Yabani Episode 32 English Subtitles HD

  • 4 months ago
Yabani Episode 32 English Subtitles HD
Yabani Episode 33 English Subtitles
Yabani Episode 32 English Subtitles
00:00:27I'm a little corporeal issue. It's the time. I'm not now. It's a big solution. They get this oxygen mask and I got up
00:00:36It's gonna mess it up
00:00:38They found me so beautiful
00:00:41Come on. Yeah, we're sure we'll see them. Oh, no, it's good
00:00:45Believe it if I'm a mama, but I said you get it. Come on. Look what I'm gonna do
00:00:54What's up
00:00:57Yeah, what's on the truck
00:01:55We got the Sancho Bay
00:01:57Sancho Bay
00:01:59But I'm a chicken I'm not sure what this is
00:02:01Yeah, I mean
00:02:03Kardashian intihar it is so Landa. She didn't you know she's been down by sitting on some of the she's so let me check mrs. Messina
00:02:09Benefits a açıklamak zorunda oldum konu
00:02:12Savcının izniyle kardeşinizin mezarının açılması ve otobüsü yapılacak
00:02:17Maalesef başka bir şey söyleyemem. Hayır, ben böyle bir şey kabul etmiyorum
00:02:20Bakın mezar açılacak diyorsunuz ablası olarak benim bu bilgiye ihtiyacım var bir şey söyleyin lütfen
00:02:26Öyle değil mi güven
00:02:28Yani eğer kardeşim öldürüldüyse
00:02:32Ali o kaçırmadı Ali'yi dayısı kaçırmadı
00:02:37Birisi onun üzerine suç attı
00:02:45Babam boşuna kahroldu
00:02:50Bakın Sancuk Bey
00:02:52Bana bir şey söylemek zorundasınız kim yapmış ne olmuş bir bilgi vermek zorundasınız bana
00:02:57Çok yakında tüm cevapları bizle birlikte sizde öğreneceksiniz iyi akşamlar
00:03:03Yaman Ali Bey arıyor
00:03:08Efendim oğlum Elif mi
00:03:13Tamam sakin ol
00:03:16Tamam geliyorum ben hemen tamam çocuğum
00:03:18Geliyorum çantamı getirir misin canım
00:03:22Elif'e bir şey olmuş hastaneye götürüyorlarmış
00:03:25Benimle gelin hemen atlayın arabaya sen geç ben bunları getireyim
00:03:43Ne yapıyoruz ya biz ya kızı resmen orada öylece bırakıp kaçtık biz ne yapıyoruz
00:03:49Allah'ın geri dön Allah'ın geri dön
00:03:55Ben bu rahatsızlığı arıyorum ben
00:03:57Saçmalama bırak şunu ya
00:03:59Canı ne yapıyorsun asıl sen saçmalama
00:04:01Ya kız öldü anladın mı yapacak bir şeyimiz yoktu
00:04:03Başakla şimdi vicdanından ya
00:04:05Gerisinde katili düşünsün annen düşünsün
00:04:07Annem ne alaka Canı
00:04:09Ya Elif'in ölmesini başka kim ister
00:04:11Tam da ne ses aldı Yaman'a her şeyi anlatacağı zaman
00:04:13Elif'le buluşacağımızdan haberi bile yoktu annemin
00:04:15Evde miydin sen
00:04:17Evde ama
00:04:19Aması yok işte
00:04:21Mesajı gördü duydu bir şey oldu kızın peşine düştü
00:04:23Kim ister ya Elif'in ölmesini
00:04:25Baban Çağla
00:04:27Baban da Elif'in ölmesini çok isterdi
00:04:29Hala baban diyor ya kızım delirtmesene beni adam yürüyemiyor bile
00:04:35İkinizde susun
00:04:39Kimin neyi ne için yaptığını öğreneceğiz
00:04:41Üzüleşme zamanı
00:05:47Ne oluyor ya
00:05:49Gece gece hepiniz birlikte buradasınız ne oldu
00:05:55Ne olduğunu sen anlatacaksın Şebo
00:05:59Anlamadım o ne demek
00:06:01Kızı sen öldürdün demek
00:06:03Hangi kızı
00:06:05Ne oluyor
00:06:07Ya bilmiyormuşsun gibi yapma
00:06:09Geldin çarptın işte Elif'e
00:06:11Senin peşindeydi çünkü
00:06:13Yaman'a her şeyi anlatmasın diye yaptın
00:06:19Elif öldü mü
00:06:21Doğru mu bu
00:06:23Ya bir kes artık ya cidden bir kes ya
00:06:25Duydun değil mi Elif'in attığı mesajı
00:06:27Bizim buluşacağımız yeri biliyordun yani
00:06:29Bir dakika bu ne demek
00:06:31Ne oluyor Rüya açıkla bana ne oluyor
00:07:15Ne mesajı ne buluşması
00:07:17Ben hiçbir şeyden haberim yok
00:07:19Siz ne arıyordunuz ya
00:07:21Gece gece o kızın yanında sizin ne işiniz vardı
00:07:25Soruya soruyla cevap verme kısmına bir geçsek mi artık
00:07:27Çünkü ben bu olaydan çok sıkıldım
00:07:29Bende çok sıkıldım
00:07:31Gerçekten bütün bu saçmalıklardan çok sıkıldım
00:07:33Ya kabul etmişsin işte
00:07:35Yaman'ı kaçırdığını
00:07:37İtiraf etmişsin her şeyi Rüya'ya
00:07:39Daha neyi saklıyorsun
00:07:43Ya ne Rüya ne Rüya
00:07:45Şu kızın haline bak Şebo
00:07:47Ya sen bu kızdan daha ne istiyorsun ya
00:07:49Rüya ben
00:07:51Bu kızın sevgilisi ve sen
00:07:53Sen Yaman'ı kaçırdın ya
00:07:57Kaçırmadım baban kaçırdı
00:07:59Ben sadece yardım ettim
00:08:01Bak sakın sakın daha fazla bu olaya babamı karıştırma
00:08:03Çünkü Feride abla mektupta senin ismini yazmış
00:08:05Senden şüphelenmiş yani
00:08:07Orada baban falan yazmıyor
00:08:09Ne mektubu
00:08:11Anneme mektup bırakıp kaçmış
00:08:13Artık nasıl korkuttuysan kadını
00:08:17Nesli biliyor mu ben artık
00:08:19Henüz değil ama Yaman'ı kaçırdığını öğrenecek
00:08:21Hatta Elif'i öldürdüğünü
00:08:23Yakında herkes öğrenecek
00:08:27Kimseyi öldürmedim
00:08:31Ya bir kes artık ya
00:08:33Yalan söylemeyi bir bırak ya
00:08:45Araba çarpmış bilinç kapandı
00:08:47İç kalaması var
00:08:49Elif dayanın geçeceksin
00:08:51Önce tomograf sonra MR alıyoruz
00:08:53Nesli Hanım'ı arayın hemen
00:08:55Aradım ben annemi merak etmeyin
00:08:57Ameyata niye hazırlayayım
00:09:07Kendimi nasıl hissediyorum biliyor musun
00:09:09Beş yaşındaki hali gibi
00:09:11Sanki yine kaybetmişim ailemi
00:09:15Sanki daha yeni kaybetmişim
00:09:19O yüzden sen söyle bana
00:09:21Ne saklıyorlar benden
00:09:23Neyin peşindesin sen
00:09:41Bilinç kapandı
00:09:43Ne oluyor
00:09:45Duydunuz mu bir şey dedi
00:10:01Asi daha iyi misin
00:10:11Ne oldu karıştırmışsınız gene ortalığı kızım ya
00:10:13Ne yaptı bu alası yarı sana
00:10:15Yok bir şey Cesur sen karışma
00:10:19Asi bunu hak etti diyebilirim
00:10:21Sormadık ama değil mi Tolga
00:10:23Ben sordum ya kızım bir sakin ya
00:10:27Neyse sen geline göre ben gidebilirim artık
00:10:29Tolga tamam
00:10:31Kusura bakma
00:10:33Kusur mu Asi ben sende bir kusur görmüyorum ki kusuruna bakayım
00:10:35Kusurlu olan Alas sen bakmıyorsun
00:10:37Israrla şu çocuğun kusurlarına bakmıyorsun sen ya
00:10:39Sen bunu hak etmiyorsun
00:10:41Asi sen bunu hak etmiyorsun Alas da seni hiç hak etmiyor
00:10:43Ve ben çok sıkıldım
00:10:45Onun sana böyle hissettirmesinden nefret ediyorum
00:10:47Ve ben seni de buna izin vermenden daha da nefret ediyorum
00:10:49Tamam oğlum tamam bir sakin ne bağırıyorsun
00:10:53Kusura bakmayın
00:10:57Benimde bir kusurum bu olsun
00:10:59He Cesur
00:11:11Bu da durdu durdu volkan gibi patladı he iyi mi
00:11:13Ne vardı kız şuna aşık olsaydın
00:11:15Pamuk gibi çocuk işte
00:11:19Tamam gel buraya gel
00:11:21Ne yaptı bu babasının oğlu sana gene
00:11:23Söyle bakalım
00:11:25Ne yapacaksın kızım soy dur çeker dur kokar
00:11:27Seninki de o hesap işte
00:11:33Yaman arıyor
00:11:35Sakın hiçbir şey söyleme
00:11:37Çekebileceğim yani
00:11:39Sanki laf dinliyorsun da
00:11:41Efendim birader
00:11:43Ne diyorsun oğlum
00:11:47Tamam kapat kapat geliyoruz
00:11:49Ne diyor
00:11:51Elif'i hastaneye kaldırmışlar kalk yürü
00:11:53Yürü hadi
00:11:55Ne diyor ya
00:11:57Cesur ne olur
00:12:07Canım buradayım
00:12:09Tamam merak etme elimden geleni yapacağım
00:12:13Bana güven
00:12:15Ben ameliyata giriyorum
00:12:17Sen de
00:12:21Bak annenin elinden geleni yapacak
00:12:23İyi düşünelim iyi olsun tamam
00:12:25Sen gelsene benimle
00:12:27Güzelim hayırdır
00:12:29Bir bir müsaade eder misiniz bize lütfen
00:12:31Tamam baba
00:12:33Sıkıntı yok
00:12:57Neyin peşindeydiniz Elif'le
00:13:01Nasıl oldu bu kaza
00:13:05Bir şey bilmiyorum ki anlatayım amirim
00:13:07Sen söyleyeceksin bana
00:13:09Elif'in söylemediği ne varsa
00:13:11Sen söyleyeceksin
00:13:13Elif sana bir şey anlatmadı yani
00:13:19Konum attı bana
00:13:23Geldiğinde kendini görürsün dedi
00:13:29Gittim ben de
00:13:33Ne gördüm biliyor musun
00:13:41Elif yerde kanlar içinde yatıyordu
00:13:45Kim yaptı neden yaptı bilmiyorum
00:13:47Ama neden bilmiyorum
00:13:49Biliyor musun
00:13:51Çünkü ne polis
00:13:53Ne benim sevgilim
00:13:57Ne de kardeşlerim bana
00:13:59Hiçbir şey söylemiyor
00:14:01Herkes bir şey saklıyor benden
00:14:05Bak oğlum
00:14:07Az kaldım
00:14:09Kimseye güvenmeyebilirsin
00:14:11Ama polise güvenme
00:14:23Değersiz bir şey gibi bırakıp gitmişler kızı
00:14:29Resmen ölümü terk etmişler amirim
00:14:31Dikkatini çeken
00:14:33Herhangi bir şey oldu mu
00:14:35İyi düşün
00:14:37Küçük bir ipucu
00:14:43Ne oluyor lan
00:14:49Yeşil bir hatchback
00:14:53Ben Elif'in yanına giderken hızlıca geçti
00:14:55Gitti yanımda
00:15:03Tüm birimlerinin dikkatine
00:15:07Ömerle yolu
00:15:17Tamam dur
00:15:21Yavaş oluyor çok
00:15:25Çok acıyor
00:15:29I can't take it anymore.
