The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn part 2 - video Dailymotion

  • 6 months ago
The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn part 2 - video Dailymotion
00:00:00 [no audio]
00:00:08 Yeah! No, I did, actually. It, um...
00:00:12 It brought me that umbrella.
00:00:14 Okay. Um...
00:00:19 We'll worry about it later tonight.
00:00:21 No, wait, wait, wait. What's tonight?
00:00:23 Oh, you'll see.
00:00:25 [no audio]
00:00:30 What a disgrace.
00:00:32 You can't even hold an umbrella?
00:00:34 You aren't invited.
00:00:36 [no audio]
00:00:42 You aren't invited.
00:00:43 Don't look so cold, sister.
00:00:45 After all, we are in love with the same man.
00:00:48 We should be able to understand each other.
00:00:51 [gasps]
00:00:52 Hey, what's the matter?
00:00:54 Never been slapped before?
00:00:56 Oh, sister. I'm done being nice to you.
00:00:59 You stay away from me and my man,
00:01:01 or I will have Alpha Eric throw you out.
00:01:03 I think Alpha Eric will want you to do that, dear.
00:01:06 Who are you?
00:01:09 [no audio]
00:01:15 Why, why do you need that umbrella?
00:01:17 I collect umbrellas.
00:01:19 Just a little hobby of mine, dear.
00:01:21 Is that so?
00:01:22 Indeed. I'm Anya's sick mother.
00:01:25 The one that was mistaken for the Black Wolf.
00:01:28 [no audio]
00:01:29 Why is everyone standing out in the rain?
00:01:32 [no audio]
00:01:34 Why is everyone standing out in the rain?
00:01:37 Mom, Alpha, Luna, look.
00:01:39 I don't know why I wasn't informed earlier,
00:01:41 but I do not want her at my birthday.
00:01:43 [no audio]
00:01:44 I'm sorry, Adam.
00:01:46 But we owe Miss Deborah Edwin an apology
00:01:48 for wrongfully capturing you.
00:01:50 They just came to celebrate for you.
00:01:52 [no audio]
00:01:54 I mean, dear, it's a good thing, right?
00:01:55 You can put your parents aside.
00:01:57 No!
00:01:58 No, no, they're up to no good.
00:02:00 I...
00:02:01 [no audio]
00:02:03 Why does it have to be at my birthday?
00:02:05 [sobbing]
00:02:10 I hate you all.
00:02:11 [sobbing]
00:02:17 [no audio]
00:02:20 [no audio]
00:02:21 Did you know she was coming?
00:02:23 Did you?
00:02:24 No.
00:02:25 I swear to you, no one said anything to me, okay?
00:02:28 [sobbing]
00:02:30 Hey.
00:02:31 I'll question Damon, I'll question my parents
00:02:34 until one of them talks.
00:02:36 [sobbing]
00:02:37 You're not giving up.
00:02:39 I told you, she's not gonna give up until we break up.
00:02:42 [sobbing]
00:02:54 I asked you, please let me love you.
00:02:58 And I intend to keep that promise.
00:03:02 [no audio]
00:03:04 Tonight, Autumn, it's all about you.
00:03:06 [no audio]
00:03:09 And no one, including Anya,
00:03:12 is gonna get in the way of your happiness.
00:03:14 [no audio]
00:03:17 Even if she's your mate?
00:03:19 [no audio]
00:03:22 Well, they follow my soul's guidance now,
00:03:24 just like you.
00:03:26 [no audio]
00:03:28 [sobbing]
00:03:35 You wanna come downstairs with me, huh?
00:03:37 Hmm?
00:03:39 [laughing]
00:03:40 Come on, come downstairs, come on.
00:03:42 Come on.
00:03:43 Yeah.
00:03:44 [no audio]
00:03:48 [chatter]
00:03:58 Who served you red wine?
00:04:01 Am I the only one who truly cares enough about you
00:04:05 to know that you're allergic?
00:04:09 This is ridiculous!
00:04:10 [no audio]
00:04:14 You think your wife should know better.
00:04:17 It's a good thing Mom and I brought our own
00:04:19 bottle of white for the occasion.
00:04:21 [no audio]
00:04:26 Grace, what's wrong with you?
00:04:28 Nothing.
00:04:30 I'm allergic to white wine.
00:04:31 The mere presence of it makes me nauseous.
00:04:35 You should be careful with your body.
00:04:38 You're not so young anymore.
00:04:41 And you still haven't found a mate, right?
00:04:44 Damon, do you need me to call a doctor
00:04:47 to have him look at your hand?
00:04:49 [no audio]
00:04:51 I guess.
00:04:54 You think your wife should know better.
00:04:57 I'm the only one who knows you.
00:04:59 [thud]
00:05:00 And so my wife one more time,
00:05:02 I'll make sure you never take another step
00:05:04 in the Fawn's house, do you understand?
00:05:07 [no audio]
00:05:12 You dumped out the wine my wife poured for me.
00:05:17 You're gonna go back over there,
00:05:19 you're gonna dump this glass,
00:05:20 and you're gonna bring it back to my wife
00:05:22 so that she can pour it for me again.
00:05:26 Got it?
00:05:28 I'm not--
00:05:30 [thud]
00:05:32 [no audio]
00:05:34 [music]
00:05:45 This is so humiliating.
00:05:47 [whispering]
00:05:49 [music]
00:06:01 [clock ticking]
00:06:04 We are 30 seconds into 7 p.m.,
00:06:07 which was exactly the time Miss Autumn Rivera
00:06:10 asked Atticus Fawn to meet her on that fateful night.
00:06:15 Mr. Fawn missed the time once,
00:06:17 but he wanted you, Autumn,
00:06:19 to know that he would not miss the time with you ever again.
00:06:24 [music]
00:06:30 I don't know where to start, Autumn.
00:06:34 Um, before I met you,
00:06:37 my world was an eternal night,
00:06:39 but you lit up my sky like a shooting star,
00:06:44 and you set my horizon ablaze.
00:06:46 I would have never thought
00:06:48 that a life with you would be this exciting.
