Punxsutawney Phil Does Not See His Shadow

  • 5 months ago
Punxsutawney Phil , Does Not See His Shadow.
The weather-predicting groundhog did not see his shadow
on Feb. 2, anticipating an early spring, CNN reports. .
On average, Phil has been less than 40% accurate since 2013, according to NOAA's National
Centers for Environmental Information. .
But the National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center has forecast above-average temperatures for February continuing into spring for much of the Northern U.S.
While many people might view these conditions as simply a mild winter, .
they could also be thought of as
indicative of an early spring.
This winter, every northern state had one of its warmest Decembers on record.
This winter, every northern state had one of its warmest Decembers on record.
For nearly three-quarters of the U.S., "winter has become the fastest-warming season," CNN reports. .
While winter technically ends
on March 19 at 11:06 p.m. ET.
warming trends suggest
Phil's prediction may come to fruition.