00:15:30Hang in there. Hang in there. Hang in there.
00:15:31We're going to the hospital right now. Hang in there.
00:15:37I can't do it.
00:15:38I'll help.
00:15:39You go.
00:15:44Come on.
00:15:54I can't do it.
00:15:56I can't do it.
00:15:57I can't do it.
00:16:09Find that car.
00:16:10Check everywhere.
00:16:12Copy that, chief.
00:16:14What's going on?
00:16:17What do you mean, nothing?
00:16:18What's your problem?
00:16:19Tell me.
00:16:21Nothing, dad.
00:16:22What do you mean, nothing?
00:16:25Okay, hang in there.
00:16:26Hang in there. We're here.
00:16:29Help! Bring the CD!
00:16:31Guys, what happened?
00:16:33He's bleeding.
00:16:34Bring the CD! Bring the CD right now!
00:16:35Bring the CD right now!
00:16:39Come on.
00:16:50I hope nothing happens to the baby.
00:16:51What baby?
00:16:53It's going to be my brother.
00:17:00Another truth hidden from me.
00:17:12What are you doing here at night?
00:17:16What happened to Elif?
00:17:17They hit a car and ran away.
00:17:22She's in surgery.
00:17:25Is she okay? Is she alive?
00:17:28She's alive.
00:17:31She's going to live.
00:17:37She's going to tell me what she's after...
00:17:39...and who hit her with the car and ran away.
00:17:50...there's no truth hidden from us. Right, Chief?
00:17:53Of course.
00:17:54We're on it.
00:17:59Let me check on my mother.
00:18:11What happened to your head?
00:18:18I'm the most seriously ill patient right now.
00:18:21Your brother.
00:18:23Get well soon.
00:18:25Where to?
00:18:26To your father.
00:18:28Let me check on my father.
00:18:38What was that?
00:18:41What happened to Elif?
00:18:43Does it have anything to do with them?
00:18:45I don't know, Chief.
00:18:48Maybe you do.
00:19:05Okay, okay. Move.
00:19:07She'll get well soon.
00:19:16She's starting to fall asleep.
00:19:19How long will I have to put up with this torture?
00:19:26We need to talk. Alone.
00:19:34What happened to your head?
00:19:36Did you do it?
00:19:38Did you hit Elif?
00:19:39Who's Elif?
00:19:40Answer my question.
00:19:41Did you kill Elif?
00:19:42Who's Elif?
00:19:45Yaman's police friend.
00:19:47The one who's after you.
00:19:49He was going to tell Yaman everything tonight.
00:19:50But what a coincidence.
00:19:51A man hits a girl and runs away.
00:19:54Who could it be?
00:19:58You think I'm not Elif, huh?
00:20:02Look at your phone, father.
00:20:07Don't ruin my plan.
00:20:11You blame me if something happens to anyone.
00:20:14I can't be a fool.
00:20:16I'm your father.
00:20:18You hear what you say.
00:20:19He says I didn't do it.
00:20:20Don't start with him.
00:20:22What are you doing?
00:20:23Your voice is getting worse.
00:20:24Are you crazy?
00:20:27Take this.
00:20:28Take it away.
00:20:30Or I'll be a police killer.
00:20:36I wish I could believe you.
00:20:39I wish.
00:20:41Even in this state.
00:20:43I can't say my father didn't do it.
00:20:47How did he do it?
00:20:48Who did he make him do it?
00:20:53I can't trust my father anymore.
00:21:00That man.
00:21:05I watched Yaman when they threw him in there because he was my grandfather's killer.
00:21:10Look, once.
00:21:11He didn't hesitate even once.
00:21:14My grandfather was found dead in his house.
00:21:18The man had a gun.
00:21:20Wouldn't people say?
00:21:22I wonder.
00:21:26But Yaman.
00:21:29Yaman didn't hesitate even once.
00:21:37So Yaman.
00:21:39He's a better son than you.
00:21:42Isn't that right, Balas?
00:21:56Then can we say that I'm a better father than you?
00:22:19If it was Yaman who put his friend in a coma with that baseball bat.
00:22:24Trust would have listened to him and handed him over to the police.
00:22:29If it was Yaman who drove the car over you and tried to kill your girlfriend.
00:22:35If it was Yaman.
00:22:37Trust would have shot him in the eye with a pen.
00:22:40He wouldn't even look at his age.
00:22:46Do you know how I stood behind you?
00:22:49I'm a bad father.
00:23:01Whatever happens.
00:23:03Is it because I didn't give up on you and my son?
00:23:09I'm getting worse, Balas.
00:23:16Cemrem is lying to you.
00:23:24The day I hand this over to you.
00:23:27You will apologize to me.
00:23:29Now get out of my face.
00:23:32Get out!
00:23:57Çağla, you stay, dear.
00:23:58Çağla, you stay, dear.
00:24:01You wait.
00:24:17Then I'll give you the bad news, guys.
00:24:20No one changes.
00:24:22Whatever it is.
00:24:24You have a girlfriend you trust a lot.
00:24:25She knows everything.
00:24:27Melek knows something. There's something going on, Yaman.
00:24:29A letter. She said she'd find the letter.
00:24:37Are you okay?
00:24:45Melek knew something.
00:24:48Elif said so.
00:24:50That's why Rüya and her mother are after you.
00:24:53Elif said what she shouldn't have.
00:24:57That's why she's in this situation.
00:24:59Look, chief.
00:25:01Melek trusts me.
00:25:03She'll give me five minutes.
00:25:05Yaman, that's enough.
00:25:07No one has to tell you anything.
00:25:09But if there's anything you know.
00:25:11You have to tell us, the police.
00:25:15I'm asking you again.
00:25:17What was the reason for the show you did to the Alas?
00:25:20What are you chasing, son?
00:25:22I'm chasing for nothing, chief.
00:25:24I'm chasing for nothing.
00:25:26Thanks to you.
00:25:30Is Elif okay?
00:25:39She'll be fine.
00:25:52She'll be fine.
00:26:01The baby's doing well.
00:26:03We stopped the bleeding.
00:26:05His gums are cut, too, right?
00:26:08Why did he bleed?
00:26:10What if he does it again?
00:26:12It may be due to stress.
00:26:14We don't know if he'll do it again or not.
00:26:16But for now, there's no risk.
00:26:19Your son is very healthy, Şebnem.
00:26:23Is he a boy?
00:26:28Look at his feet.
00:26:30Did you see his hand?
00:26:40Look at this.
00:26:41Look at this.
00:26:51Şebnem, by the way, the result of the DNA you've been waiting for has come out.
00:26:56I didn't want to give it to your daughter.
00:26:58Look, we're close friends.
00:27:00But the situation you told me about has upset me.
00:27:03It's a difficult secret to carry.
00:27:07Because unfortunately, it's positive.
00:27:08It's positive.
00:27:11His father is Mr. Serhan.
00:27:35You have to change these records.
00:27:38Only Rüya is left.
00:27:42I can't lose her, either.
00:28:01What happened there?
00:28:02What are you doing here?
00:28:06We're at the hospital. You can take a look.
00:28:08There's no need.
00:28:11Okay. What can we do?
00:28:15What is it, brother? What is he doing there alone?
00:28:18I don't know, Cesur.
00:28:21I don't know, brother.
00:28:23What the hell is this?
00:28:25Isn't this a murder attempt you know?
00:28:26What is it?
00:28:36What happened? Is there any news?
00:28:38No, we're waiting.
00:28:43Mom, how is he?
00:28:47We did our best.
00:28:49Now we took care of him. We're going to put him to sleep, okay?
00:28:52Go home and take your brothers.
00:28:54Get some rest. You've waited too long.
00:28:56I'm not going anywhere.
00:28:58No, I can't go, either.
00:29:00I can't, either.
00:29:04Alas, let's go.
00:29:07You've been here for too long.
00:29:14What happened to you, Alas?
