2009 로스트메모리즈 2009: Lost Memories (with English subtitles, Part 1/2) 2002

  • 6 months ago
Part 1/2: https://dai.ly/x8s31dg
Part 2/2: https://dai.ly/x8s3278

2009: Lost Memories is a 2002 South Korean science fiction time travel action movie directed by Lee Si-myung (이시명), adapted from the 1987 novel Looking for an Epitaph by Bok Geo-il (복거일). The film takes place in an alternate 2009, where the Korean Peninsula is still part of Imperial Japan due to a time-travel incident in 1909.

Korea no longer exists. The year is 2009, one hundred years after the whole of East Asia has been unified under the name of the 'Japan Empire'.

In the year 2009, Seoul has become the third major city of Japan. Masayuki Sakamoto (장동건 Jang Dong-Gun) takes after his father and becomes a cop. He has forgotten his heritage as a Chosun (Korean), sharing a close friendship with his partner, Saigo Shojiro (仲村トオル Toru Nakamura) and pledging his allegiance to the Japanese Empire. Meanwhile, a minority of Chosuns create an underground resistance organization called 'Hureisenjin' (Chosun Liberation Confederation) to fight against Japan.

The empirical authorities suspect a huge conspiracy behind the activities of the confederation and assign JBI (Japan Bureau of Investigation) Special Agent Sakamoto and Special Agent Saigo to the case. This eventually takes Sakamoto to the fateful meeting with Oh Hae-rin, the Chosun woman he may have seen in his dreams. Utterly confused by the series of events he encounters, Sakamoto is confronted with the incredible historical truth he was never aware of before...
