Code 8 Part II Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In this sequel to CODE 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor's attempt at staying out of trouble is destroyed when he's forced to help 14-year-old Pav (Sirena Gulamgaus) escape from a pack of corrupt officers led by Sergeant King (Alex Mallari Jr.). King uses the newly launched robotic K9's to track Pav down, while Connor finds himself once again reaching out to Garrett and his crew for help, but can he trust the man who landed him in prison in the first place?
directed by Jeff Chan
starring Robbie Amell, Stephen Amell, Sirena Gulamgaus, Alex Mallari Jr.
release date February 28, 2024 (on Netflix)
directed by Jeff Chan
starring Robbie Amell, Stephen Amell, Sirena Gulamgaus, Alex Mallari Jr.
release date February 28, 2024 (on Netflix)
Short filmTranscript
00:00 [Buzzer]
00:02 [Screaming]
00:04 You said you owed me for the time I hid inside.
00:09 I have to get someone out of the city tonight. A friend.
00:15 Can you do that for me? Or even?
00:21 I'll help you.
00:23 My quick question first.
00:25 What is it about me that you would choose this,
00:29 pathetic life?
00:31 You try to act like you're looking out for people like us.
00:35 But I think you're a parasite.
00:38 Sergeant Kingston is a rising star in downtown Lincoln.
00:42 I'm in a deal with a cop.
00:44 He gets a cut, and we get to run this place.
00:48 I'm here because I'm one of you.
00:50 We all want a safe neighborhood to grow up.
00:53 But we've listened. We've made changes.
00:55 If you just put your hands up,
00:58 [Siren]
01:00 We won't hurt you.
01:03 Put your hands up.
01:07 We won't hurt you.
01:09 Put your hands up.
01:11 You have the hair to have good grip.
01:14 You're a pawn, Garrett.
01:17 Everything that I have, I built.
01:19 How long before he takes it?
01:26 You have to trust me.
01:27 I do trust you, but I'm not running anymore.
01:30 If you just put your hands up,
01:36 We won't hurt you.
01:39 [Scream]
01:43 [Music]
01:49 [Music]
01:51 [Music]
01:53 [Music]
01:55 [Music]
01:57 [Music]
01:58 [Music]
01:59 [Music]
02:00 [Music]
02:01 [Music]
02:02 [Music]