00:29:16What's that on your head? What did you do?
00:29:18Who did this?
00:29:19No, it's nothing.
00:29:22Who did this?
00:29:24I did it, Aunt Neslihan.
00:29:28You did it?
00:29:31What is this, kid?
00:29:33You can't love like this.
00:29:35You can't make people love you.
00:29:37Then don't love me.
00:29:39I'm not human.
00:29:44Anyway, don't waste time.
00:29:46Come on, let's see him walk.
00:29:47No, Mom, I'm fine.
00:29:49Walk, I said. Walk.
00:29:51Come with me. We'll talk.
00:29:56I'll talk to you, too. Come.
00:30:04You're running away without even looking back.
00:30:07Where should I run to?
00:30:09I don't care.
00:30:11I'll go to Rüya.
00:30:13You know, your girlfriend is with her mom.
00:30:14Although I don't seem to care about you.
00:30:21Yaman, what's going on, bro?
00:30:23I don't understand anything. What's going on here?
00:30:35You're hurting each other again.
00:30:38We couldn't heal your wounds.
00:30:41No, take this.
00:30:42What's going on?
00:30:44What's your problem?
00:30:46Besides, there's nothing you two can't solve by talking.
00:30:49Do you realize what you've been through?
00:30:52What's your problem?
00:30:54You're still hurting each other.
00:30:57At least his wounds can heal.
00:31:01My wounds have no cure. What are we going to do with him?
00:31:04You can stay away from me.
00:31:06If you don't want me to get hurt.
00:31:08I was already standing.
00:31:09Do you think I'd come closer if I knew you hadn't changed?
00:31:13You're right, Asya.
00:31:15I pretended to have changed.
00:31:17I pretended to be okay.
00:31:20I pretended to love.
00:31:25But nothing happened.
00:31:27Why? Because that's who I am.
00:31:34He got hit in the head. That's why he's acting like a fool.
00:31:37No, Aunt Neslihan.
00:31:39No, I was being ridiculous.
00:31:41I was being ridiculous...
00:31:43...because I believed he loved me...
00:31:45...and I believed he changed.
00:31:47I didn't want to believe the truth.
00:31:50But fortunately...
00:31:52...he kissed the girl named Ilayda in front of me...
00:31:56...so I gave up being ridiculous.
00:32:04Did you really do that?
00:32:13This is my son.
00:32:15That's all, Mom.
00:32:17Just like his father.
00:32:24You're persistently forgetting this, but...
00:32:26...you're my son, too.
00:32:29And I know you're not like this.
00:32:31I know you're not like this.
00:32:33But you're not your father.
00:32:35And you won't be.
00:32:39Please stop punishing people who love you.
00:33:23Can I tell you a secret?
00:33:27My son...
00:33:32...I mean...
00:33:34...he's a bit of a jerk.
00:33:37I'm serious.
00:33:40He's a total jerk.
00:33:42You know, he's so smart...
00:33:45...so smart...
00:33:47...I can't stand the way he talks to me.
00:33:50But you...
00:33:54You're his biggest chance in life, you know?
00:33:57Are you talking about me?
00:33:59No, not you.
00:34:01Look, I haven't been able to change for years.
00:34:04You came and changed him.
00:34:07But he says he hasn't changed.
00:34:12Why does he say that? Why does he act like that?
00:34:15I don't know.
00:34:17Actually, I know.
00:34:20It's all my fault.
00:34:23I couldn't protect my son from his father. I can't.
00:34:29He doesn't want to see his father's true face.
00:34:32But he does.
00:34:34He wants to turn his back on me. He feels guilty.
00:34:38He doesn't want to leave me.
00:34:40Serhan is pulling me from somewhere, I'm pulling him from somewhere.
00:34:43He wants to hold our hands, but it's not possible for him.
00:34:46It's very tiring and very difficult for a child, you know?
00:34:53...no matter what he's going through...
00:34:56...he doesn't have the right to make you feel that.
00:35:01His mother is me.
00:35:03And I have the duty to make him feel better.
00:35:06You don't have that duty.
00:35:11...you are the most precious thing in his life right now.
00:35:15If he acts stupid and turns his back on you...
00:35:18...if he acts stupidly...
00:35:21...what will happen to me? Not you.
00:35:23Thank you.
00:35:29You are my daughter.
00:35:31Can I tell you something?
00:35:33You are the most precious thing in his life.
00:35:37You are the most precious.
00:35:39That's why I won't turn my back on you.
00:35:44Come here.
00:35:50I told you...
00:35:52...you are like my daughter.
00:35:54If something like this happens to Çağla, whatever I feel...
00:35:57...I feel the same way for you.
00:36:00Even if it's my son.
00:36:04Do you know what you are going to do now?
00:36:06You are going to pull yourself together as soon as possible.
00:36:09You are going to be fine.
00:36:11If he wants to suffer...
00:36:15...let him suffer as much as he wants.
00:36:19You are the most precious.
00:36:23Come here.
00:36:28Thank you.
00:36:33Let's wipe these.
00:36:37A little more.
00:36:38Let's take a little more.
00:36:47What do you think, Rüya?
00:36:51It's better. You can go to the doctor. I'll take you home now.
00:36:53I don't want to stay here anymore.
00:36:56Me neither.
00:36:58His brother is wandering around.
00:37:11How is Elif?
00:37:13She is in intensive care. They are still putting her to sleep.
00:37:16Let me wake her up.
00:37:18Elif will tell everything to Yaman before she wakes up.
00:37:20She will tell everything to Yaman before she wakes up.
00:37:22So we won't be able to protect her mother or father anymore.
00:37:35Are you feeling better?
00:37:36Get well soon.
00:37:42Get well soon.
00:37:44Are you feeling better?
00:37:47I'll take you home now.
00:37:50I'll leave you.
00:37:51No, there is no need.
00:37:54Elif's condition is more critical right now.
00:37:57I can't stay here.
00:38:07I hope so.
00:38:09Let's talk.
00:38:10Come on.
00:38:20Can't you say anything clearly?
00:38:24When will Elif wake up?
00:38:26It's not possible for us to know that right now.
00:38:29We will wait.
00:38:30But we are taking care of her.
00:38:33Don't worry about our surveillance.
00:38:38We won't know what happened before she wakes up.
00:38:41Mr. Selçuk.
00:38:42We were talking.
00:38:44We were talking.
00:38:45We were talking.
00:38:47Mr. Selçuk.
00:38:48We were talking.
00:38:49I was left half.
00:38:51Can we continue?
00:38:54You said that my brother might have been killed.
00:38:59Can't you explain this to me?
00:39:09Ms. Feride, who is working with you...
00:39:12...is a witness in this case.
00:39:17Do you...
00:39:19Do you know where Feride is?
00:39:21She disappeared from the room.
00:39:22I'm so curious about her.
00:39:24She is under our protection.
00:39:25Wait a minute.
00:39:27Is there a life-threatening danger?
00:39:29Why is she under your protection?
00:39:30Can I talk to her?
00:39:32Can I talk to Feride?
00:39:34Unfortunately, you can't talk to her.
00:39:36Why can't I talk to her?
00:39:38Because that's how it should be.
00:39:39Because that's how it should be.
00:39:42Ms. Feride, along with your late father...
00:39:44...was working on this case for a long time.
00:39:47But nothing came out.
00:39:49Then she told us her doubts and what she knew.
00:39:52What did she tell you?
00:39:54Or rather...
00:39:56Why didn't she ever tell me?
00:40:01Look, it's almost time.
00:40:03Trust us and lean on us.
00:40:05From now on, it's us.
00:40:09It's us.
00:40:29It's so safe.
00:40:31I'm starting to get scared.
00:40:33Don't be scared.
00:40:35Don't be scared.
00:40:37What is this?
00:40:39Don't be scared.
00:40:43I saw Rüya meeting you.
00:40:45She lied to me.
00:40:47She said, I need to rest at home.
00:40:49Then she came to you.
00:40:54What are you up to?
00:40:57What are you hiding from me?
00:41:01What is Rüya hiding?
00:41:10Are you going to keep quiet like this?
00:41:15Aren't you going to say anything?
00:41:31We got it.
00:41:34We got it.
00:41:36We got it.
00:41:37We got it.
00:41:40We got it.
00:41:43Are you ready?
00:41:45Because I'm sick of covering up for someone else's bullshit.
00:41:54Talk, brother.
00:41:55It's about Rüya's mother.
00:42:06With the cabinets she turned.
00:42:08Go on.
00:42:11It's hard for him to say this, but...
00:42:13But what?
00:42:19Şebnem set up a company.
00:42:27For years.
00:42:29Hospital, foundation, whatever.
00:42:32And we just found out.
00:42:34We're worried about what we're going to do.
00:42:40Why are you looking at me like that?
00:42:43How much more were we going to hide from Yaman?
00:42:46Why did you hide this from me?
00:42:50Tell me.
00:42:53You're eager to tell me.
00:42:55Why didn't we tell Yaman?
00:42:57Because of Rüya.
00:43:01I think anyone who was Şebnem's child would be ashamed of this.
00:43:09One of the places she collapsed was the street children's foundation.
00:43:12So it's the subject you're most sensitive to.
00:43:16Where did you learn this?
00:43:20Çağla explains it very well.
00:43:23And she's eager.
00:43:24Tell me.
00:43:25Tell me, because I'm sick of the whole thing.
00:43:27Tell me.
00:43:30Rüya noticed.
00:43:31She pushed her mother into the room.
00:43:34But she couldn't pity the pregnant woman.
00:43:36She was surprised at what she was going to do.
00:43:39That's why Elif was after Rüya and Adil.
00:43:45That's all from me.
00:43:46The rest is the problem of you and your lover.
00:43:49By the way, we didn't tell anyone.
00:43:52I mean...
00:43:53You can do whatever you want.
00:44:24How many times are you going to speak?
00:44:40Allah, wait.
00:44:41Wait Allah.
00:44:43How many lies can you tell in a second?
