扎希施压要求特赦纳吉? 安华促尊重元首特权

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 前首相纳吉获得减刑被外界质疑,是首相安华为了保住团结政府的地位,不得已向巫统点头,提前要求特赦局优先处理纳吉的个案。面对种种疑问,安华今天亲上火线否认了有关传言,并强调纳吉的特赦申请符合程序,并没有出现弯道超车的情况。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 Former Prime Minister Najib was sentenced to a short sentence.
00:07 The reaction of the room seems to be that both sides are not pleasing.
00:10 Both sides of Anhua are not human.
00:12 Some people inside the Uyghur Autonomous Region are dissatisfied and disappointed.
00:14 They think that Najib did not get the full privilege as they wished,
00:18 but must be imprisoned until 2028.
00:20 There is even news that the Uyghur leader Amo Jassi is accused of being incompetent
00:24 and is facing a crisis of forced labor.
00:26 In order to maintain the position of the party chairman,
00:28 will Najib further pressure Prime Minister Anhua to ask for a full privilege of Najib?
00:33 Will the Uyghur leader use the withdrawal of the United Nations government as the last point to threaten Anhua?
00:38 Facing all kinds of questions from the outside world,
00:40 Prime Minister Anhua was angry today and denied the relevant rumors.
00:44 He emphasized that Najib did not mention the special privilege of Najib at all.
00:49 But Najib's application to the Prime Minister and the Special Bureau
00:53 is his duty as the party chairman and the basic right of the Uyghur leader.
00:57 Anhua said that whether he likes it or not,
00:59 and whether the person who applied for it is a friend or an enemy,
01:02 as the prime minister, he must adhere to the principle of fairness
01:05 and the established standard work procedures.
01:08 Anhua said that Najib's acquisition of the special privilege of Najib
01:11 has caused a considerable controversy.
01:13 But he hopes that all parties can calm down and stop questioning the decision of the leader.
01:18 Anhua emphasized that Najib's main consideration for applying for the special privilege is not the law,
01:22 but the kindness and sympathy of the ten leaders of Sudan and Adura.
01:27 The people must accept the free and quantitative rights of the federal constitution to the leaders.
01:31 This is the right of the Malay ruler since our country has been independent.
01:35 And the special bureau also considered Najib's contribution to the country as the former prime minister.
01:40 As for whether Sudan and Adura will make an explanation for their own decision,
01:44 it also depends on the wisdom of the emperor.
01:47 The people should not blame the ten leaders, the prime minister, the chief procurator or the special bureau.
01:52 Najib was questioned by the outside world for his acquisition of the special privilege.
01:57 It was Anhua who had to ask the military to prioritize Najib's case in order to maintain the unity of the government.
02:05 However, according to the rumor, Anhua clarified to the media this morning
02:08 when he did not attend the monthly meeting of the prime minister's office.
02:11 Najib's special application was in line with the procedure and there was no overturning.
02:16 It is clear that the rules are one, one, three.
02:23 And in this case, when the rumor was brought up, the prime minister made sure that he heard the rumor.
02:30 So I admit that I was responsible.
02:32 Anhua also emphasized that although Najib obtained the special privilege,
02:36 it did not affect the determination to unite the government.
02:39 The judicial procedure for other corruption cases is still in progress.
02:42 The authorities are firm in their attitude towards corruption and will not give up.
02:48 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
02:53 Transcription by ESO; translation by —
