How Can a Singular Living Soul have Plural Breath of Lives in Genesis 2:7?

  • 5 months ago

(Interlinear) And the LORD God breathed the breath of liveS; and man became a living soul.

Breath of lives (“im” makes it plural). Living soul (singular),

Only the inspired Hebrew, not translations, reveals this plurality.

Unless you know WHAT those multiple lives are (like the Tree of liveS, also plural) you cannot fully understand Genesis 2:7
When and HOW are these liveS obtainable?
They involve physical and spiritual resurrections.

Conversely, can a living soul be destroyed definitively?
These are the destinations of human beings in God’s plan.

Read Mind-Body Problem Solved for God’s complete purpose for the Creation of billions of human beings.

Watch this next video: to comprehend how to grasp multiple liveS and reach the Image of God.

Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use.

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#breathoflife #soul #biblicalhebrew

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