00:44:44Does your father give you this right?
00:44:46Don't yell, the police is here.
00:44:48Besides, I don't need anyone understanding me, okay?
00:44:50You did all this to take money from my grandfather.
00:44:53No way. Am I the only one who believes my father here?
00:45:00Bravo. Like a son.
00:45:01But I have bad news for you.
00:45:04Our father is not a father.
00:45:05You fooled me.
00:45:06Let's see how we will fool him.
00:45:08Alas, please wait.
00:45:09Alas, wait. I said wait.
00:45:11Look, please.
00:45:12Don't play with my father's mind.
00:45:15Don't touch me for anyone after this time.
00:45:18That's all from me.
00:45:19Pray that no one will ask me anything.
00:45:41Can you slow down a little? I'm sick.
00:45:45Are you okay?
00:45:51They won't tell us anything now.
00:45:52Maybe your mother told you.
00:45:54You'll get rid of Elif, won't you?
00:45:56Our brother won't die, will he?
00:45:58God forbid, son.
00:45:59Why would Elif do this?
00:46:05I'm going to tell you something.
00:46:07But don't get excited, okay?
00:46:09Like what?
00:46:10I'm going to tell you something.
00:46:12I'm going to tell you something.
00:46:14I'm going to tell you something.
00:46:16I'm going to tell you something.
00:46:18Like what?
00:46:25And Rüya.
00:46:27They're up to something.
00:46:29And Elif knew what they were up to.
00:46:32What does that mean, son?
00:46:34What do you mean?
00:46:35What does that mean to Elif?
00:46:38I mean...
00:46:39Elif wasn't after them for nothing.
00:46:42She knew something.
00:46:44Yaman, my beautiful brother.
00:46:45Don't be ridiculous.
00:46:47She's not that tall.
00:46:48She wouldn't commit a murder.
00:46:50I mean...
00:46:51I don't know about Alas.
00:46:52But I'm sure about Rüya and Çağla.
00:46:54Of course.
00:46:55Rüzgar died with his own death, didn't he?
00:46:57That's a different story, dear.
00:46:59He deserved it.
00:47:00Are you on the same side as Rüzgar and Elif?
00:47:02What do you mean?
00:47:05Don't be ridiculous.
00:47:06Okay, let's not be ridiculous.
00:47:08Since you're sure of something,
00:47:10they're hiding something.
00:47:11Let's go and ask.
00:47:12She asked.
00:47:17Çağla made something up.
00:47:19Alas threw the ball at her and ran away.
00:47:21Oh my God.
00:47:22What are we going to do?
00:47:23What are we going to do?
00:47:24What are we going to do?
00:47:26We have one last letter left.
00:47:29Elif told me to find the letter while she was in the ambulance.
00:47:32What letter?
00:47:34I don't know either.
00:47:35We'll find out when we find it.
00:47:42You have to help me.
00:47:45Yes, brother.
00:48:14You're so tired.
00:48:16Go get some rest.
00:48:17Take a shower.
00:48:22Thank you so much.
00:48:24For being with me despite everything.
00:48:27Mom, look, I can't take another lie.
00:48:31So please tell me.
00:48:35Do you know what happened to Elif?
00:48:38I swear I don't.
00:48:41Rüya, I didn't do anything.
00:48:49Good night.
00:48:54Good night.
00:49:11Good night.
00:49:39Yes, Çağla?
00:49:41What did you tell Yaman?
00:49:43Çağla, are you kidding me?
00:49:45What could I have done?
00:49:46Yaman saw us.
00:49:47I had to lie.
00:49:48I had no other choice.
00:49:49I'm keeping quiet to protect my mom.
00:49:51How could you reveal my mom?
00:49:53At least you didn't say he kidnapped Yaman and tried to kill Elif.
00:49:55I think you should be thankful for that.
00:49:56My mom kidnapped Yaman with your dad, Çağla.
00:49:58And the one who tried to kill Elif wasn't my mom.
00:50:00I think it was your dad.
00:50:01No, I'm hanging up.
00:50:02You can believe whatever you want to believe.
00:50:11I'm hanging up.
00:50:41I'm hanging up.
00:50:49Is Elif getting any better since yesterday?
00:50:55I see.
00:50:56I see. Thank you.
00:50:58See you.
00:51:00How is she?
00:51:04She's as good as new.
00:51:06I hope she saw who you were after.
00:51:13And I hope she wakes up.
00:51:16It's definitely Serhan.
00:51:18I'm sure of it.
00:51:21But that Dajjal won't stop.
00:51:23He'll try to destroy me.
00:51:27But I won't let him.
00:51:30I won't, honey.
00:51:31I won't let him.
00:51:33I won't, honey.
00:51:35Valazlar asked his dad if you were involved.
00:51:40Of course, he denied it.
00:51:46Of course.
00:51:48Are we surprised? No.
00:51:51But I promised you, honey.
00:51:54I won't go to jail alone.
00:51:58That devil Serhan will come with me.
00:52:07Who's calling?
00:52:17Yes, Chief Selçuk.
00:52:18Yaman, did you take Elif's phone last night?
00:52:21We can't get a signal. There's no phone.
00:52:23No, Chief. I didn't see the phone.
00:52:27Look, don't get yourself in trouble.
00:52:29If you learn anything...
00:52:37Yaman, what are you doing here?
00:52:40I came to see you.
00:52:42I was going to quietly enter the window.
00:52:45There's a door in this house. Are you aware?
00:52:49I mean, it's a thief's door.
00:52:52I mean, it's a thief's door.
00:52:53What is this? It's called trespassing.
00:52:56Whenever I don't want to see you, I enter through the window.
00:52:59Mom, will you let us in?
00:53:02That window is my window.
00:53:06And she's my daughter.
00:53:07Are you aware?
00:53:10The biggest misfortune of that girl in this life...
00:53:12...is not having a mother like you.
00:53:14Mom, please.
00:53:19Okay, honey.
00:53:30I'm sorry.
00:53:31I mean, when it comes to your mother, I...
00:53:32You're turning into a tasteless person.
00:53:34Like last night.
00:53:37Are you a little nervous?
00:53:42Without Elif getting better...
00:53:44...my nervousness doesn't go away.
00:53:46But I'm sorry if I made you nervous, Ayna.
00:53:49Did you come here to tell me that?
00:53:57Why would I come through the window?
00:54:03Because I missed you.
00:54:10Yaman, I have to get ready.
00:54:15I'll wait for you here.
00:54:17And if you wait here, I won't be bored anyway.
00:54:21Yaman, come on.
00:54:22If you're going to wait, wait downstairs, please.
00:54:25Come on.
00:54:45Come on.
00:54:56Hi, Çağla.
00:54:57Is Alas at home?
00:54:58He's at home.
00:54:59I mean, if you didn't come to bother him this time...
00:55:01...I'll tell him.
00:55:02You can do it, though. I won't be surprised.
00:55:04I don't understand us either.
00:55:05It's normal anyway.
00:55:06So let it be.
00:55:07I mean...
00:55:08...I don't have a mind for your relationship.
00:55:10I have to go anyway.
00:55:11But by the way, Alas is sleeping.
00:55:13I'll wake him up as soon as possible. Thank you.
00:55:15I'll tell you one more thing.
00:55:16The sharp knives are in the second drawer in the kitchen.
00:55:19The axe is in the wood.
00:55:21Samuray's sword is in Grandpa's room.
00:55:23The house is yours. Have fun.
00:55:24Thank you.
00:55:43Come on.
00:56:13I love you.
00:56:14I love you.
00:56:15I love you.
00:56:16I love you.
00:56:17I love you.
00:56:18I love you.
00:56:19I love you.
00:56:20I love you.
00:56:21I love you.
00:56:22I love you.
00:56:23I love you.
00:56:24I love you.
00:56:25I love you.
00:56:26I love you.
00:56:27I love you.
00:56:28I love you.
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01:01:42I love you.
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01:01:45I love you.
01:01:46I love you.
01:01:47I love you.
01:01:48I love you.
01:01:49I love you.
01:01:50I love you.
01:01:51I love you.
01:01:52I love you.
01:01:53I love you.
01:01:54I love you.
01:01:55I love you.
01:01:56I love you.
01:01:57I love you.
01:01:58I love you.
01:01:59I love you.
01:02:00I love you.
01:02:01I love you.
01:02:04I love you.
01:02:07I love you.
01:02:10I love you.
01:02:13I love you.
01:02:22Dear Ece...
01:02:25We shouldn't be crying.
01:02:28I said.
01:02:29I'll be right back.
01:02:37I'll see you guys.
01:02:40I was right.
01:02:44What are you after?
01:02:49I'm sure I'm not after you.
01:02:59Are you the kind of person who would go after her?
01:03:02I'm not the kind of person who would go after her.
01:03:05And I'm not the kind of person who would fall in love with her.
01:03:07We've been working on this all night.
01:03:09I'm not the kind of person.
01:03:11We got it.
01:03:13But what are you after? Tell me.
01:03:18Tell me. Where is the letter?
01:03:22Now we're talking.
01:03:25What letter?
01:03:30I said don't make it long, Malas.
01:03:32Where is the letter? Tell me.
01:03:38It's really old.
01:03:40It turned out to be very fast, Asigöz.
01:03:42Malas, talk.
01:03:44Elif is saying it's a letter. Where is it?
01:03:53You're not going to talk?
01:04:02It doesn't matter what you think.
01:04:08But I saw a completely different person in you.
01:04:13You made a choice.
01:04:15You chose to be a good person.
01:04:19Even enough to sacrifice your life for me.
01:04:26Then what happened?
01:04:27What happened?
01:04:29I don't know what changed.
01:04:33I don't know why you're protecting someone.
01:04:39But you have to surrender to that darkness again, Malas.
01:04:44Don't choose the wrong one in all this truth.
01:04:53Because we were so close.
01:04:57I'm sorry.
01:05:04She stole it.
01:05:07She stole the letter.
01:05:10Don't ask any more questions.