00:06:52 Autumn, your--your courage to pursue love,
00:06:55 your zest for life,
00:06:57 your kind smile,
00:06:59 it's encapsulated my heart, my soul, my body.
00:07:04 And I would like to ask permission
00:07:08 to imagine a life with you.
00:07:11 Happy birthday.
00:07:13 [applause]
00:07:19 [music]
00:07:22 [music]
00:07:32 Atticus!
00:07:34 [music]
00:07:40 He's still breathing.
00:07:42 She did this.
00:07:44 You poured the wine.
00:07:46 You poisoned him.
00:07:47 You drugged Atticus!
00:07:49 [music]
00:07:53 Get your poisonous hands away from him.
00:07:55 Shut your fucking mouth, Anya.
00:07:57 Why would Autumn poison her husband?
00:07:59 Because she's a fucking witch!
00:08:01 [music]
00:08:28 I have one piece of good news
00:08:30 and two pieces of bad news.
00:08:32 [music]
00:08:35 And two pieces of bad news.
00:08:38 [music]
00:08:41 As long as Atticus is okay, there is no bad news.
00:08:44 That's the good news.
00:08:46 The doctors were able to stabilize his condition
00:08:48 because we called the ambulance in time.
00:08:50 Yeah.
00:08:51 [music]
00:08:55 Okay, and what's the bad news?
00:08:57 [music]
00:09:01 They don't know when he'll wake up
00:09:04 or what it will do to his brain.
00:09:06 [music]
00:09:15 Clarissa, the judge has ordered no one talk to the accused.
00:09:19 Do you want a restraining order?
00:09:22 [music]
00:09:23 She's the second piece of bad news.
00:09:26 [music]
00:09:29 Autumn, call into the courtroom.
00:09:31 [music]
00:09:36 I'm sorry, Your Honor, I don't understand.
00:09:38 What do you mean there's no public defender for me?
00:09:40 Autumn, don't badger the judge.
00:09:42 What lawyer would want to defend you, a witch?
00:09:45 [music]
00:09:48 I'm sorry, Your Honor, I don't understand.
00:09:49 What do you mean there's no public defender for me?
00:09:52 Autumn, don't badger the judge.
00:09:54 What lawyer would want to defend you, a witch?
00:09:57 I'm not a witch.
00:09:59 So you say.
00:10:01 What makes you a plaintiff's attorney?
00:10:02 You're not even a law--
00:10:03 She's not even a lawyer.
00:10:04 Silence!
00:10:06 Ms. Fawn, this hearing is being recorded
00:10:09 as it involves a highly sensitive case
00:10:11 brought against you by Ms. Anya Edwina,
00:10:15 who is a trained attorney.
00:10:19 The said claim indicates that you, Autumn Fawn,
00:10:24 are suspected of being an individual practicing
00:10:27 dark magic, witchcraft,
00:10:30 and have inflicted said magic on numerous individuals
00:10:33 with the purpose of obtaining fawn family inheritance.
00:10:40 Due to the severe nature of the litigation,
00:10:44 no public defender has accepted the role to defend you.
00:10:48 As such, the court has deemed you must represent yourself.
00:10:54 I'm sorry, Your Honor, has Anya asked you to--
00:11:00 With all due respect, these terms are beyond reason.
00:11:04 I should not be asked to represent myself
00:11:06 in the accusations in public--
00:11:09 Are you insinuating that the court holds prejudice?
00:11:14 Not helping their case, Autumn.
00:11:19 Are you insinuating that the court holds prejudice?
00:11:23 Not helping their case, Autumn.
00:11:25 No, no, I'm not.
00:11:26 I'm just saying that it's not fair that I'm being asked--
00:11:28 Would you rather be defended in a public trial
00:11:31 in the town square where everyone can watch and judge you
00:11:35 or a quiet hearing chamber where the court was hoping
00:11:39 we could come to a conclusion?
00:11:44 [swoosh]
00:11:46 [swoosh]
00:11:48 [ding]
00:11:51 Let the hearings begin.
00:11:54 [swoosh]
00:11:56 [swoosh]
00:11:58 [swoosh]
00:12:00 [swoosh]
00:12:02 [swoosh]
00:12:05 Something is not right with this judge.
00:12:07 Let Anya be her own lawyer.
00:12:12 You don't actually believe Autumn poisoned Atticus, do you?
00:12:15 No, but Mom seems to think so.
00:12:22 We have to find out what his deal is.
00:12:24 Can you look into him?
00:12:25 Versa, I have to be on the witness stand soon.
00:12:27 I just don't think it was--
00:12:28 Do it for me, please.
00:12:30 I'm begging you.
00:12:31 When have I ever begged you?
00:12:32 I'm begging you to do this for me.
00:12:34 For Autumn.
00:12:42 Um, I'll see you in there?
00:12:55 Sorry to bother, ma'am, but someone from the court is here.
00:12:58 Thank you.
00:13:05 Damon.
00:13:06 Honey.
00:13:08 Tell me, why do you think Atticus fell?
00:13:13 I-- I don't know.
00:13:15 Wasn't he drinking before the fall?
00:13:21 Yes, yes.
00:13:23 And who poured that drink?
00:13:29 I-- I don't remember.
00:13:32 Oh.
00:13:35 And do you remember Atticus's harsh words to me at dinner?
00:13:41 Atticus's harsh words?
00:13:43 You asked for it.
00:13:44 Throwing out that whole farce of white wine versus red wine just to humiliate Autumn?
00:13:51 This was right for you and your place.
00:13:55 Refrain from attacking the attorney.
00:13:58 Witness.
00:14:02 Refrain from attacking the attorney.
00:14:05 Witness.
00:14:06 Thank you.
00:14:07 You're on.
00:14:10 Do you recall Atticus's order to me?
00:14:14 Do you or do you not recall Atticus tell me to pour out the glass of white wine and hand the cup to Autumn so that she could pour his drink?
00:14:28 Wolfsbane.
00:14:30 A single drop could be deadly to any werewolf alive.
00:14:37 And this very substance was found in Atticus Fong's body.
00:14:43 Luna, what do you make of this?
