• last year
Casey Jones is the story of a quirky young man with an irresistible propensity for violence. A lifelong outcast, Casey l | dG1fRl9YRUVEVEdjQkE
00:00 Oh, I love this city.
00:13 Especially in the evenings.
00:16 'Cause that's when all the good citizens are safe in their homes.
00:25 Then all the slime balls spill onto the streets.
00:33 This man, he came out of nowhere.
00:35 And what did you say he was holding?
00:36 I think it was something like a walkie stick.
00:37 Jackpot.
00:38 The name's Casey Jones.
00:39 I own these streets.
00:40 He's probably some nut job with a badge.
00:41 Bad things come out and play.
00:42 What else are these citizens supposed to do?
01:00 Who will protect them from aggression when City Hall turns a blind eye to their suffering?
01:04 Alright, so what are you supposed to be?
01:13 Well I'm not a Teenage Mutant Ninja Hamster.
01:16 [laughs]
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