01:05:27Don't ask any more questions.
01:05:53Yes, dad, I'm with you.
01:05:54I don't have much to do right now.
01:05:56Then I'll go straight to the hospital.
01:05:58Okay, okay, bye.
01:06:08Hello, is Cesur Çağla with you?
01:06:10No, he's not here yet.
01:06:13He's here, he's here. Hang up.
01:06:15Oh, hi. Okay, okay, don't hang up.
01:06:17The letter is in Çağla.
01:06:19Okay, I understand you, brother.
01:06:21I understand, but a product comes to the museum every day.
01:06:22Okay, send two packages, don't be late.
01:06:25Welcome, princess.
01:06:27Thank you.
01:06:29Come on, sit down.
01:06:31What can I do for you?
01:06:33No, I don't have much time.
01:06:35Because I'm going to go to my father.
01:06:37What were you going to talk to me about?
01:06:39The subject we're going to talk about.
01:06:43Oh, Cesur.
01:06:45There's no such thing as Cesur.
01:06:47It's not a subject to talk about.
01:06:49Come on, sit down.
01:06:531600, 1800.
01:07:03What? 2000 a week.
01:07:05Brother, this is not enough for anything.
01:07:07Why don't you do a little more?
01:07:09My daughter, I give you as much money as a month's salary.
01:07:11People spend 3-5 people with this money.
01:07:13Brother, I guess you don't know about the prices in our school canteen.
01:07:15How much does one Danut cost?
01:07:17Do you know?
01:07:19What the hell, girl?
01:07:20It's not enough for anything.
01:07:22I'm studying at a private school.
01:07:24Should I go and drink ayran like a donkey?
01:07:26Shut up, shut up.
01:07:28The scholarship he gets is 25 percent.
01:07:30And if you hang out with those rich guys,
01:07:32that money won't be enough for you.
01:07:34They're my friends.
01:07:36Besides, they're all from school.
01:07:38Is Çağla your friend?
01:07:42She's a very close friend of mine.
01:07:44Well, girl, if you're going around like this,
01:07:46I'll hang out with your friends.
01:07:47It's a mess around here, I swear.
01:07:49I see.
01:07:51We'll see.
01:07:53Does that mean you're going to do the scholarship?
01:07:59Take it.
01:08:03Come here.
01:08:18You don't have to hide it from me anymore.
01:08:23The scholarship thing.
01:08:25Çağla told me everything.
01:08:33Why did you hide it from me, Rüya?
01:08:37Why didn't you come and tell me?
01:08:39Because if you had told me,
01:08:43I wouldn't have had to go through all this.
01:08:47I wouldn't have been able to figure out
01:08:49what she was hiding from me all this time.
01:08:51How many more times are we going to go through this?
01:08:54How many more times are we going to be in this class?
01:08:59Didn't we promise each other?
01:09:04Didn't we promise not to carry the burden
01:09:06of our parents on our backs?
01:09:09Didn't we promise not to burden ourselves?
01:09:11I wish you had told me.
01:09:13I wish we hadn't gone through this.
01:09:16In vain.
01:09:18You ate yourself up there.
01:09:22I'm here.
01:09:29Now that we know everything,
01:09:33tell me.
01:09:35Tell me.
01:09:37Tell me.
01:09:38Tell me.
01:09:41What is this all about?
01:09:47Yaman, I don't want to talk.
01:09:51Please don't come at me.
01:09:53I can't even look at your face.
01:09:57Çağla told you everything.
01:10:02That's all.
01:10:09As you wish.
01:10:20Go wash your face.
01:10:38I'm sorry.
01:11:09I don't know what changed.
01:11:11I don't know why you're protecting someone.
01:11:16But don't surrender to that darkness again.
01:11:19Don't choose the wrong one in all this truth.
01:11:24Because we were so close.
01:11:35What is it, Rüya?
01:11:39The police are looking for Elif's phone.
01:11:51Come on, son.
01:11:53Come on.
01:12:02No problem. I destroyed the phone.
01:12:04That's all from me.
01:12:05I won't lie to anyone from now on, Rüya.
01:12:07I don't care if this world explodes.
01:12:09I'm not here.
01:12:37Are you feeling better?
01:12:43Let's go then.
01:12:45Did you get any news from the hospital?
01:12:55But it will be fine, Elif.
01:12:59I'm sure.
01:13:01I'm sure.
01:13:03I'm sure.
01:13:05I'm sure.
01:13:07I'm sure.
01:13:09She's a strong girl, Rüya.
01:13:12She'll find those who did this to her...
01:13:16...and then she'll ask for it.
01:13:19I'll ask, too.
01:13:21You know that.
01:13:27I'll leave you.
01:13:30I'll go on my own.
01:13:33We'll talk later.
01:13:57I'll ask you one last time, my dear.
01:14:02Is there anything you want to tell me?
01:14:05Is there a burden you want to get rid of?
01:14:10You're very healthy, Rüya.
01:14:12Look at your feet.
01:14:14Did you see your hand?
01:14:21I have nothing to say.
01:14:44I'll give you a location.
01:14:46I'll meet you there in an hour.
01:15:36What the hell is this?
01:15:38What are you, brave?
01:15:40Don't make me talk.
01:15:42You're being rude, princess.
01:15:44I'm just a street kid.
01:15:46I'm trying to improve myself.
01:15:48You're breaking my heart.
01:15:50I'm being rude, yes.
01:15:52Because you're breaking my heart, too.
01:15:54My son didn't touch me.
01:15:56I was in a difficult situation.
01:15:58He just helped me.
01:16:00You shouldn't have slept, you should have picked up the phone.
01:16:02Otherwise, I wouldn't have had to take others home.
01:16:03No, okay, okay.
01:16:05Okay, sit down.
01:16:07We're still talking.
01:16:11Send us two cold iced teas.
01:16:13Our blood sugar will sit down and it will be cold.
01:16:15It will be good.
01:16:17He doesn't want it.
01:16:19When you do this, I'm already cold.
01:16:21By the way, I can't do that.
01:16:23God, I'm your girlfriend, girl.
01:16:27Then act like you're my girlfriend.
01:16:29Not my owner.
01:16:31Okay, okay.
01:16:33I'm acting like your girlfriend.
01:16:35Don't you say I'm going to my father like your girlfriend?
01:16:37I'll take you to your father.
01:16:39I'll carry your bag, too.
01:16:41Here you go, princess.
01:16:43What are you trying to do?
01:16:45Are you trying to take my heart?
01:16:47You have to work hard for him.
01:16:53Damn, princess.
01:16:55Damn, princess.
01:16:57I really found time to be stubborn.
01:17:05Where are you?
01:17:09Okay, you're close to me.
01:17:11I'm coming to pick you up.
01:17:13We have an emergency.
01:17:15Okay, wait for me there.
01:17:17I swear, the patient will be fine.
01:17:19Look, the doctor said it would take a while.
01:17:25Ms. Çağla.
01:17:27Well, if you're waiting for a taxi, it's hard for you.
01:17:29These are changing hours.
01:17:30If you want, let's do it this way.
01:17:32I'll drop you off where you're going.
01:17:34You saw it last time.
01:17:36We don't eat people.
01:17:39Come on, hop in.
01:17:41There's a bus stop over there.
01:17:43Okay, bro.
01:17:47What do you mean, bro?
01:17:49Yes, honey, let me introduce you.
01:17:51Anyway, get in.
01:17:53No, I'll go by myself.
01:17:55Thank you.
01:17:57It's okay.
01:18:16Nice hair, huh?
01:18:29Okay, I understand.
01:18:31Well, then I'll wait for your news.
01:18:35Okay, thank you.
01:18:37Good luck.
01:18:49Thank you, honey.
01:18:53How are you?
01:18:55Any progress?
01:18:56I mean, they opened the grave.
01:18:58In the autopsy report.
01:19:00They're taking it out today.
01:19:03I don't know what I'm going to think.
01:19:05I don't know how I'm going to think.
01:19:07I'm about to go crazy.
01:19:09I mean, does Şebnem have anything to do with this?
01:19:11To protect your brother.
01:19:13Or did you get involved in something like this because of your brother?
01:19:15I mean, a thousand things come to my mind.
01:19:17And somehow...
01:19:19Calm down, calm down.
01:19:21In the end, we'll all learn everything.
01:19:30You didn't tell Serhan anything, did you?
01:19:39The word came to Serhan.
01:19:41He has a checkup today.
01:19:43Well, Mr. Okan said...
01:19:45...if there's nothing wrong...
01:19:47...he can discharge him.
01:19:49I'm going to take him home.
01:19:51I really can't stand it.
01:19:53I really, really can't stand it.
01:19:56I mean, the idea that you'll be living under the same roof as Serhan...
01:20:00...is driving me crazy.
01:20:02In fact, whatever I feel, I can't find that word.
01:20:07Please don't.
01:20:09I mean, the only thing I can share with Serhan after this point...
01:20:12...can be the same roof.
01:20:14And that's my children.
01:20:16I can't stand it.
01:20:18I can't stand it.
01:20:20I can't stand it.
01:20:22But, Serhan can't be a doctor without seeing you.
01:20:25Why? What do you mean?
01:20:27I mean, I have to see you as a doctor.
01:20:30You promised.
01:20:32I promised. I promised. I won't forget. Don't worry.
01:20:35I promise I won't come and take that woman from me...
01:20:39...when I'm about to get married in 20 years.
01:20:43I promise.
01:20:45Look, look, look.
01:20:47Look, look, look.
01:20:48He took it out and started.
01:20:50Please, trust me.
01:20:52I said I promise. I promise.
01:20:55I promise I won't throw her out of the window.
01:20:57No windows are open here.
01:21:02For this smile...
01:21:04...I can stand Serhan. I can stand everything.
01:21:19Ms. Şevnem, one minute.
01:21:24Where were you last night?
01:21:26I was at the hospital.
01:21:28I had a little health problem.
01:21:30But you were here too, as far as I remember.
01:21:33Get well soon.