00:14:46 I simply do not understand, Autumn.
00:14:48 What did the Fong's do so wrong by marrying you and my son?
00:14:52 Wolfsbane?
00:14:54 I didn't do it.
00:14:56 I'm a werewolf myself.
00:14:57 Why would I use it on my own people?
00:14:59 On my husband?
00:15:00 Wait your turn.
00:15:02 Too late to swear your loyalty now, Miss Wraith.
00:15:06 Miss Edwina, if it is your intention to convince me that my daughter-in-law is the long sought witch hiding in the town that I govern, you will have to try harder.
00:15:20 You will have to try harder.
00:15:24 Forgive me, your honor, but I would like to collect a piece of evidence from Autumn.
00:15:30 May I bring it?
00:15:35 What is the significance of the ring?
00:15:41 My alpha, do you remember what I said to you that day in the car on the way to the wedding?
00:15:46 That this ring brings bad omens?
00:15:50 I see no relevance here.
00:15:54 Miss Edwina, it has been clear that you have been making up theories to make Autumn feel worse about herself.
00:16:02 And if I'm not mistaken, the point of that conversation was you accusing us of mistreating your mother.
00:16:09 And the ring was just an excuse when in fact you have never been honest with me, with Atticus, or my family.
00:16:15 Anyway, I said this ring brought bad omens and I meant it.
00:16:19 This is a witch's ring and it belongs to Autumn herself.
00:16:24 A witch's ring?
00:16:26 Explain yourself, Miss Edwina.
00:16:28 Oh no, my dear alpha, I'll be the one asking questions.
00:16:33 And I think we're done here.
00:16:35 Shall we call in the next witness?
00:16:37 Don't be afraid, old man.
00:16:51 I just want to ask you a few questions.
00:16:53 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:16:56 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:16:58 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:17:00 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
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00:17:12 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
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00:19:52 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:19:54 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:19:56 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:19:58 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:00 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:02 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:04 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:06 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:08 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:10 She ate her apple golden peanut butter.
00:20:12 Tanya, Edwina, what's your trick this time?
00:20:14 Why does Atticus still think he's in love with you?
00:20:16 Atticus has always been in love with me.
00:20:20 Bullshit!
00:20:22 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Keep your voices down.
00:20:24 The patient needs to rest.
00:20:26 What is going on, Doctor?
00:20:28 Why does it look like my son doesn't remember Autumn, his wife?
00:20:30 My son doesn't remember Autumn, his wife.
00:20:36 The patient's brain suffered the most from the poison.
00:20:40 He has a short-term memory loss that may become permanent.
00:20:42 He has a short-term memory loss that may become permanent.
00:20:44 He has a short-term memory loss that may become permanent.
00:20:46 That can't be a coincidence.
00:20:54 I'm sure if Autumn is brought in here, he will remember.
00:20:56 I'm sure if Autumn is brought in here, he will remember.
00:20:58 Damon, use your brain.
00:21:00 Autumn was the one who poisoned him.
00:21:02 Her presence will only trigger more trauma.
00:21:04 Autumn was the one who poisoned him.
00:21:06 Her presence will only trigger more trauma.
00:21:08 The so-called Judge Anderson was an imposter.
00:21:10 The so-called Judge Anderson was an imposter.
00:21:12 We found the real Judge Anderson tied up in a chair.
00:21:14 We found the real Judge Anderson tied up in a chair.
00:21:16 I can't prove or have any evidence for this yet,
00:21:18 I can't prove or have any evidence for this yet,
00:21:20 but I have an idea.
00:21:22 but I have an idea.
00:21:24 Anya, you are the last person on Earth I want to ask this to.
00:21:26 Anya, you are the last person on Earth I want to ask this to.
00:21:28 Anya, you are the last person on Earth I want to ask this to.
00:21:30 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:32 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:34 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:36 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:38 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:40 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:42 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:44 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:46 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:48 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:50 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:52 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:54 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:56 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:21:58 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:22:00 But did you or did you not set Autumn up?
00:22:02 We can talk to him to try to remind him about the poison,
00:22:06 but that's a little bit frightening, so I don't want to do that.
00:22:08 My suggestion is to avoid any conversation regarding him and his marriage.
00:22:13 He needs time to heal.
00:22:15 We need to remove all pictures of Autumn and articles about her from the house.
00:22:20 Nobody in this town is allowed to speak of their marriage.
00:22:25 Nobody!
00:22:29 I guess...
00:22:32 I guess...
00:22:34 I guess... it was all my fault.
00:22:36 Stupid!
00:22:39 Child.
00:22:43 Child.
00:22:49 Child.
00:22:51 What do you want?
00:22:55 I'm sorry Anya put you through so much.
00:23:00 You know Anya?
00:23:03 Yes, Anya Ruina.
00:23:05 Alpha Eric had me take her and her mother in when they were fleeing the Werewolf Witch War.
00:23:12 I accepted it thinking it was a good deed.
00:23:16 Wait, the Werewolf Witch War, the one that turned the Academy into a ruin, told you stuff?
00:23:24 So are you telling me that Anya is actually a witch?
00:23:29 Everyone thought she was a rogue, but I knew she was a witch just like her mother!
00:23:37 Then why would you take them in?
00:23:39 Witches harbor a century-long hatred towards werewolves.
00:23:42 I'm sure they've been waiting to revenge witches' names.
00:23:46 Not a day has passed that I do not regret that decision.
00:23:50 Being a witchcraft expert, I wanted to know what real witch changed them.
00:23:58 It was the biggest mistake of my life.
00:24:02 Why is action so crazy before?
00:24:07 Why are you getting so calm on the scene right now?
00:24:11 Deborah put a spell in Anya's eyes.
00:24:16 She made Anya forget me, and whenever I look at Anya's eyes, an automatic spell would drive me to lunacy.
00:24:25 I'm a tool for their revenge.
00:24:29 The same spell was put in that ring you picked up at the circle.
00:24:33 Ring? Ring? Did you just say ring?
00:24:35 Huh?
00:24:36 Are you saying that that ring already has magic in it?
