• 8 months ago
Positive Eats - Now in Southsea
00:00 Hi I'm Lindsay, we are outside the new Positive Eats store in Palmerston Road
00:04 and this is Lawrence, my business partner and my husband.
00:08 So tell us, what is Positive Eats and how excited are you about opening this place?
00:14 Yeah I think, especially here on this corner, you had the four big giants here in NatWest,
00:20 Debenhams, Night & Lee, Subway, all closed down unfortunately but it's kind of nice to come to this area
00:26 and bring back some life and we're the first one out of the four corners to open up
00:32 and yeah it would be nice just to bring some positivity to the area and yeah we're looking forward to it now.
00:37 Second store in, so we've got one on Winter Road, this is the second, we're hoping to open a third
00:43 near Portsmouth and South Sea Station, nearer to the summer.
00:47 So everything's in-house cooked here, so I think people are coming because they know it's fresh food,
00:53 healthy and people are changing the way they eat since Covid.
00:57 I think they're more into their health and fitness and it's a bit naughty but it's good food.
01:05 Absolutely, so how did it come about? What is Positive Eats essentially?
01:09 Yeah so it all came about in lockdown 2021, we just started juicing at home,
01:15 bought a big commercial cold-pressed juicer, big thing about this big.
01:19 Juiced in to the middle of the night, with our kids up in bed.
01:22 Yeah and that's where the positive juice started and then it kind of rolled into Positive Eats.
01:28 People started asking what they should be eating, so that's when Positive Eats was born,
01:33 alongside the juice because people just weren't getting enough nutrition.
01:37 So we opened up our first store and it went crazy, so we went for store number two.
01:43 It's just gone mad.
01:45 It's snowballed, it's kind of snowballed from something quite humble at home in the kitchen
01:49 to our first shop, quite small, and then to this one which is a lot bigger with seating.
01:54 Yeah and the future is quite exciting too, we've got some big plans for the future.
01:58 A couple of stores in Hampshire, going to keep themselves happy.
02:02 Everyone's asking, everyone says "Can we have one in Waterlooville, can we have one in Farrow, can we have one in Leeds?"
02:08 Who knows, watch your space.
02:11 It could be the next chain of Positive Eats.
02:14 Yeah it would be nice.
02:15 As long as it doesn't have an effect on the freshness and everything we do here at the moment,
02:20 without having a negative effect.
02:22 We want to keep everything fresh because I think that's what keeps people coming back to the store,
02:26 because it's all in-house made.
02:28 Yeah, and there'll be a lot of lessons learned here logistically,
02:30 because having the small shop in Winter Road, coming to the big one,
02:33 trying to feed both stores with food and drink now, it's going to be challenging,
02:37 but we'll learn a lot in the next week, month.
02:39 A lot, learn a lot in the next couple of weeks.
02:42 Yeah, a lot of sleepless nights and whatnot.
02:45 Well it's a free kid to look after.
02:46 Yeah, literally.
02:47 It's good fun though, it's fun.
02:50 Excellent.
02:51 So, I mean, I'm part of those future plans, I understand that you're up for a few awards.
02:55 Yes, we are.
02:57 Last year we won Startup Business of the Year, and this year we've been shortlisted for...
03:02 Small Business of the Year, Retailer of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year, which is exciting.
03:08 I think that's because we've created, manufactured, made our own juices,
03:12 and there are a lot of entrepreneurs in the city, so it's nice just to be recognised, even to be shortlisted I suppose.
03:18 It'll be a nice night out as well, get out of these clothes and put something nice on.
03:22 And actually get a decent meal.