01:21:35Thank you.
01:21:37Where were you before this health problem?
01:21:39What is this?
01:21:41Am I being questioned right now? I don't understand.
01:21:43It's just a routine question.
01:21:45You don't need to go back.
01:21:46You're not being questioned.
01:21:48Look, I'm not nervous.
01:21:50It's just that my trauma was triggered...
01:21:53...because I was accused of something wrong.
01:21:57I was at home all night yesterday.
01:22:00You already know the rest.
01:22:04You stay here.
01:22:06We can apply for your statement.
01:22:08Okay. Get well soon.
01:22:16Get well soon.
01:22:34Come, come, come. Well done.
01:22:36Well done to you, Şevne.
01:22:38It's such a stupid idea to crush a cop with a car.
01:22:43Or is that what happens when you don't listen to me?
01:22:46I didn't do anything, Serhan.
01:22:50Then who did it just in time?
01:22:53You should be asking.
01:22:55Who did it just in time?
01:22:59Look, I'm not a murderer.
01:23:02Don't confuse yourself with me.
01:23:05Get your hands off me.
01:23:09I didn't hit that girl, okay?
01:23:12You know that very well.
01:23:14Then who did it? Who?
01:23:17Look, don't annoy me anymore.
01:23:21Get out of my room.
01:23:23You can't talk to me like that, okay?
01:23:27Look, I got into this business because of you.
01:23:32You made me a partner in this.
01:23:34It was your idea to kidnap Yaman.
01:23:37You dragged me into this mess.
01:23:39I ruined my whole life because of you, because of your mind.
01:23:46But I don't remember you complaining about it.
01:23:49What happened, Şevne?
01:23:51Did you regret it because of your fears?
01:23:55Look, I'll tell you this much.
01:23:58If things get to that point,
01:24:02you can't prove anything you say.
01:24:06So that's it.
01:24:08It's that easy.
01:24:10Believe me, it's that easy.
01:24:13I deny everything.
01:24:16You have no proof.
01:24:20You'll burn, Şevne.
01:24:25It's not that easy, Serhan.
01:24:29We either tear it apart together,
01:24:32or we burn together.
01:24:34We either tear it apart together,
01:24:37or we burn together.
01:24:45They said it's a waste of time.
01:24:49We'll see.
01:24:51They said it's a waste of time.
01:24:53Don't underestimate me.
01:24:55You know best what I can do when I'm stuck.
01:25:00Let's see.
01:25:02Let's see.
01:25:05I can't believe it.
01:25:07I wonder if Şevne had anything to do with it.
01:25:10I wonder if it's because of her brother.
01:25:13Cöner was a troublesome boy,
01:25:16but he wasn't a bad person.
01:25:18It's a sensitive matter for our family.
01:25:21He just made a comment.
01:25:23He shouldn't make a comment.
01:25:24What's up?
01:25:32What's up?
01:25:34Are you okay? Is everything okay?
01:25:36Great. I couldn't be better.
01:25:54I'm sorry.
01:26:04Are you here to visit Sıla?
01:26:06I don't want you to go out.
01:26:10As the most senior surgeon in this hospital,
01:26:13if I do a surgery without checking the director,
01:26:16it won't look good.
01:26:18I have a doctor.
01:26:20Where is Dr. Okan?
01:26:22I don't know.
01:26:24I don't know.
01:26:26If you want,
01:26:28I can wait another day.
01:26:30I can see Dr. Okan.
01:26:32If you want.
01:26:34I want to go to my home and family as soon as possible.
01:26:37My place is next to my family.
01:26:40Neslihan and I will go together from here today.
01:26:44To my home.
01:26:49let's be sure that you are completely recovered.
01:26:54I want Mr. Serhan's electromyography from you.
01:26:58Okay, sir.
01:27:00Let's take the MRI of the whole body.
01:27:03Of course, sir.
01:27:05And I'm telling you to be sure.
01:27:07And let's take the BTC, Mr. Serhan.
01:27:09But let's do these very quickly.
01:27:11Because Mr. Serhan wants to get out of here as soon as possible.
01:27:17Yes, sir.
01:27:40Hasi, what did you do with the letter?
01:27:42Yaman, the letter was in Çağla.
01:27:44I told Cesra, she is trying to get it now.
01:27:45Believe me, I don't know if we need to get the letter anymore.
01:27:50Maybe someone will spill it today.
01:27:53I don't think so.
01:27:57we'll talk later.
01:28:09you made such a fuss,
01:28:11how many mountains will be destroyed?
01:28:12Two mountains will be destroyed.
01:28:15Let it be destroyed, Ayri Baba.
01:28:17Whatever it is, let it be destroyed after this minute.
01:28:21You say the trouble is big, huh?
01:28:24The trouble is big, Ayri Baba.
01:28:27But as my father said,
01:28:29this is the Kilingir table.
01:28:34Whatever the lock door is today, let it be opened, Ayri Baba.
01:28:37Okay, okay.
01:28:38It's up to you.
01:28:42So you hit me, huh?
01:28:44Look, this is what a brother does to his sister.
01:28:46I guess this is what a brother does to his sister.
01:28:48That's enough.
01:28:51Let me kiss you.
01:28:53I kissed you, yes.
01:28:55Do you want me to kiss you too?
01:28:57Okay, really.
01:29:09Come on.
01:29:10Come on.
01:29:40What can I do, my love?
01:29:43I can only turn around until they meet in this state.
01:29:46What can I do?
01:29:48You don't get your hands dirty anyway.
01:29:51I'm telling you, find yourself a way.
01:29:56I'm also...
01:30:01I'm out of ways, my love.
01:30:04I see only one way for you.
01:30:11Find yourself a way.
01:30:16God damn you.
01:30:26I'm doing exactly what you said, Mr. Serhan.
01:30:30I'm finding myself a way.
01:30:40I'm doing exactly what you said, Mr. Serhan.
01:30:44HIT IT
01:31:05Çevren, do I need anything?
01:31:08No, I was testing the record,
01:31:10But I couldn't find it, or I erased it by mistake, I don't know, it doesn't matter.
01:31:14Let me help you.
01:31:15Thank you, I don't want to bother you.
01:31:18Have a nice day.
01:31:31Have a nice day, brother.
01:31:32Thank you.
01:31:33Ms. Şebnem, Özgün was here. What did she want?
01:31:37I was looking for her.
01:31:38She made a call, but...
01:31:39What call?
01:31:41It was called at 1.30 to 1.12.
01:31:44What was the call about?
01:31:46What happened?
01:31:55The file was deleted.
01:31:59She said, I deleted it by mistake.
01:32:01She must have deleted it by mistake.
01:32:05Can we save her?
01:32:06I mean, it's a bit of a hassle, but I'll try.
01:32:08Don't worry.
01:32:10It's up to me to save her or not.
01:32:12Okay, let's go.
01:32:38What's up, brother?
01:32:54You didn't have to go through all this trouble.
01:33:00Whatever it is, tell me.
01:33:04Let's not force it.
01:33:07Let's force it.
01:33:11Let's force it today.
01:33:16Sit down.
01:33:29You mean, let's play brotherhood.
01:33:37On the contrary.
01:33:41Let's sit down and talk like strangers today.
01:33:51As if we don't have a mother, a father or a brotherhood.
01:34:00It's far from all we've been through.
01:34:05It's far from all our anger.
01:34:11But not with blood.
01:34:17Listen to me with life.
01:34:25Maybe if we sit like strangers...
01:34:32...you'll understand me better.
01:34:39You'll see me better, obviously.
01:34:55You'll see me better.
01:35:25You'll see me better.
01:35:45Thank you so much.
01:35:47Just a minute.
01:35:50I can wait if you want.
01:35:52I can wait until morning if you want.
01:35:55What do you say?
01:35:57No, thank you.
01:35:59As far as I know, you're not a taxi driver.
01:36:02So let's put me aside.
01:36:05Thank you very much.
01:36:07But there's no need.
01:36:09Help me.
01:36:17God damn it.
01:36:22God damn it.
01:36:26Damn it!
01:36:28You, son of a bitch!
01:36:39You'll tell me.
01:36:41You'll tell me everything.
01:36:43Fuck you!
01:37:22What can I say, brother?
01:37:26God damn you, Yakup.
01:37:29I'm going to skin you alive at the end of the day.
01:37:32What did you do to my beloved?
01:37:40Do you know which were the times I loved the most for years?
01:37:43I don't know.
01:37:47The times I spent in front of Minister Deniz's houses when I was collecting paper.
01:37:57Because their curtains would be open.
01:38:04You know, their problem is seeing Deniz.
01:38:08Mine is them.
01:38:13Their family dinners.
01:38:15Their balcony parties.
01:38:18Their children's festivities.
01:38:23Who would go like that?
01:38:28I wish I had a family like that.
01:38:36Or I would be there with my family.
01:38:38I wish I had a family like that.
01:38:42I would...
01:38:47...sit down...
01:38:50...and watch Deniz.
01:38:55Because you found your family.
01:38:58It's your turn to watch the view.
01:39:04Even if your family is not like the one you found...
01:39:09...the view is beautiful, isn't it?
01:39:15I don't want to die for my family, but...
01:39:18...we are just a dream, aren't we?
01:39:31I can't leave my mother.
01:39:37When I die...
01:39:41...if I get closer to you...
01:39:45...if I say, this time it happened...
01:39:48...it happened.
01:39:50If I say, we are a family, we are brothers.
01:39:54You broke my heart, son.
01:39:59You threw me into the ice.
01:40:06I'm sorry.
01:40:18The ticker genes.
01:40:24Only one of the superpowers...
01:40:27...that came from the egg.
01:40:32But this time you pushed it too far.
01:40:37I'm so tired of chasing, son.
01:40:42Aren't you tired of running away?
01:40:47You know, sometimes you run like this...
01:40:50...you can't breathe.
01:40:52Your heart can't take it anymore.
01:40:59...the two of us...
01:41:01...at this table...
01:41:02...at this table...