00:24:42 That's right, child.
00:24:44 I overheard the guards talking about your case.
00:24:48 Anya was lying about the ring.
00:24:51 Wearing the ring doesn't make you a witch.
00:24:54 In fact, Deborah made sure that spell cast itself no matter who wears it.
00:24:59 So when you said, between Anya and I, there is one mate, one witch.
00:25:08 You were never the witch, child.
00:25:13 You protected Atticus from me because the deep love you felt for him gave you the strength.
00:25:21 Love between mates is the strongest of all.
00:25:25 Mate?
00:25:29 There's no way two people who care so much for each other are not bound by the moon goddess's blessing.
00:25:42 Autumn Fawn! Time to go.
00:25:44 What is it this time?
00:25:47 A real Judge Anderson has been found.
00:25:49 The previous accusation against you was rendered ineffective.
00:25:53 It's okay, child. Go, go. Take back your life.
00:25:59 No, wait, no! What's your name? I'll have Alfred release you!
00:26:02 No, I'm in this position due to my own fault.
00:26:06 You didn't do anything wrong!
00:26:08 Oh!
00:26:09 Hold me tighter. Will you put it on me?
00:26:33 You know, I believe that you should have the ring that matches you perfectly.
00:26:37 [Sigh]
00:26:38 Atticus?
00:26:45 Atticus!
00:26:49 Yes?
00:26:50 Look, I know it's hard not being able to remember anything, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?
00:26:58 You can always talk to me.
00:27:01 You've always been there for me, Anya.
00:27:05 Anya, do you know when Autumn gets back from her family vacation?
00:27:10 What are you doing here?
00:27:13 This is my date with Atticus.
00:27:16 The last time I checked, the woods were a public place.
00:27:20 Now answer my question. Do you know when Autumn gets back?
00:27:23 I don't know. I haven't heard from her.
00:27:26 You don't need to get so defensive.
00:27:29 Autumn's such a nice girl, unlike you in every way, Anya.
00:27:33 She would have suited Atticus much better.
00:27:35 Have a word with me?
00:27:38 Mom!
00:27:49 Oh, my baby!
00:27:52 My baby girl!
00:27:59 Nobody told me anything!
00:28:01 Nobody allowed me to visit you!
00:28:03 Now there's this talk of you being a witch!
00:28:06 See my baby?
00:28:09 How have they mistreated you?
00:28:12 What are you eating?
00:28:13 Are you getting--
00:28:15 Mom, mom! Stop listening to me, okay?
00:28:16 Did anybody give you a hard time when I was away?
00:28:26 You know what? The people in this town, all they believe is what the news tells them.
00:28:29 There's no... there's no truth.
00:28:32 Only illusion.
00:28:33 I'm gonna go get the truth out of Atticus.
00:28:38 No, baby, wait.
00:28:39 It's the fawns!
00:28:41 What about them?
00:28:45 [Birds chirping]
00:28:47 Mind me why all of my pictures have been taken out of our room?
00:28:58 Uh, why would there be pictures of you in our room?
00:29:02 Well said.
00:29:05 Well said, Atticus Fawn.
00:29:06 Why should there be any memory of me in your heart when clearly all of you belongs to Anya?
00:29:12 Why are you upset that I'm with Anya?
00:29:14 You are serious, Atticus Fawn.
00:29:18 You are fucking serious.
00:29:21 You cannot be fucking serious, Janine! My feelings for you right now!
00:29:24 Your feelings for me? What do you mean?
00:29:26 Are you fucking joking? I've never heard you talk like this!
00:29:28 No, you let go of me right now, Autumn, okay? I'm gonna count to three.
00:29:32 I'm gonna count to three.
00:29:33 Tell me what's going on, Nick.
00:29:34 Three...
00:29:35 Two...
00:29:37 One.
00:29:40 I can't...
00:29:41 One.
00:29:46 You have one minute to tell me what the fuck is going on, okay?
00:29:51 You're supposed to be on vacation with your family.
00:29:52 Why are you talking like we're in some kind of relationship?
00:29:54 Vacation?
00:29:55 No, no, no. Tell me. Who put you up to this?
00:29:57 Was it Anya? Clarissa, my mom?
00:29:59 If you don't tell me what's going on, I'm gonna fucking lose it.
00:30:07 [sniffles]
00:30:08 Why is my scent all over your body?
00:30:14 How can you not know the answer to that question?
00:30:17 Staring you straight in the face, are you blind?
00:30:21 What the hell is going on?
00:30:23 What the hell is going on?
00:30:30 Anya, what? Are you surprised to see me?
00:30:33 I mean, yeah, I am supposed to be on a family vacation right now.
00:30:36 At least that's what Atticus just told me.
00:30:38 So could you remind me where it is exactly we went?
00:30:41 Please? I think my memory's playing tricks on me.
00:30:44 What's going on?
00:30:46 I should be asking you that.
00:30:49 Why is your arm around her?
00:30:50 Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?
00:30:53 No, no. I did not go on a family vacation.
00:30:57 Where have you been? How could you not realize that something was--
00:31:00 Be careful what you say.
00:31:01 He's not ready for the truth.
00:31:03 Autumn?
00:31:04 Wait, since when did you and Clarissa become friends?
00:31:09 I've always preferred having Autumn around over Anya.
00:31:14 Now, if you'll excuse me, Autumn and I have some important catching up to do.
00:31:18 Let's find a quiet place and I'll explain everything.
00:31:20 Anya.
00:31:27 [swooshing]
00:31:29 Brain damage?
00:31:35 That's why everyone's been keeping it a secret?
00:31:38 I'm sorry, Autumn. The doctors ordered us not to remind him of what led to the poison wine.
00:31:42 How does this even happen?
00:31:46 Everything, everything is back to square one.
00:31:50 It's like our entire relationship just didn't exist.
00:31:53 [crying]
00:31:56 Things like this weren't meant to be.
00:31:58 It's my fate.
00:32:02 No, Autumn. It is meant to be.
00:32:04 I've seen the happiness on Atticus' face when he's with you
00:32:08 and the hollowness in his eyes when you're apart.
