Trump et ses alliés bien partis pour enterrer l'aide américaine à l'Ukraine

  • 7 months ago
L'élection présidentielle n'est que dans neuf mois mais l'influence de Donald Trump se fait déjà très concrètement sentir: l'ancien président menace, via ses alliés au Congrès, d'enterrer cette semaine toute future aide américaine à l'Ukraine.

Le couperet est tombé quelques minutes seulement après que le texte, fruit de longs mois de négociations au Sénat, a été dévoilé au public.

Ce projet de loi prévoit à la fois 60 milliards de dollars pour Kiev et 14 milliards de dollars pour Israël.
L'info en continu
Infos, news & actualités - L'information internationale en direct.
00:00 The presidential election is only in nine months but the influence of Donald Trump is already
00:04 very concretely felt, the former president threatens, via his allies at the Congress,
00:08 to bury this week any future American aid to Ukraine.
00:11 The cut fell a few minutes only after the text, the result of long months of negotiations
00:16 in the Senate, was revealed to the public.
00:18 This bill provides for 60 billion dollars for Kiev and 14 billion dollars for Israel.
00:25 It also contains a reform of the American migratory system, a hot topic of the campaign
00:30 electoral.
00:31 Republicans have been demanding for months a more firm policy against the arrivals
00:35 many migrants to the southern border.
00:37 The text presented is the most difficult for decades in immigration, assure
00:42 the Democrats.
00:43 But according to Republicans, it does not go far enough.
00:47 It is therefore mourned, has already cut Mike Johnson, the head of the House of Representatives,
00:53 a close friend of Donald Trump.
00:55 Especially since the former president does not want to offer a political victory to his
00:58 rival Democrat for the November presidential election, Joe Biden.
01:02 No matter if the latter supports the project.
01:05 In these negotiations, it is his predecessor Donald Trump who has the last word.
01:09 Because without the support of Republicans in the House, the faithful of the former president
01:14 for the most part, the text will go nowhere.
01:16 Horrible bill of law.
01:19 To be adopted, this great bill of law must be approved by both chambers of Congress.
01:24 Democrats are in the Senate but Republicans are in the chamber.
01:28 Two years after the start of a war that involves more than $ 110 billion already
01:33 unlocked by Congress, many Republicans are calling for no longer validating the smallest
01:37 penny for Ukraine.
01:39 They follow for most of Donald Trump's directives, who claims that if he was re-elected
01:43 in November, he would settle the war between Russia and Ukraine in 24 hours without really
01:48 explain how.
01:49 Monday morning, he gave a layer, estimating that only an idiot, or a Democrat from the
01:54 radical left, would vote for this horrible bill of law on the border.
01:58 And to claim that the subject of immigration is that of aid to Ukraine as well as to Israel
02:03 face the separate text object, quite the opposite of what the conservatives have been asking
02:07 so far .
02:08 Need for help.
02:10 What to feed Joe Biden's frustration, who sees poll after poll that in terms of
02:16 immigration, his rival is rising among voters.
02:18 "We don't have enough agents at the border.
02:21 We don't have enough judges for immigration.
02:25 We need help.
02:27 Why don't they help me? "he asked Monday about Republicans.
02:31 The heated debate around the border would almost make us forget that it is the entire
02:35 future of American aid to Ukraine that is in peril.
02:37 The text revealed on Sunday was seen as one of the few likely to be adopted with
02:42 the voices of both parties.
02:44 The window of fire to act before November now seems tiny, if not non-existent.
02:49 Since the start of the conflict, the Kremlin has been betting on the influx of Western aid
02:54 and any hesitation of Kiev's allies comforts Russia in the idea that its bet will be
02:57 winning.
02:58 The United States, by far the first military support to Ukraine, unblocked their last
03:04 slice of military aid available to Ukraine at the end of December.
03:06 They have been struggling for several months to unlock new funds, insistently claimed
03:11 by Mr. Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.
03:15 The two last visits of the Ukrainian leader to Washington in September and December have
03:20 been, in this regard, shown to be unsuccessful.