01:41:06...we will either stay as brothers...
01:41:09...or as strangers.
01:41:25I still want to be your brother.
01:41:32Who do you want to be my brother?
01:41:41I choose you.
01:41:43Liar, liar.
01:41:45It's clear.
01:42:03I was just getting out of my friend's car...
01:42:05...someone took it and went to the bag.
01:42:08Okay, girl. Okay, calm down.
01:42:11Nothing happened to you, right?
01:42:12This is important.
01:42:13God damn it.
01:42:15I'm so sorry, dad. I'm really sorry.
01:42:18Çağla, okay.
01:42:21I'm sorry.
01:42:23I'm sorry.
01:42:25I'm sorry.
01:42:27I'm sorry.
01:42:29I'm sorry.
01:42:30I'm sorry.
01:42:34Good day, sir.
01:42:36The bag?
01:42:37I can't believe it, Yakup. Thank you so much.
01:42:40Get better, by the way. We heard it, we are sorry.
01:42:43They said someone who worries would heal.
01:42:46Sit back.
01:42:48On the innow explain your operation planned.
01:42:53You said operation...
01:42:54...but if you see fit, I can take this young lady to the hospital...
01:42:57...and make a complaint to the police.
01:43:03Baba arkadaş ya kup ya babam Serhan
01:43:12Neyse geçmiş olsun Tekrar iyi günler
01:43:22Burada işte
01:43:24I've always watched over you.
01:43:30Yanlız bu Yakup arkadaş, nasıl arkadaş?
01:43:35Cesur sana göre değil derken gittin, daha betenini mi buldun?
01:43:39Yok, baba, yok, öyle değil.
01:43:41Yani tanıdık gibi...
01:43:43Taksi bulamayınca yardım etti sadece.
01:43:48Sen yine de dikkatli ol.
01:43:50Do you really want to give the letter to the police?
01:43:57I mean, I don't think he can keep slandering Shebne as you have it.
01:44:04He can, my girl. He can try anything to separate me from your mother.
01:44:11What do you mean?
01:44:13He's been after me for years. He's got a woman's head in my hands.
01:44:16I didn't tell your mother, of course, so...
01:44:18Anyway, people don't really talk about these things with their daughters.
01:44:23Okay dad, okay. I understand.
01:44:25Let the police take the punishment.
01:44:27I mean, where do we get this woman from?
01:44:32Exactly, my girl, exactly.
01:44:35They didn't kidnap you like that. They did it with her sister.
01:44:41Look, I got into this business because of you.
01:44:44If you were me, I would have gone with her.
01:44:49Come on, honey. Listen with your own ears.
01:44:54Look, I got into this business because of you.
01:44:58You made me a partner in this.
01:45:00Kidnapping Yaman was your idea.
01:45:03You dragged me into this mess.
01:45:05I ruined my whole life because of you, because of your mind.
01:45:09Yes, but I don't remember you complaining this much.
01:45:13What happened, Şevne?
01:45:15Did you regret it?
01:45:18Look at me, let me tell you this much.
01:45:22If things get to that point, you can't prove anything you say.
01:45:28So that's it. It's that easy.
01:45:32Believe me, it's that easy.
01:45:34I deny everything.
01:45:36There's no proof in your hand.
01:45:39You're done for, Şevne.
01:45:43That's it.
01:45:45That djinn won't be able to burn me alone anymore.
01:45:51You keep this.
01:45:55If things get to that point, you can't prove anything you say.
01:46:07Look, there's also this. Come.
01:46:15It's 12 o'clock here.
01:46:29Someone's been here for a quarter of an hour.
01:46:32So, he's been out for an hour.
01:46:36Isn't that the exact time Elif hit the car?
01:46:39Isn't that the exact time Elif hit the car?
01:46:41Yes, that's the exact time.
01:46:46Let me tell you something.
01:46:49I'm suspicious that Serhan is an imposter.
01:46:53Everything is a lie.
01:46:56I'll give you a copy of this later.
01:47:03I'll be punished.
01:47:06But, I'm all alone.
01:47:13That's it, right?
01:47:15You won't have another crime afterwards.
01:47:27Until your brother is born...
01:47:29...please help me, okay?
01:47:33What if Elif wakes up?
01:47:36If she wakes up...
01:47:39...I'll disappear for a while.
01:47:46Look, now...
01:47:49...this number...
01:47:58...don't save this.
01:48:03And don't call me.
01:48:06Because Elif will die listening.
01:48:33Actually, if the results are as we want...
01:48:35...we can wake her up one by one.
01:48:38The lab will give the results in a few hours.
01:48:40Let them come, then we'll try.
01:48:57What's going on?
01:49:00What are you thinking?
01:49:04...my wife...
01:49:06...is a fox.
01:49:08I'll ask you a question.
01:49:12Do you think Serhan...
01:49:14...knows that Yaman...
01:49:16...isn't his real father...
01:49:18...since the beginning?
01:49:21That's impossible.
01:49:24Absolutely impossible.
01:49:26How do you know that?
01:49:28Let's say...
01:49:31...Caner was killed...
01:49:33...without really committing suicide.
01:49:35In this case, the ones who killed Caner...
01:49:37...are the ones who kidnapped Yaman.
01:49:39Whoever kidnapped him...
01:49:41...and the first one to injure Serhan...
01:49:43...and run away...
01:49:45You're saying Şebnem killed him.
01:49:48I'm saying...
01:49:50...Serhan is involved in this.
01:49:54No, that's not possible.
01:49:57Do you know what you're saying?
01:50:22Let me ask you something.
01:50:24Wouldn't you be surprised...
01:50:26...if you saw or learned something like this?
01:50:34...Commissioner Selçuk...
01:50:36...is accusing his brother of his death.
01:50:38Now, if Elif...
01:50:40...looks at the same file about Yaman's kidnapping...
01:50:47That's why Elif is like this.
01:50:51...I think something is going on here.
01:50:55...is running around like a chicken.
01:50:58She deleted the security cameras...
01:51:01...from last night's recordings.
01:51:03Then they fought with Serhan.
01:51:05This panic...
01:51:07...this rush...
01:51:09...what do you think?
01:51:25Riya, are you okay? What happened?
01:51:27Enough, Çağla. It's over.
01:51:29It's over. I won't look you in the eye anymore.
01:51:32What's over? What happened again?
01:51:34I'll go to the police and tell them everything.
01:51:38You know...
01:51:40...but I'm really sorry for your mother.
01:51:42I mean, but...
01:51:44...I don't know what to do.
01:51:46I don't know what to do.
01:51:48I don't know what to do.
01:51:50I don't know what to do.
01:51:52I mean, but...
01:51:54...she has to suffer the punishment she deserves.
01:51:56Exactly, Çağla.
01:51:58Your father is with my mother.
01:52:00She still says your father.
01:52:02My father has nothing to do with this.
01:52:04Why don't you understand?
01:52:06I have your father's voice record.
01:52:08He told me everything.
01:52:10Don't be ridiculous.
01:52:12Çağla, look.
01:52:14I'm really sorry.
01:52:16I understand what you feel and what you're going through.
01:52:18But don't you see?
01:52:20We have to do this.
01:52:22We're even too late.
01:52:30Wait, I'll come with you.
01:53:20I'm ready.
01:53:26So, you've made your decision.
01:53:30First, ask the people in your mind.
01:53:34We'll make the decision together.
01:53:40Didn't you call me here for this, brother?
01:53:46I didn't.
01:53:50Who hit Elif, Alas?
01:53:58What are you three up to?
01:54:02What is Rüya hiding from me?
01:54:18I don't know.
01:54:26Then let's start from the beginning, brother.
01:54:34The letter you're after.
01:54:40Sister Feride left my mother before she left.
01:54:44My mother didn't have a chance to read it.
01:54:48What did she say?
01:54:50What did she say in the letter?
01:55:04What are you up to, Şebnem?
01:55:06What are you up to?
01:55:08If you have a hand in my brother's murder...
01:55:12Wait a minute.
01:55:14What's going on?
01:55:18They opened the grave.
01:55:22The autopsy was also done.
01:55:24Cener didn't commit suicide.
01:55:28The police say it's a murder.
01:55:34And that report will be released tomorrow.
01:55:36Everything will be revealed.
01:55:38So, you'd better talk.
01:55:40Wait a minute.
01:55:42Did Cener's grave open?
01:55:46They told me.
01:55:48Could it be you?
01:55:52Don't be ridiculous.
01:55:54Could you have gone that far?
01:55:56Could it be your finger in my son's kidnapping, Serhan?
01:56:00Of course not.
01:56:02Who's telling you this?
01:56:04I thought Yaman was my own son.
01:56:06Am I going to kidnap my own son?
01:56:12You'd do anything for money.
01:56:14Get your hands off my wife's shoulders.
01:56:18I'm not your wife.
01:56:20Never mind.
01:56:22The police will solve the case soon.
01:56:24And Şebnem will get what she deserves.
01:56:26Let's go.
01:56:28I already informed the police.
01:56:32You were after the truth.
01:56:34Here you are.
01:56:36Ferit will tell you the truth.
01:56:44Here you are.
01:56:48Here are the facts.
01:56:54Ferit wrote everything with his bare hands.
01:57:10Talk, Alas.
01:57:14Tell me, what did Ferit say to me in the letter?
01:57:18Drink, brother.
01:57:22You have to catch up with me.
01:57:24You're not ready yet.
01:57:26I'm ready, son.
01:57:30Come on, tell me.
01:57:36Tell me, son.
01:57:38What did Ferit say to you?
01:57:40He said he kidnapped you.
01:58:02What are you saying, son?
01:58:11He didn't kidnap me, Alas.
01:58:14The case is closed.
01:58:20It's closed.
01:58:22It's over.
01:58:24My first-born uncle kidnapped me.
01:58:32Right there.
01:58:36There's a problem, brother.
01:58:50What are you talking about, son?
01:58:52What problem?
01:58:54Tell me, Alas.
01:59:00Tell me, son.
