Social enterprise offers nutritious lunches to students

  • 7 months ago
School tuck-shop menus were once riddled with sugar-laden treats like chocolate milk, finger buns, and donuts. But as schools increasingly focus on nutrition a social enterprise in regional Victoria is re-imagining the canteen by delivering veggie-packed lunches to students.


00:00 Inside the Clunes Neighbourhood House in central Victoria, these pint-sized chefs are on a roll.
00:07 I think they're going to be delicious.
00:10 The interactive cooking class is all part of a social enterprise movement
00:14 that's determined to teach kids the ins and outs of healthy eating without skimping on the fun.
00:20 What did you learn?
00:21 What's healthy, what's not healthy and what you can do to be healthy.
00:26 The initiative is also on a mission to redefine school canteen food,
00:31 supplying six schools across the region with fresh, nutritious lunches.
00:36 The menu changes seasonally and ingredients are locally sourced.
00:40 Our main priority is the vegetables, so for example we make a lovely Napoli sauce
00:45 which has up to 12 seasonal veg in it.
00:48 The team behind the idea is now planning to sell the meals wholesale to other schools across the state,
00:55 bringing a fresh vision to canteens near and far.
00:59 What's important about scaling is you take time and you grow as you can.
01:03 But yeah, absolutely, the more children that eat healthy food at school during the learning day, the better.
01:11 And as for the results of the all-important taste test of the Vietnamese rice paper rolls?
01:16 Yeah, nice.
01:18 Unanimous praise from parents and pupils alike.