00:32:11 Anya fits nowhere in the picture.
00:32:14 Okay, okay.
00:32:24 Okay, okay then.
00:32:25 I guess there's no point in telling him anything now.
00:32:29 Not until I have proof.
00:32:32 What?
00:32:34 Carissa, I didn't poison Atticus.
00:32:37 Anya did.
00:32:39 With witchcraft.
00:32:41 And I'm going to prove it.
00:32:44 [crickets chirping]
00:32:46 Hey, are they out yet?
00:33:01 Damon is going to pick her up. And her mother.
00:33:04 Autumn, are you sure about this?
00:33:06 Yeah. Um, I'm not just doing this for me, okay? I'm doing this for my mom.
00:33:11 And for Atticus.
00:33:12 Are you ready?
00:33:17 What are you doing here?
00:33:22 What the hell are you doing here?
00:33:24 Well, that was my question.
00:33:25 What are you doing here?
00:33:30 What the hell are you doing here?
00:33:32 Well, that was my question.
00:33:33 Go home.
00:33:40 Go home. You don't want to talk to me.
00:33:42 No, I do.
00:33:43 I tracked your scent all the way from Damon's car.
00:33:47 What are you doing at Anya's house, though?
00:33:50 You never paid me any attention before. No matter how hard I tried.
00:33:55 You always seemed to have your eyes glued to Anya's lips.
00:33:58 That was before you said you had feelings for me, Autumn.
00:34:01 That was a joke.
00:34:04 Say it to my face.
00:34:06 That was a--
00:34:09 You can't deny it, can you?
00:34:11 When was the first time you had feelings for me?
00:34:18 When was the first time you had feelings for me?
00:34:26 Where are you going, huh?
00:34:32 [clattering]
00:34:34 Hold on.
00:34:44 What happened?
00:34:47 So, how long have you had feelings for me?
00:34:51 Oh, when did you become such a jerk?
00:34:53 I was serious. Go home.
00:34:55 I have business to attend to.
00:34:57 Oh, you have business in Anya's house?
00:34:59 Yes.
00:35:00 Oh.
00:35:01 I don't like it in here, Autumn.
00:35:07 It feels witchy.
00:35:08 Well, has it ever occurred to you that--
00:35:11 [doorbell rings]
00:35:12 Who goes there?
00:35:15 Oh, I got something in my mouth.
00:35:17 Come on.
00:35:20 You know, Anya's always been into witchcraft.
00:35:25 I'm not surprised to see that here.
00:35:26 But for you to--
00:35:28 This is evidence for--
00:35:30 Doctors ordered us not to remind him of what led to the poison wine.
00:35:34 Never mind.
00:35:36 Hey, what are you doing?
00:35:44 Hey, what are you doing?
00:35:51 Nothing. What are you doing?
00:35:58 Maybe you should get out of here before anyone comes back.
00:36:00 Agreed.
00:36:01 You seem very familiar with these kinds of works, Mr. Vaughn.
00:36:11 These are work requirements.
00:36:13 Call me Atticus, by the way. It feels more familiar.
00:36:18 Why aren't you mad that I broke into your girlfriend's house?
00:36:25 Hmm?
00:36:27 I don't know.
00:36:28 But I feel like what's important to you is important to me.
00:36:32 Anya's Atticus wouldn't just do anything to make his girlfriend happy.
00:36:38 It's--
00:36:39 It's like you're a completely different person.
00:36:42 Atticus is Atticus.
00:36:44 You might do something different, but I'm still me.
00:36:48 This is who I am.
00:36:49 Anyways, uh, I'm having a pool party this weekend.
00:36:53 Would you like to come?
00:36:54 Would you like to come?
00:36:55 I'm having a pool party this weekend.
00:37:02 Would you like to come?
00:37:03 You're inviting me?
00:37:07 Yeah.
00:37:08 I mean, who else am I talking to?
00:37:11 What's your girlfriend gonna say?
00:37:14 I know you guys have fought in the past, but like--
00:37:17 I'm inviting a friend.
00:37:19 I'm--
00:37:20 No!
00:37:21 What?
00:37:23 No, nothing, nothing. I'm just, um--
00:37:25 I'm imagining your girlfriend's face when you tell her you're inviting a friend.
00:37:32 And then it turns out to be me.
00:37:34 Yeah.
00:37:35 Who cares?
00:37:38 Hmm?
00:37:39 I wish that we could hang out more often.
00:37:43 You know, um, I bet that we will hang out more in the future.
00:37:50 Cool.
00:37:52 I'll be at your pool party.
00:37:54 See ya.
00:37:56 See ya.
00:37:58 See ya.
00:38:27 Is this a fucking joke?
00:38:29 Not yet.
00:38:31 Give me one reason why you protest Autumn so passionately.
00:38:34 If she doesn't--
00:38:35 If you can't tell, there's no use pointing it out.
00:38:39 Care for a dance?
00:38:44 Oh, thank god. I was about to dance by myself.
00:38:47 Autumn, despite what our parents did,
00:38:51 Clarissa and I are more than happy to have you back.
00:38:55 Oh my, my. That's very sweet.
00:38:58 Thank you, Damon.
00:39:00 We don't really talk much. I didn't think you really cared for me.
00:39:04 I know you didn't poison Atticus. Nor are you in any way a witch.
00:39:09 Nor are you in any way a witch.
00:39:23 The Fonz have done you so much injustice since Atticus' incident.
00:39:27 And even now you're not allowed to speak the truth.
00:39:31 Where's all this coming from?
00:39:34 Why aren't you siding with Glen yet?
00:39:37 I'm siding with the truth.
00:39:39 I've seen how happy you made Atticus.
00:39:41 And how big of a hole your absence created in his life.
00:39:45 I just, I want my brother back.
00:39:48 I want him to regain his memory.
00:39:50 And have his wife back.
00:39:52 My brother having his wife back means the loss of Anya.
00:39:55 Are you telling me you're willing to risk your mate's happiness?
00:39:58 Lately I've just been feeling like the bond between Anya and I has been growing weaker and weaker.
