নিজেকে বুদ্ধিমান এবং ভারতীয়দের অলস ও বোকা ভাবতেন Jawaharlal Nehru!: PM Modi

  • 6 months ago
দেশবাসীর সামর্থের ওপর কোনও ভরসা নেই কংগ্রেসের। এমনকি ভারতীয়দের অলস ও বোকা বলে উল্লেখ করেছেন জওহরলাল নেহেরু! মন্তব্য মোদীর।
00:00 The mentality of Congress, which has caused great loss to the country,
00:06 Congress never trusted the capability of the country.
00:18 They always considered themselves rulers.
00:26 And they always considered the people as their captains.
00:31 They considered them as their minions.
00:34 Honorable Mr. Dikg,
00:36 I know that the way they thought about the citizens of the country,
00:43 I know that they will feel a little bit of pain when I say their names.
00:52 But, on 15th August, from Lal Qila,
00:58 I will read out what Prime Minister Nehru said.
01:04 I am reading out what India's first Prime Minister said from Lal Qila.
01:11 He said,
01:14 "India is not used to working hard.
01:22 We don't work as much as the Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, or Americans do."
01:39 This is what Nehru said from Lal Qila.
01:43 Don't think that
01:45 Don't think that
01:50 Don't think that
01:56 Don't think that
01:59 Don't think that
02:04 Don't think that
02:07 Don't think that
02:13 Don't think that
02:16 Don't think that
02:21 Don't think that
02:26 Don't think that
02:33 Don't think that
02:39 Don't think that
02:46 Don't think that
02:57 Don't think that
03:03 Don't think that
03:08 Don't think that
03:13 Don't think that
03:20 Don't think that
03:28 Don't think that
03:38 Don't think that
03:49 Don't think that
03:52 Don't think that
03:57 Don't think that
04:04 Don't think that
04:15 Don't think that
04:24 Don't think that
