• 8 months ago
Arriva Polski Cukier Toruń przegrał trzy mecze łączną różnicą 72 punktów. O formie zespołu po meczu z PGE Spójnią wypowiedział się trener Srdjan Subotić.


00:00 Our performance defensively in the second quarter was the key.
00:05 Already a couple of times it happened in the second quarter we lost the game.
00:10 So that was the key really.
00:13 Bad one-on-one defense, bad team defense.
00:16 We have a short roster and what's expected for us.
00:19 So maybe some games we lost too many points at the end.
00:24 It didn't look like this.
00:27 But today for sure this was the difference.
00:30 We know if we are not 100% and every player is at maximum
00:36 and we coaches are at maximum, we don't have a chance.
00:40 So that's how it is.
00:42 We played really good so far but it's really hard to stay with this kind of team
00:49 where we depend on each individual for every game to keep this level of performance all the way.
00:55 It must happen at some point that our performance is going to drop down
00:59 but we just can't accept that and we need to try to fix it quickly.