00:40:09 It's like what binds us isn't a string of fate, but a chain.
00:40:20 And you felt suffocated?
00:40:22 And lately somehow, the chain, I can see it now.
00:40:29 I can feel it.
00:40:31 And I want nothing more than a break from this confinement.
00:40:37 Okay, okay, listen to this then.
00:40:48 A purple umbrella was found in Anya's house and guess what was covered in it?
00:40:53 Will Smith.
00:40:56 Are you two done?
00:40:58 Are you two done?
00:41:04 Yeah.
00:41:07 You two were so caught up in your little conversation, you didn't even hear me coming, did you?
00:41:13 Damon, Autumn doesn't want to dance with you, so why don't you go get your Clarissa?
00:41:18 Clarissa and me are sister and brother.
00:41:20 Whatever, okay.
00:41:23 Autumn, I need to talk to you, so do you mind?
00:41:26 Yeah.
00:41:28 Why aren't you with Anya?
00:41:34 What were you and Damon talking about?
00:41:35 What's the matter? You don't like seeing me talk to your brother?
00:41:38 I piss!
00:41:41 I piss!
00:41:42 Why do I always find the two of you together?
00:41:46 I don't know, why are you always here when we're together?
00:41:49 Let's go.
00:41:51 I, Atticus Fawn, take Autumn Rivera as my partner in this life and any other life that I'm blessed with.
00:42:01 Please grant me the strength to keep faith and love when the gravity of reality keeps pulling me further into the abyss of madness.
00:42:09 Please grant me the strength to keep faith and love when the gravity of reality keeps pulling me further into the abyss of madness.
00:42:23 What do you want?
00:42:29 Atticus belongs to me now. This is your final warning.
00:42:34 Does he? Then why did he still invite me to this party?
00:42:38 Even though you seduced him through witchcraft.
00:42:41 That's right, now about your secret now, Anya.
00:42:46 You're pathetic, Anya.
00:42:49 Stealing a man's heart with dark magic that doesn't even belong to you?
00:42:53 Shut up.
00:42:54 Or what? Did you come here to give me another slap?
00:42:57 Or more secret recording? Or are you going to just pretend to faint again and get everybody's attention?
00:43:02 [screams]
00:43:16 [screams]
00:43:18 [screams]
00:43:19 [screams]
00:43:29 [sigh]
00:43:30 Okay.
00:43:44 Come on, Anya. Wake up.
00:43:52 Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
00:43:54 [coughing]
00:43:58 Are you okay? Are you okay?
00:44:00 What happened, Autumn? Are you okay?
00:44:04 I saw you fall in the water and I grabbed Atticus as quick as I could.
00:44:09 You shouldn't scare Atticus like that. He's still recovering from the trauma.
00:44:15 Autumn, I think you should lie down.
00:44:23 Die! Die for all of your vulnerable sins! Die for the hearts you've broken! Die for all the lives that you've destroyed!
00:44:30 [screams]
00:44:31 Autumn, let her go. Autumn, let her go. Autumn, look at me. Let her fucking go, Autumn! Let her go!
00:44:37 [heavy breathing]
00:44:48 [crying]
00:45:00 What happened to her?
00:45:07 Autumn tried to kill me.
00:45:09 What?
00:45:10 What? Keep your voice down.
00:45:12 Why should I? Autumn's a killer. Go tell your father.
00:45:15 Where's Autumn?
00:45:16 She's by the pool, but probably, um, not going there.
00:45:20 What's going on?
00:45:22 Did your girlfriend almost drown?
00:45:25 She tripped.
00:45:27 That is not what happened.
00:45:32 She hit her head a little bit too hard, okay? I wouldn't listen to her.
00:45:35 Okay.
00:45:36 Damon, okay, just get her to my room or yours, whatever. Get a doctor to check on her.
00:45:41 Go to anyone's room?
00:45:46 Damon, carry me home. I don't want to be around people that don't care about me anymore.
00:45:51 Be careful, Atticus.
00:45:56 Okay.
00:45:57 [music]
00:46:04 [music]
00:46:10 [music]
00:46:16 [music]
00:46:22 [music]
00:46:28 [music]
00:46:36 I heard about what happened to Anya. I'm sorry about that.
00:46:40 What's on the news?
00:46:45 Why are you suddenly interested in the news? It's an old man's hobby.
00:46:50 I just want to know if you had people take off the news of Autumn drowning last night.
00:46:58 Like how you did last time.
00:47:04 Do you know?
00:47:06 I can't remember everything, but I can still recall when something isn't right.
00:47:13 For example...
00:47:16 Where did you get this?
00:47:19 In a very witchy place.
00:47:21 It's dormant now, but I can still tell when something is infused with magic.
00:47:31 Father, I swear, if nobody tells...
00:47:32 Son!
00:47:34 I have failed you as a parent.
00:47:38 I have failed to save you from a world of witchcraft.
00:47:44 And I have failed to guide you through the mists of love and heartbreak.
00:47:49 And now I have failed to be honest with you.
00:47:53 Father...
00:47:55 No, I can't share the whole story just yet, because I don't know everything.
00:48:01 But I know a man who could share more information about this ring.
00:48:06 Who?
00:48:09 An old friend who was determined to punish himself for something outside of his control.
00:48:14 Morning.
00:48:22 I have good news and I have bad news.
00:48:26 Morning.
00:48:32 I have good news and I have bad news.
00:48:37 Good news and bad news again.
00:48:42 Since you're still so down, I'll just share the good news first.
00:48:48 Father Keys has asked you to come on his bed and lay down for him tonight.
00:48:52 He asked me?
00:48:57 What he saw me doing last night?
00:49:00 You didn't do anything, and I'm yet dead.
00:49:03 That bitch pushed you into the pool. I would have done the same thing.
00:49:07 I didn't see that.
00:49:09 There is no use for it to be in his face when he told me to stop.
00:49:17 He looked at me like I was a monster.
00:49:21 Okay, now you're a monster.
00:49:27 I will kill on you.
00:49:30 Mom, you are the kindest person I know.
00:49:35 I just was simply in shock. If he saw you as a monster, why would he invite you?
