"تاسي" السعودي يسجل أول خسائر شهرية بعد شهرين من الارتفاع

  • 9 months ago


00:00 The average is adding 16 points per day.
00:03 We close the monthly circulation at 118.80 Riyals.
00:07 We turn to Mr. Bassam Abed, financial market expert.
00:11 He will give us more details about these closures.
00:14 Welcome Mr. Bassam and thank you for being here.
00:17 The returns are approaching 2% today and we broke 11,800 points.
00:22 Therefore, we are recording the first monthly loss after two months of increases for the market.
00:27 How can we estimate the month of January?
00:30 How much can investors and the market return in February?
00:38 Welcome Maysa and the viewers.
00:43 The market returns were broken yesterday and today.
00:47 The market is now at 10,260 points.
00:51 The market is still at 3 months and the trend is increasing.
00:58 It exceeded 1,800 points.
01:03 However, we witnessed in the current week that the volume of the market is decreasing.
01:12 This is a clear indication that the January process is coming.
01:15 I think that the month of January is the month of the lowest.
01:21 It was not expected that the market would decrease by more than 400 points.
01:24 This is due to the pressure from the banking sector.
01:27 I think that the month of February is the month of the highest profit.
01:32 The current year's market is at 11,700 points.
01:36 This represents the average of 50 days.
01:38 The market is at 11,500 points.
01:45 I think that the January process is a continuous profit.
01:48 I hope that some leading companies will have good results.
01:52 I hope that this will be the case in the coming period.
01:55 I hope that there will be some consistency and support.
01:58 Today, the market was at 5% return.
02:04 It is clear that the share was affected by the market fluctuations.
02:08 It even lost more than 4% at the end of the session.
02:11 Despite the reduction of the specialties today by 24%,
02:16 we did not see any response from the investors.
02:21 Where do we see the trend?
02:24 How much can it compensate for some of the losses that were caused by the results of the quarter?
02:32 Especially since we are facing a monetary policy that is being calculated by the central banks.
02:39 There is no doubt that the return on specialties is 24% of the 500 million.
02:44 This is a good thing and positive for the company.
02:47 If we notice, the loans rose by 26 billion,
02:51 with more than the deposits, which rose by 8 billion,
02:55 meaning more than double, 200%.
02:58 I think that the return on specialties exceeded these results by 92.93 Riyals.
03:04 Now, it is a natural profit.
03:07 I think that this decline in growth and profits,
03:13 despite the fact that the company has increased it to a decline in income, funding and investment,
03:19 which is mostly dependent on the individual sector.
03:22 There is a decrease in loans, funding and individual sector due to the increase in profits.
03:28 But I think that the return on specialties has been supported by 82,
03:32 although this support has broken, it is still successful,
03:35 and therefore, the other support has reached 79 Riyals.
03:39 As for any decline, I think that even if there were declines above 84,
03:44 it would be a weak decline if it was not done in larger quantities than we have seen today.
03:50 How about the rest of the banks?
03:52 How much do we expect their ability to deal with the special interest rate today?
03:57 Especially, the lending of loans, Mr. Bassam, related to the real estate sector.
04:04 Now, we see that the cost of financing has started to rise,
04:08 and there may be a kind of blockade on the acceptance of these funds.
04:12 There is no doubt that the increase in profits reduces the loans on real estate.
04:18 Therefore, we have seen about two or three months ago,
04:21 the return on real estate loans during the first month was 49%, or 50%.
04:26 This decline is due to the increase in interest,
04:29 and therefore, the banks sector, which depend on individuals such as the pension fund and the pension fund,
04:34 were affected.
04:35 But there are banks that have achieved profits.
04:37 The pension fund has achieved a decline in growth of about two quarters or three quarters.
04:42 But I think, although the decline in profits is slightly different from the average of the analysts' estimates,
04:48 which is about 34 or 35 million, and it is a small percentage,
04:53 but the decline in profits still affects the share and also affects the rest of the sector.
05:00 As for the rest of the banking sector, I think it will not be affected,
05:03 like the Pension Fund and other large banks in the sector, I think it will not be affected,
05:07 because it does not depend greatly on the individual sector,
05:10 and therefore, it is not related to the return on real estate.
05:13 Okay. The sea also performed well at the general level.
05:17 The increase in profits was 55%, and we also saw an increase in the income of operations,
05:22 only 50%, but at the fourth quarter level, we returned the profits by about 31%.
05:28 To what extent has the company benefited from the increases we have seen in the transportation costs,
05:34 and because of these closures that we are seeing in general,
05:37 and whether the developments that are happening in the Red Sea or even on the supply chains, Mr. Bassam?
05:44 There is no doubt that the company benefited, and this means that it raised its profits in the fourth quarter
05:50 and reduced the percentage of the decline, because the events took place in the second half of the fourth quarter,
05:57 and therefore, the shipping prices also increased by more or about, let's say, about 100%,
06:02 and the company benefited from the increase in shipping prices and from the geopolitical events that took place in the Red Sea.
06:08 But I believe that these profits will also be extended even in the first quarter,
06:13 or until the end of the supply chain security, as well as the sea routes and international trade routes,
06:22 all of which were affected and this was reflected in the lack of ships that use these routes,
06:30 especially the Red Sea route, and I believe that after the end of these events,
06:35 the shipping prices may return to their previous levels,
06:39 but until then, the sea company will benefit from achieving good profits, and we will reflect that even in the fourth quarter.
06:47 Okay, we stay with the German Saudi, because according to the statements we have received,
06:52 the Vice President made a number of inquiries in the markets today,
06:57 when he talked about the share price being cheap compared to the value of the projects,
07:02 and also the expansions and the size of the secrets that the company has.
07:05 How do we see this contradiction today?
07:08 Because the share price today is likely to return more than 2% to 100%, Mr. Bassama.
07:13 Does this put the company today in a real contradiction when we talk about the share price compared to the market value of the assets and the company itself?
07:23 There is no doubt that this contradiction is a matter for the financial market.
07:29 But as it turns out, it is a contradiction of the 49-point financial market system,
07:36 which may be limited to buying or selling, but the approach to the market value when the share price was close to 100 Riyals,
07:45 and that the market value deserves to rise from 20 billion to 25 billion, from 9 billion currently,
07:52 which is more than 150% higher than the current price,
07:55 meaning that the company will exceed the 200-250 Riyals.
07:59 The approach to the market value and the share price may turn into a phenomenon if appropriate measures are not taken.
08:08 But I also think that there was a company a while ago that took the same approach to the company,
08:15 when it said that it will buy shares, and it did so because the board of directors saw the share price as cheap.
08:21 The question that arises is, when the German share price was 25 Riyals, where is this statement?
08:26 And when the MIS share price was less than 80 Riyals, where is this statement?
08:31 After both companies doubled their prices from once to about three times, we found this statement.
08:37 This opens up the scope for other companies to interfere in the prices of their shares and their prices in the market,
08:43 whether it is buying or selling, and I think this does not need to be stopped.
08:47 If the price of shares does not fall below the 49-Riyals standard,
08:52 a new measure may be taken to stop this from happening,
08:59 so that it does not turn into a phenomenon in the market and attract the intermediaries.
09:03 Also, from an artistic point of view, I think that both companies that you mentioned are positive,
09:09 even if there is a decline.
09:11 I think that they are willing to go up from an artistic point of view, especially in comparison to the size of the supply and so on.
09:19 But here we are talking about the relationship of the company's statement in the share price.
09:23 We thank you, Mr. Bassam Abed, the financial market expert, for all these details.
