• last year
Road of no Return follows the final nine days in the lives of four atypical hit men who are secretly brought together in | dG1fTEtMbHdiS2lVODg
00:00 [silence]
00:05 [music]
00:11 I'm very happy they came into my life.
00:13 [music]
00:16 They really changed my life.
00:18 [music]
00:20 You don't run into people like that every day.
00:22 [music]
00:23 They were hit men.
00:24 [music]
00:26 What's a hit man?
00:27 [music]
00:28 They're these grown ups that these really bad people hire to go around and shoot these other bad people.
00:33 [music]
00:34 How did they recruit you?
00:35 Through the internet.
00:36 The internet?
00:37 [music]
00:38 They have a home page.
00:39 [music]
00:40 You?
00:41 [music]
00:43 In this envelope is a list of names and photos.
00:48 They need to be eradicated.
00:50 Oh, this is gonna be fun.
00:53 Nice to meet you too.
00:54 [music]
01:02 It's good to see you amigo.
01:04 I have some really good stuff for you.
01:06 [music]
01:08 It's good.
01:09 I told you it was good stuff.
01:10 Now let's see what you have for me.
01:12 [music]
01:13 Five mil.
01:14 What about what we talked about?
01:16 Right.
01:18 On three.
01:20 One.
01:21 Two.
01:22 Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:23 What the hell is this?
01:25 Take them all.
01:26 [gunshot]
01:27 This is not good.
01:30 How the hell do we get into this mess anyhow?
01:33 Washington gave us the green light to take extreme measures against the drug problem in this nation.
01:39 Maybe we can take them a bit farther.
01:41 None of this leaves this room.
01:44 Georgie didn't tell me that you work with troubled and runaway kids.
01:47 Katie, where we're going we can't take you.
01:49 Sweetheart, I'm sorry.
01:51 [music]
01:54 Those goons are not your everyday average goon.
01:58 They're smarter.
01:59 Frankly, it makes me a little uneasy.
02:02 I hear you.
02:03 [gunshots]
02:05 You are definitely whitey.
02:08 You must really like fried chicken.
02:10 [music]
02:16 [gunshots]
02:18 [music]
02:23 Without that white powder, it was good as it did.
02:25 And even the child can see that.
02:28 [music]