00:49:40 What was the bad news?
00:49:46 Oh, neither as always.
00:49:50 He's...
00:49:57 He's going to expose me.
00:50:01 Yeah, he's going to have me publicly apologize to Anya for what I did.
00:50:08 Of course, that's what he's going to do. Oh my gosh.
00:50:12 It's always Anya.
00:50:16 It's always Anya.
00:50:18 It's always Anya, and I just, I don't fit in anywhere.
00:50:21 And he was like, no matter how hard I try...
00:50:24 (crying)
00:50:28 We will expose her. We will expose her tonight.
00:50:51 We will tell Atticus the truth. I know we were doing him more harm than good by keeping everything from him.
00:50:57 Tonight?
00:51:00 Tonight.
00:51:02 Okay.
00:51:10 Tonight.
00:51:14 Where is it?
00:51:18 Where is it?
00:51:20 Where the hell is it?
00:51:23 Pull yourself together, mother.
00:51:27 We're meeting the Faunt at their house soon.
00:51:29 I need you at your best, so they don't suspect anything.
00:51:33 Did you throw away the ring?
00:51:36 You don't have it? Did one of your wolves swallow it?
00:51:39 Is that some kind of joke? What if somebody finds it and exposes us?
00:51:44 Well, didn't you erase all the magic off of it?
00:51:47 Magic always comes in rains, no matter how hard you try.
00:51:53 Come on, mom. We're going to be late, and if anyone suspects anything, I'll just pin it on Autumn.
00:51:59 I'm not going.
00:52:01 I have a really bad feeling about this.
00:52:06 Back.
00:52:08 On Manor.
00:52:10 You're out of the way, will ya?
00:52:15 Witchcraft repels Circle.
00:52:19 I had an expert make it to safeguard the Manor.
00:52:21 No witchcraft can be performed inside.
00:52:25 I'm not going.
00:52:27 I'm not going.
00:52:29 I'm not going.
00:52:31 I had an expert make it to safeguard the Manor. No witchcraft can be performed inside.
00:52:37 It's good to have you back.
00:52:42 Come on in.
00:52:44 What is this criminal doing here?
00:53:00 It's so nice to look you in the eyes without going crazy, Miss Edwina.
00:53:05 I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:53:07 Atticus, what is this?
00:53:11 He's my new best friend.
00:53:14 Father pardoned him last night, and we talked all night long.
00:53:17 All night long?
00:53:19 I'm not sure.
00:53:21 I'm sure he's got a lot of things to say.
00:53:24 I'm sure he's got a lot of things to say.
00:53:27 All night long?
00:53:30 Did you tell him?
00:53:32 Mr. Fong will tell us everything soon.
00:53:36 Don't mind him.
00:53:38 Come on, please sit.
00:53:41 Autumn, it's so great to have you visit us.
00:53:43 She's not visiting.
00:53:46 Of course she is.
00:53:48 Okay, everyone settled in. I have great plans for us tonight.
00:53:53 Well, what is it? I have a party I need to go to.
00:53:55 Trust me, it's going to be worth it.
00:53:57 Unlike the rest of you, I can be trusted.
00:54:01 Unlike the rest of you, I can be trusted.
00:54:10 It's a joke.
00:54:19 It's a joke.
00:54:21 You should see all of your faces.
00:54:31 It's like you guys have seen a witch or something.
00:54:33 No, don't worry.
00:54:35 There will be no witchcraft performed in the manor tonight.
00:54:39 Our expert made sure of that.
00:54:48 Honey, are you okay?
00:54:50 I guess.
00:54:52 I understand if you don't want to talk to anyone, but you can talk to me.
00:54:56 Why?
00:54:58 Don't mind him.
00:54:59 Okay, my dear father, my dear mother, brother and sister,
00:55:04 I have so many questions, but please, for now, enjoy the food in front of you.
00:55:08 I guess I understand if you don't want to talk to anyone, but you can talk to me.
00:55:12 Honey, why are you acting so strange?
00:55:15 No, no, I want to talk.
00:55:16 But the person that I want to talk to is her.
00:55:21 Autumn, where's your ring?
00:55:27 Autumn, where's your ring?
00:55:33 Son, how do you know that Autumn usually wears her ring?
00:55:37 I don't, but you just proved it to me, Mother.
00:55:39 What? Why does she wear a ring at all?
00:55:41 Who is she married to?
00:55:42 Wait, what?
00:55:43 What do you know, Atticus?
00:55:45 And why do you keep playing these ridiculous games with your family?
00:55:48 My dear family chose to play this ridiculous game with me first.
00:55:51 What is wrong if I join?
00:55:53 Good.
00:55:54 Now, Autumn,
00:55:57 is this your ring?
00:56:04 It...
00:56:07 It is.
00:56:09 Why don't you put it on?
00:56:12 I don't want to.
00:56:14 Why not?
00:56:17 Because this ring reminds me of my husband, and
00:56:23 thinking of him brings me great pain.
00:56:27 Great pain?
00:56:31 Is that because your husband's no longer with us?
00:56:36 He isn't.
00:56:41 And I miss him deeply.
00:56:43 Atticus, stop it!
00:56:44 I'm asking Autumn questions right now!
00:56:46 Anyone who's got a problem with it can leave.
00:56:51 Autumn,
00:56:58 what is your husband's name?
00:57:02 Atticus Fawn, that's my husband's name!
00:57:08 That's my husband's name!
00:57:10 Atticus Fawn, that's my husband's name!
00:57:23 She's taking advantage of you!
00:57:25 Don't forget who poisoned you!
00:57:27 Do you mind if I ask her something?
00:57:35 Go ahead, my love.
00:57:37 Your love?
00:57:38 Don't make me laugh.
00:57:41 Anya,
00:57:46 the doctor ordered both of us not to remind Atticus of the accident.
00:57:50 But...
00:57:52 you just said the word "poisoned" and I...
00:57:55 Did you see Atticus fall over?
00:57:58 Yeah.
00:58:01 Honey,
00:58:04 the black bag that I brought was hung up by the entrance.
