Charles III malade : Qui gère la Firme pendant sa convalescence ?

  • il y a 7 mois
00:00 After less than a year and a half on the British throne, King Charles III must face a cancer.
00:04 The time of his treatment is in case of king's incapacity, which will replace him in his functions.
00:08 A whole protocol is already established to face this kind of situation.
00:11 If Charles cannot fulfill his functions, it is planned that the heir of the crown, Prince William, temporarily take the orders.
00:17 But William already has a well-filled agenda,
00:19 agenda that he had to modify to take care of his three children since his wife Kate was admitted following an operation.
00:25 Fortunately, Prince William will be able to count on the support of Queen Consort Camilla, who will continue his full program of public activities,
00:31 as well as the support of Prince Edward and Princess Anne.
00:34 They will assume certain responsibilities of the king as a State Counselor,
00:37 a function reserved for active members of the royal family since a law adopted in 2022.
00:42 Thus, Prince Harry, son of King's father and Prince Andrew, brother of Charles, are excluded from these responsibilities since they are behind the monarchy.
00:49 The Buckingham Palace ensures that the king will continue to take care of certain official tasks, such as receiving the Prime Minister every week.
00:56 But other commitments must be reorganized or postponed.
00:59 [Music]
