MK Tolak Permohonan Pemisahan DJP dari Kemenkeu

  • 7 months ago
Mahkamah Konstitusi resmi menolak permohonan pemisahan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dari Kementerian Keuangan. MK beranggapan bahwa pembentukan Kementerian Negara serta ketentuan mengenai Pajak yang diatur dalam undang-undang justru akan menggambarkan sudah berjalannya mekanisme check and balance terhadap kekuasaan negara.


00:00 The next information is the Constitutional Court officially rejected the request
00:03 of the separation of the Tax Directorate of the Ministry of Finance.
00:07 The Ministry of Finance believes that the formation of the Ministry of State
00:10 and the determination of the taxes set in the law
00:14 will illustrate the mechanism of the check and balance
00:18 against the state power.
00:20 The Constitutional Court officially rejected the request
00:25 of the separation of the Tax Directorate of the Ministry of Finance.
00:29 The request was rejected by the Ministry of Finance
00:31 in the context of the decision
00:33 No. 155/POU21/ROMAWI/2023.
00:39 The request for the evaluation of the tax directory
00:41 set under the Kemenkew
00:42 is contrary to the 1945 Constitution.
00:46 The request requires the formation of a special ministry
00:50 with the authority to collect taxes
00:51 or state income separately from the Kemenkew.
00:55 In its decision, the Constitutional Court Judge Daniel Yusmik P. Fok
00:58 evaluated the evidence of the request for the formation of a special ministry
01:02 with the authority to collect taxes
01:04 or state income separately from the Ministry of Finance
01:07 without justification according to the law.
01:09 The Constitutional Court believes that the formation of the Ministry of State
01:11 and the determination of the taxes set in the law
01:14 illustrate the mechanism of the check and balance
01:17 against the state power.
01:19 There is no reason for the Constitutional Court to revoke the articles
01:22 that were rejected by the request.
01:23 The extension of the norm is not in violation of the 1945 Constitution.
01:28 Jakarta Tim Liputan, ADX Channel.
01:31 Jakarta Tim Liputan, ADX Channel.
01:33 Jakarta Tim Liputan, ADX Channel.
01:35 [BEEP]