00:58:06 Would you mind grabbing it for me?
00:58:07 Certainly.
00:58:08 What are you doing?
00:58:12 Cedar,
00:58:13 apple,
00:58:14 golden peeler.
00:58:16 Cedar, apple, golden peeler, blood, cauldron fire of vengeance.
00:58:22 I don't understand. What?
00:58:26 Let the expert do his thing, Clarissa.
00:58:28 Thank you.
00:58:32 Thank you.
00:58:33 The look of it, Anya?
00:58:51 You recognize it?
00:58:53 It was found at your house.
00:58:57 Atticus,
00:59:00 do you remember that time that I got you drenched
00:59:03 because I accidentally opened the umbrella at you?
00:59:06 Was it on that rainy day?
00:59:08 Yeah.
00:59:09 This umbrella
00:59:13 had wolfsbane all over it.
00:59:17 So it wasn't the wine.
00:59:19 If you remember, Atticus fell almost immediately after drinking the wine.
00:59:23 But this kind of poison takes almost two hours to take into effect.
00:59:27 So,
00:59:29 someone
00:59:31 had to deliberately plan
00:59:33 poison him almost an hour before the dinner even began.
00:59:36 Okay.
00:59:38 I didn't have anything to do with it.
00:59:40 No? Okay.
00:59:41 Should we ask that wolf that you have in your dungeon?
00:59:44 Who is that? Is that another werewolf you and your mother have under one of your spells?
00:59:47 Spells?
00:59:49 The only witch in this house is you, Autumn.
00:59:54 I proved that in court.
00:59:55 Anya, stop!
00:59:58 Please.
00:59:59 Wait a minute.
01:00:00 We're mates.
01:00:02 We've been together for two years.
01:00:04 Should I call the real Judge Anderson
01:00:06 so he can come and explain to everyone how you kidnapped him?
01:00:09 You've done against me.
01:00:13 She's the one who enchanted you.
01:00:18 She's the one responsible.
01:00:20 Don't look at me!
01:00:27 The ritual is ready.
01:00:29 The ritual is ready.
01:00:35 Can someone please explain to me what ritual we're talking about?
01:00:44 When magic is cast, it leaves a trace in the physical world,
01:00:47 unbound by space or time.
01:00:49 While I was under Deborah's spell,
01:00:51 the only way to stay sane
01:00:53 was by repeating the ingredients for a witchcraft replay ritual,
01:00:57 hoping that one day I would be able to reverse what was done to me.
01:01:02 You told me the spell that was cast on you and on my ring was the same.
01:01:09 Is the ritual for the ring?
01:01:11 No.
01:01:13 In order to initiate the ritual,
01:01:16 beneath the blood of this new soul,
01:01:18 bound by an unbreakable pact,
01:01:22 with the blood of two mates,
01:01:24 I'll...
01:01:25 Let the truth be shown.
01:01:30 Now when
01:01:49 I drop the ring,
01:01:51 the, uh, potion will not damage it.
01:01:54 Instead, a replay of the circumstances where a spell was cast upon this ring
01:01:59 will be projected here.
01:02:01 Atticus, please observe.
01:02:16 Dear Ring of Bonds,
01:02:20 I grant thee the power to control the weak-minded.
01:02:27 That's, uh...
01:02:32 The most...
01:02:34 Atticus?
01:02:35 Yeah?
01:02:37 Will you put it on me?
01:02:45 No!
01:02:46 Why did you take me on him? Tell me why!
01:02:50 I love you, Atticus!
01:02:52 From the second I saw you!
01:02:53 Atticus belongs to me.
01:02:55 His mate.
01:02:57 Not you.
01:02:58 The only way he could fall for another woman
01:03:01 is through witchcraft.
01:03:03 Stop! Stop! Make it stop!
01:03:05 What do you have to say for yourself now, Anya?
01:03:07 (dramatic music)
01:03:10 My father's men have both Anya and her mother in custody.
01:03:33 They'll answer to the real Judge Anderson.
01:03:35 Good.
01:03:37 Feels good to remember everything about you, Mom.
01:03:49 Like that night in spring?
01:03:53 Yeah.
01:03:56 What do you remember from that night?
01:04:03 I remember everything.
01:04:05 I remember how beautiful you looked.
01:04:07 How...
01:04:09 Irresistible you were to me.
01:04:12 How hard it was not to touch you,
01:04:16 and all the dirty ways my mind wanted to.
01:04:18 I love you so much.
01:04:25 I love you more.
01:04:28 Not possible.
01:04:32 Do it to me.
01:04:34 (dramatic music)
01:04:37 (gentle music)
01:04:40 (gentle music)
01:04:43 (gentle music)
01:04:46 (gasps)
01:05:13 (laughs)
01:05:15 That was amazing.
01:05:17 Yeah, I agree.
01:05:19 (phone ringing)
01:05:23 Mr. Fawn?
01:05:27 We have interrogated Deborah Edwina,
01:05:29 and there is something.
01:05:31 What's wrong?
01:05:32 What? What's wrong?
01:05:41 Deborah just confessed something worrying.
01:05:43 What?
01:05:45 Well, she said that the spell she placed in the ring
01:05:49 was a one-time consumable,
01:05:51 which means the magic was erased
01:05:54 when the wolf attacked you.
01:05:55 The first time you picked up the Ring of the Woods?
01:05:59 No, how is that possible?
01:06:03 The ritual showed that the ring still had magic in it
01:06:05 when we had that big fight in my bedroom.
01:06:08 Yeah, I remember the ring shining like crazy.
01:06:11 When I first marked you.
01:06:12 (laughs)
01:06:17 What?
01:06:19 The injured man said the magic wasn't erased at all,
01:06:25 or that's impossible.
01:06:28 What?
01:06:30 Or that the wearer had magic of her own.
01:06:39 What?
01:06:40 You never told me how your father passed away.
01:06:45 (dramatic music)
01:06:46 (dramatic music)
01:06:48 (dramatic music)
01:06:49 (dramatic music)
01:06:54 (dramatic music)
01:06:55 (dramatic music)
01:06:56 (dramatic music)
