Super Bowl LVIII TD Scorers: McCaffrey & Samuel Worth a Wager?

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Mhm. We have our anytime
00:06 Super Bowl sunday. As we
00:08 of this list, you see it
00:10 Joe Lee sees right should
00:13 best number for christian
00:15 peter on Super Bowl sunda
00:18 City. Both of the running
00:20 money favorite to find th
00:23 Pacheco at a minus 1 30 p
00:27 you evaluate Super Bowl 5
00:29 47.5. And these guys resp
00:33 up those points. How much
00:36 a ton of offense in terms
00:38 Look at christian McCaffr
00:41 in terms of the ground ga
00:44 game. Debo Samuel as well
00:47 Get his athletic excuse m
00:52 the perimeter. That could
00:55 Brandon. I we talked abou
00:58 over 100 yards in terms o
01:02 season. That's a good look
01:04 Patrick Mahomes did scor
01:06 on the ground against San
01:09 seven prices here at a 2
01:12 four of those top seven h
01:15 Francisco 49ers. Now are
01:17 on your judgment hat and
01:20 going to be said here on
01:22 book set because as we lo
01:25 favorites for Super Bowl
01:28 49ers and who is most lik
01:31 Donny right side. Your ti
01:33 a judge, don't need a jur
01:35 execution here because th
01:37 is from the San Francisco
01:39 the top. Look, I'm diggin
01:41 digging deep christian Mc
01:43 Donny, how could you do t
01:45 is way out of control in
01:47 The goal is to win money,
01:50 everybody, not to have th
01:52 room here. It's the winni
01:54 that's most important. If
01:56 question here, who's goin
01:59 for the San Francisco 40
02:00 City Chiefs. It's christ
02:03 of the game, he got injur
02:04 only two other games, eve
02:07 where he didn't reach pay
02:10 the minus 2 20 Kevin. I t
02:13 here on this. See, that i
02:15 betting a guy who put up
02:18 the N. F. C. Round of the
02:21 everything he did in the
02:23 rushing touchdowns to pla
02:26 season games, back to bac
02:28 end zone twice. He only d
02:31 season once. This is the
02:35 you have to worry if a gu
02:37 way. A guy who is due to
02:40 in a positive direction.
02:43 Samuel checks in plus 1 45
02:47 a gift because down the s
02:50 season, Debo scored at a
02:53 rate. Final eight games r
02:56 does not count. Debo fou
03:00 eight games, 10 touchdown
03:03 he scored in and certainl
03:06 to back and we're now com
03:09 games without a touchdown
03:11 but he had a goal line ca
03:14 told he was 50 50 and if
03:18 against Green Bay, your b
03:21 were rightfully robbed of
03:24 was Debo Samuel's anytime
03:28 Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah.