01:59:10According to the letter...
01:59:24He kidnapped you.
01:59:46He shouldn't have.
02:00:10He shouldn't have.
02:00:30I got into this business because of you.
02:00:32You made me a partner in this.
02:00:36It was your idea to kidnap Yaman.
02:00:38You dragged me into this mess.
02:00:40I ruined my life because of you.
02:00:42I ruined my life because of your mind.
02:00:46But I don't remember you complaining until today.
02:00:48What happened, Sevna?
02:00:50Were you afraid?
02:00:52Did you regret it?
02:00:54Look at me.
02:00:56Let me tell you this much.
02:00:58If things get to that point...
02:01:00...you can't prove anything you say.
02:01:04So that's it.
02:01:06So that's it.
02:01:08Believe me.
02:01:10I deny everything.
02:01:12You have no proof.
02:01:14You'll burn, Sevna.
02:01:16You heard it.
02:01:18You heard everything with your own ears.
02:01:20Your mother and father kidnapped Yaman together.
02:01:22I'll tell the police everything.
02:01:24Your father hit Elif, I know.
02:01:26Don't be ridiculous.
02:01:28Okay, Çağla. What does it matter if my mother hit her?
02:01:30They're both culprits.
02:01:32They're both guilty.
02:01:34This recording proves everything.
02:02:04When did Rüya know and keep quiet?
02:02:08When we found the letter...
02:02:10...we went to Rüya.
02:02:16Rüya knew, too.
02:02:22I mean...
02:02:24...she just found out.
02:02:28You know that little girl, Melek?
02:02:32She heard Şebu talking.
02:02:36Rüya was devastated, too.
02:02:40I'm not mad at you, okay?
02:02:42I'm just telling you not to take it personal.
02:02:46Fiko told me.
02:02:48He said you were looking for me. Is something wrong?
02:02:50What happened?
02:02:52Elif, are you crazy?
02:02:54Where are we going?
02:02:56To your lover's house.
02:03:00They locked Melek in the house.
02:03:02She's crying.
02:03:04You have a very reliable lover.
02:03:06She's doing business with her family.
02:03:10Is Melek here?
02:03:14Is Melek here?
02:03:16You might have brought Melek here.
02:03:34Elif was right.
02:03:40That's why they silenced her.
02:03:44You're jealous. You're angry. I understand.
02:03:48I'm going to tell you to look at Rüya, but...
02:03:50...it's impossible to bury her.
02:03:54Elif's mother is pregnant.
02:03:56She's on one side, and you're on the other.
02:04:00I guess it's a two-sided event.
02:04:06When it comes to our family...
02:04:08When it comes to our family...
02:04:12...whatever they do...
02:04:16...we have to protect them.
02:04:50Come on, brother.
02:04:54It's a long story.
02:04:58We just started.
02:05:08We just started.
02:05:10We just started.
02:05:12We just started.
02:05:14We just started.
02:05:16We just started.
02:05:18We just started.
02:05:20We just started.
02:05:22We just started.
02:05:24We just started.
02:05:26We just started.
02:05:28We just started.
02:05:30We just started.
02:05:32We just started.
02:05:34We just started.
02:05:36We just started.
02:05:38We just started.
02:05:40We just started.
02:05:42We just started.
02:05:44We just started.
02:05:46We just started.
02:05:48We just started.
02:05:50We just started.
02:05:52We just started.
02:05:54We just started.
02:05:56We just started.
02:05:58We just started.
02:06:00We just started.
02:06:02We just started.
02:06:04We just started.
02:06:06We just started.
02:06:08We just started.
02:06:10We just started.
02:06:12We just started.
02:06:14We just started.
02:06:16We just started.
02:06:18We just started.
02:06:20We just started.
02:06:22We just started.
02:06:24We just started.
02:06:26We just started.
02:06:28We just started.
02:06:30We just started.
02:06:32We just started.
02:06:34We just started.
02:06:36We just started.
02:08:12Arif, we're starting.
02:08:15Okay, Mr. Serhan.
02:08:33Okay, I put the card the way you wanted it, Mr. Serhan.
02:08:36Well done.
02:08:38Now, report the car to the police.
02:08:42Then all you have to do is
02:08:45pack the video you gave me and send it to the police.
02:08:51It's been a tough 24 hours.
02:08:54But we're almost there.
02:08:57Come on, let's go.
02:09:10Don't worry about the road.
02:09:12I see only one way for you now.
02:09:18Take care of yourself.
02:09:21God damn you.
02:10:13Go a little further.
02:10:18We're at the viewpoint.
02:10:26Which one?
02:10:27That green car, Mr. Serhan.
02:12:45Yaman, look. Listen to me.
02:12:47What do you want me to listen to?
02:12:49The girl I'm in love with...
02:12:51...covered up her mother's filth...
02:12:54...and lied to me.
02:12:56What do you want me to listen to?
02:13:15It's not over yet.
02:13:19I still have my father.
02:13:31I think we can still find a way out.
02:13:33I mean, we can save both of them.
02:13:35Çağla, enough.
02:13:36Don't you understand?
02:13:37I don't want my father to go to jail this month.
02:13:39He will, but I'm sorry.
02:13:41Stop the car.
02:13:42We're almost there. We're going to the police station.
02:13:45I said stop it!
02:13:47Çağla, what are you doing?
02:13:49Are you going to stop me like this?
02:13:55Çağla, stop. Don't be ridiculous.
02:13:58Çağla, stop. Don't be ridiculous.
02:14:02Çağla, what are you doing?
02:14:03Give it to me. Stop.
02:14:08Çağla, stop.
02:14:09Çağla, don't do it. Stop.
02:14:11Don't give it to me.
02:14:12Give it to me.
02:14:13Okay, you don't do it.
02:14:15But I'm going to do the right thing.
02:14:17This is wrong.
02:14:18It will expose you, me and Anas.
02:14:20None of us can get out of this, Çağla.
02:14:23This sin will expose us.
02:14:25Why are you doing this, Rüyam?
02:14:27I'm not doing it.
02:14:28I'm not doing it.
02:14:29They are doing it.
02:14:30Your father is doing it with my mother.
02:14:31You will blame me.
02:14:32You will blame them.
02:14:33We can save them.
02:14:35But you will just shut up.
02:14:36What does it matter if I shut up?
02:14:38If I shut up, the angel knows.
02:14:40Elif knows.
02:14:41We'll find a way.
02:14:42We'll find a way.
02:14:43Think of my parents.
02:14:44Their lives will end.
02:14:45Don't you understand?
02:14:51Çağla, look.
02:14:52They killed your uncle.
02:14:58Believe me.
02:14:59Even if we have a family,
02:15:00they are not worth protecting.
02:15:17Pick up the phone.
02:15:19Pick it up.
02:15:27Pick it up.
02:15:43I learned everything.
02:15:48Look, I'll tell you one thing.
02:15:52One thing.
02:15:54If you had come to me,
02:15:56if you had told me the truth,
02:16:00why wouldn't I turn my back on you?
02:16:03If you had told me that my mother kidnapped you,
02:16:10I wouldn't have left you.
02:16:11I wouldn't have given up on you.
02:16:15I'm sorry.
02:16:19The biggest disaster that will happen to me
02:16:23is falling in love with you.
02:16:29You are not different from your mother, Rüya.
02:16:34It's over.
02:16:40You lost me until you died.
02:16:53I'm sorry.
02:17:23It's over.
02:17:29It's over.
02:17:34Yaman found out about my mother.
02:17:36My father?
02:17:37It's over, Çağla. It's over.
02:17:39It's over. Give it up.
02:17:41It's over for you, Rüya.
02:17:43It's over for your mother.
02:17:44But I can still remember my father.
02:17:46Please give it to me.
02:17:48Those who make us live this,
02:17:49they will be punished.
02:17:50Do you understand me?
02:17:52Çağla, let go.
02:17:53Let go of me.
02:17:54Let go of me.
02:17:55Çağla, let go.
02:17:56Rüya, let go of me.
02:17:57Let go of me.
02:17:59Let go of me.
02:18:38Is there an entrance?
02:18:39Okay, okay.
02:18:41We found Elif Eçar's car.
02:18:45There is something belonging to Mrs. Şebnem.
02:18:52Is that right?
02:18:53Does that mean it was Shevnem?
02:18:55It seems so.
02:18:57But more importantly,
02:18:59it's a confession video
02:19:01sent to us by Ms. Shevnem's sister, Ilkel Sualpi.
02:19:03She says that Yaman's kidnapper
02:19:05and the killer of Caner
02:19:07are her sisters.
02:19:31I am really sorry, Ms. Nescafe.
02:19:35Me and the kids are with you.
02:19:38We will get through this together.
02:19:42It's over.
02:19:45It's over.
02:19:46If I get caught, I will burn you too.
02:19:52I have the confession record.
02:20:02Don't worry, we will find Ms. Şebnem.
02:20:10Yes, 14-3. Are you here?
02:20:12Here, Mr. Güven.
02:20:15Here is the video of Ms. Şebnem.
02:20:18Thank you, brother.
02:20:28It's over.
02:20:42It's over.
02:20:43It's over.
02:21:10It's over.
02:21:14It's over.
02:21:16Everything I believed in is over.
02:21:21Then tell me what's left.
02:21:30What's left?
02:21:43It's over.
02:21:55Excuse me.
02:22:04Not now, Çağla. Later.
02:22:05No, don't hang up.
02:22:07I said later.
02:22:09I killed Rüya.
02:22:13What happened to beautiful Rüya?
02:22:16She's gone.
02:22:17What about my daughter?
02:22:18She's gone.
02:22:20I will kill them all.
02:22:23They will be in our hands.
02:22:35We were going to take my father with us.
02:22:37We were with these kids.
02:22:43I tried to hold it, but it fell.
02:22:56I tried to hold it, but I couldn't.
02:22:59But then it died.
02:23:03It died, it died.
02:23:12Say something, son. What's going on?
02:23:17What's left?