Unable to focus on studies? || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Sir, if my parents tell me to concentrate on my education, like studying, but I can't
00:06 concentrate on it, so it means education isn't worth it to concentrate.
00:11 The question that I must first of all address is, why must a 22 or 25 year old quote his
00:17 parents when it comes to asking a question?
00:19 That's the fundamental problem.
00:22 Also parents, if they've raised the kid well, should realize that beyond a point, it is
00:28 counterproductive to offer advice.
00:30 The success of the parents lies in leaving the son or the daughter free after a point.
00:37 If the kid has to be dependent on the parents mentally or financially, even at 22 or 25
00:44 or 28, then the parents have failed, have they not?
