposing me,
01:03 then I think they should go to Pakistan.
01:06 I was invited by Ram Janam Bhoomi Trust.
01:13 I was invited as the Chief Imam.
01:18 I thought for two days about what I should do.
01:24 This was the biggest decision of my life.
01:30 I decided that I have to go to Ayodhya
01:33 to seek the support of my country and to seek the support of my nation.
01:37 I went to Ayodhya.
01:40 All the people of Ayodhya welcomed me.
01:45 The saints and saints expressed their love and welcomed me.
01:52 I gave my message of love from there.
01:59 In my message of love, I said that
02:02 all our castes can be different.
02:06 Our sects can be different.
02:09 Our ways of worship can be different.
02:15 Our religions can be different.
02:18 But our biggest religion is of human beings and humanity.
02:23 We live in India. We are all Indians.
02:26 Let us all come together and strengthen India.
02:29 Let us strengthen India. The nation is at the top.
02:32 As soon as I gave this message of love,
02:35 it went viral on all the social media channels of the country.
02:40 After the viral message, everyone came to know that
02:43 the Chief Imam has reached there.
02:46 He issued this fatwa yesterday.
02:49 Since the evening of 22nd January,
02:52 I have been receiving threats from different places.
02:56 They started creating a hateful atmosphere against me.
03:00 They started using abusive words against me.
03:04 They started calling me and my family in different places.
03:07 They started saying a lot of bad things about me.
03:10 In the meantime, I have received a few phone calls.
03:14 I have recorded their numbers.
03:17 They called me to kill me.
03:20 They called me to cause me a lot of trouble.
03:25 They called me to apologize.
03:28 In the end, a fatwa was issued last night.
03:31 The name of the person is Mufti Sabir Hussaini Qasmi.
03:35 He runs an institute of Muftis.
03:39 He runs it under the name of Mufti Classes.
03:46 I do not know him. I have no information about him.
03:49 But through social media, through the Imams of the whole country,
03:54 this fatwa started coming to me from different places.
03:57 They have mentioned my mobile number in the fatwa.
04:04 They have clearly stated my number and given it to the people of the whole country.
04:10 They have given it to the Imams and issued this fatwa.
04:13 They have asked me to apologize.
04:16 They have buy-carded me.
04:18 They have asked me to resign.
04:21 Otherwise, you can think about your end.
04:24 They have given four points as a basis.
04:29 One point is that why did you go to the Prana Prasthistha.
04:34 You are the Chief Imam. You have no right to go.
04:39 That is why you are issued a fatwa of Kufr.
04:43 The second point is that you have taken humanity above religion.
04:48 This is your sin. That is why you are issued a fatwa.
04:52 The third point is that you have taken humanity above religion.
04:57 You have made the nation above you.
05:00 That is why you have been issued a fatwa.
05:05 That is why you have been issued a fatwa of Kufr.
05:09 And all the different punishments have been fixed.
05:13 But I want to tell them that this is not an Islamic country.
05:18 This is India. This is Sanatan India.
05:21 In India, there is a discussion of the possibility of all religions.
05:25 Here, there is a discussion of unity.
05:28 There is a discussion of unity in diversity.
05:30 If they are in pain with my message of love,
05:37 if they are opposing me,
05:39 then I feel that if I am loving the nation,
05:44 if it is my fault that I love my country,
05:47 if they are opposing me,
05:49 then I feel that they should go to Pakistan.
05:53 Now, those people who love me,
05:56 who love the country,
05:58 they will support me.
06:00 Those who hate me for going,
06:03 I feel that they should go to Pakistan.
06:09 Here, we have given the message of love.
06:12 We have not committed any sin.
06:14 There was a national temple. We went there.
06:16 We are firm on the message we gave.
06:19 We are not going to ask for forgiveness.
06:21 I will not ask for forgiveness.
06:23 I will not resign.
06:25 They can do whatever they want.
06:27 They have just issued a statement.
06:29 They have said that they are not going to forgive.
06:32 I will tell them that I am not going to ask for forgiveness.
06:35 I have not done anything to hurt anyone.
06:40 My goal is my country.
06:43 The country gives us everything.
06:46 We should learn to give something.
06:48 This feeling should come to everyone.
