NASCAR on Netflix: Behind the scenes of Cup Series inspection

  • 7 months ago
Preview: On this episode of 'NASCAR: Full Speed' - now streaming on Netflix - take a look at the nuts and bolts of Cup Series inspection.


00:00 What made NASCAR beautiful in the 60s and 70s and 80s was ingenuity.
00:08 Yes, there was a rule book, but the famous crew chiefs were able to work in the gray
00:14 areas and I bow this piece of sheet metal out a little bit or I create this device that
00:19 gives me that aerodynamic advantage and I'm more daring NASCAR to catch me.
00:24 That's not quite the case anymore because the race cars they're running right now are
00:28 designed to be very similar.
00:32 Some parts of the car are metal, some are carbon fiber.
00:35 They all expand and contract at different temperatures.
00:37 So I have to keep the car as cool as I can keep it.
00:39 When you watch inspection, it's like the funniest thing in the world, the umbrellas.
00:42 Have you seen the umbrella dance where they walk around holding the umbrellas?
00:46 So that's just to keep the sun off the car because the car grows.
00:50 Our job with the cars is to get everything to the legal limit and the legal tolerance.
00:55 The fastest car possible that NASCAR is okay with on the rules side, that's the goal.
01:00 Equal cars, let the drivers be the show.
01:03 The cars have to be the same.
01:05 It's NASCAR's way of ensuring that you're watching a level playing field of a race.
01:11 There are tens of thousands of nuts and bolts, parts and pieces, moving parts that goes into
01:17 making this machine perform flawlessly.
01:19 You're talking about thousands of an inch everywhere.
01:21 So it's easy to get a little nervous about some of it.
01:26 Speed limit says 35, so you're only going to go 35.
01:28 So now you go 40, so that's speeding.
01:30 But you don't expect to be pulled over.
01:32 The difference between 29.0 seconds and 29.1 seconds might be the thickness of a credit
01:40 card.
01:41 Okay, there we go.
