CREATE OR DIE Documentary Movie

  • 9 months ago
CREATE OR DIE Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Indie Filmmaking Documentary
00:00 [film reel]
00:02 - Final set.
00:03 And action!
00:05 [laughs]
00:07 I make movies because I can't not.
00:09 I make movies because if I didn't,
00:11 what would I be?
00:13 A fraction of myself.
00:14 Hey, I'm David Axe.
00:15 I wrote and directed this thing you're about to see
00:17 called "Acorn."
00:18 Mostly, it's about making a movie
00:21 and the kinds of people who make movies,
00:24 why they do it,
00:25 and whether they care, whether they fail.
00:27 - "Acorn" is about a young female filmmaker.
00:30 She, unfortunately, gets a cancer diagnosis,
00:33 and she decides that she's gonna use those six months
00:37 and make one last movie.
00:39 - Because we are drunken fools,
00:41 I just said, thought, figured,
00:43 "Why not write 'Die Standing Up 2'?
00:46 How hard could it be?
00:47 We'll just shoot 'em both."
00:49 So we did.
00:51 In three weeks, we made two movies.
00:53 Oh, God.
00:54 [laughs]
00:55 [upbeat music]
00:59 - Rumination, here it comes.
01:02 - Oh, my God.
01:03 A lot of people have an idealized version
01:06 of what making a movie is.
01:08 - I thought I had access to a new Old West set.
01:12 - By the time we got back to starting production,
01:15 Old Warrenton had been shut down,
01:17 and a guy got shot.
01:19 David was in a great dilemma.
01:21 - It was insane.
01:22 I come emerging out of our hair and makeup tent
01:25 with a sweaty wad of penciled-in script pages.
01:29 - I just got so in my head.
01:31 The horse blinders that I've had on
01:33 just completely went away.
01:35 I called my family that night, and I was like,
01:37 "I've spent all this time doing this,
01:39 and I'm gonna go home and quit
01:41 and just leave this all behind."
01:43 That was a really hard thing for me to think about,
01:45 because it's all I've ever really wanted to do--
01:48 perform and create.
01:50 - Most micro-budget indie productions fail.
01:53 They collapse. People quit.
01:55 I will always finish my movies, even if they're terrible.
01:58 - Nobody goes into independent filmmaking
02:00 trying to be rich.
02:02 - When you create something
02:04 for the sheer joy of creating,
02:08 that's art.
02:09 - It makes life worth living,
02:11 having a creative outlet.
02:12 - I am absurdly, ludicrously dedicated
02:16 to the bad idea of starting nowhere
02:19 and making a good movie.
02:21 [film projector clicks]
02:23 [soft music]
02:26 (gentle music)