हर महिला का सपना होता है माँ बनना, लेकिन कई बार शरीर में कुछ कमी के चलते वे माँ नहीं बन पाती , ऐसे में उनके लिए वरदान है IVF ट्रीटमेंट,इस ट्रीटमेंट में माँ को अपने खान पान का खास ख्याल रखना पड़ता है, लेकिन कई केसेस में देखा जाता है की ivf के बाद महिला माँ तो बन जाती है पर अपनी सेहत का ध्यान नहीं रखती, इसलिए ना सिर्फ during the IVF process, infact later on भी आपको अपनी डाइट पर खास ध्यान देना चाहिए, आइये आज की वीडियो
Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, but sometimes due to some deficiency in her body, she is unable to become a mother, in such a situation, IVF treatment is a boon for her. In this treatment, the mother has to take special care of her diet, but many It is seen in cases that after IVF, the woman becomes a mother but does not take care of her health, hence not only during the IVF process, in fact later on, you should also pay special attention to your diet, come today's video.
#IVFTreatmentKeBaadKyaKhanaChahiye, #FoodToAvoidAfterIVFTreatment, #IVFTranferKeBaadKyaNahiKhanahahiye, #IVFTranferKeBaadKyaKhanaChahiye, #DietChartAfterIVFTransfer,
Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, but sometimes due to some deficiency in her body, she is unable to become a mother, in such a situation, IVF treatment is a boon for her. In this treatment, the mother has to take special care of her diet, but many It is seen in cases that after IVF, the woman becomes a mother but does not take care of her health, hence not only during the IVF process, in fact later on, you should also pay special attention to your diet, come today's video.
#IVFTreatmentKeBaadKyaKhanaChahiye, #FoodToAvoidAfterIVFTreatment, #IVFTranferKeBaadKyaNahiKhanahahiye, #IVFTranferKeBaadKyaKhanaChahiye, #DietChartAfterIVFTransfer,
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