The Graham Norton Show S31E03

  • 7 months ago
Together on Graham’s sofa this week: triple-Oscar-nominated star of Ozark Laura Linney, in new film The Miracle Club; comedy star Dawn French, writing about the mistakes she’s made in The Tw*t Files; stand-up and actor London Hughes, with her memoir Living My Best Life, Hun; and comedy legend Adrian Edmondson (The Young Ones, Bottom) who recounts his remarkable life and career in his memoir Berserker! With music from Sugababes, who perform their new single When the Rain Comes.

The Graham Norton Show Season 31 Episode 3 | The Graham Norton Show S31E03.
00:00with some strong language it's our
00:03Graham glad you could join us
00:05Hollywood's come a calling tonight Laura
00:07Linny say the words let's start the show
00:31hi laugh over there oh hello hello I
00:35know you saw that you saw that good
00:37evening you're all so welcome to the
00:39show everyone feeling
00:42good as one they roared and no wonder
00:45cuz there's a bit of showas Stardust in
00:47the air tonight my guests couldn't be
00:49more glittery if they've been standing
00:51next to Kier starm at the labor Party
00:56Conference here so good practice for
00:58strictly now and on the show tonight
01:01we've got a Hollywood star and some of
01:04the biggest names in comedy so let's get
01:07some guests
01:09on later I'm so happy we'll have music
01:12from pop superg group sugar
01:14babes actual sugar babes here but first
01:17she's an award-winning comedian
01:19presenter and now author of her Memoir
01:21living my best life hun please welcome
01:33hello a
01:36SE he's a true comedy great the star of
01:40ground baking sitcoms the young ones and
01:42bottom it's a first time welcome to
01:52Edmonton have a SE
01:55to and she's been making his La for over
01:5830 years from the comic strip to French
02:00and Saunders and of course the vicer of
02:01dibl always a pleasure to welcome Don
02:14French and she's a triple Oscar
02:18nominated star of stage and Screen Now
02:19starring in the heartwarming drama the
02:21miracle Club it's a warm welcome to
02:28Linny that's you did it
02:36all welcome everybody L you to see you
02:39all we'll get to you rosette later in
02:44show is it
02:46homemade homemade uh and welcome back
02:50Laura nice to see you again thank now I
02:51don't know are you aware that you are on
02:53the sofa with three comedy Giants
02:57absolute royalty I very aware yeah uh
03:00well Dawn and Aid obviously I I believe
03:01you know each other of all we know each
03:03other very well I've actually slept with
03:07aid but I let Jennifer marry him oh
03:09that's a ni of you and then talking
03:11about Telly sleeping obviously so
03:15you I've licked your bosoms on T
03:18you oh that's right okay yeah we we
03:22didn't find that
03:24clip and uh London news do you live in
03:27LA now I do do you I do I'm very
03:30why would I live here
03:33amazing no but now but you're back does
03:36your mother think you've moved back this
03:37is the thing my mom's like very British
03:39so she's in in her mind I there on
03:42holiday and I've been there for four
03:43years now and every time I come back
03:45she's like are you sure you want to live
03:46in LA and I'm like I do I live there I
03:48live there that's her she's so s she's
03:51here now Mom you here oh
03:55gosh very aw that's how it feels very
03:58awward she loves like all this British
04:01television she loves all British not
04:03enough to be here but yes L
04:08it now uh Laur Linny you are here
04:11tonight to talk about a a film and of
04:14course because of the strike we haven't
04:16had actors talking about uh films and
04:17things but you are allowed to talk about
04:20this film I am allowed to talk about
04:21this film because this film was granted
04:23What's called the interim agreement
04:25which is it is not a waiver it is not a
04:28pass it is an agreement that the smaller
04:32production companies have in this case
04:33embankment and Zephyr with sag after my
04:36union these smaller companies have
04:39agreed to everything that sag is asking
04:41for in advance so they have said yes yes
04:44whatever you want yes we agree to the
04:46contract that you are going after as
04:48opposed to the larger Legacy companies
04:50and the streamers who at this point are
04:52saying no okay and unfortunately just
04:54walked away I know they just walked away
04:57today so that's just just so heart
04:59breaking for all of us but these smaller
05:01companies are are supporting the artists
05:04who help them make the things that they
05:06then are able to sell and um and because
05:09of the interim agreement I'm allowed to
05:11discuss this film this film only and
05:13everything dealing with this movie you
05:15said that perfectly well done and also
05:18it's that thing that you allowed to talk
05:19about this film we but we can't even
05:20mention anything else we've ever been in
05:23no so all I'm saying is all I'm saying
05:26is please know we love all your work but
05:28we will not speak of it
05:30no I have to say I haven't seen anything
05:32she's been
05:34in right on a right on
05:39solidarity okay so let's talk about what
05:41we can which is uh Laura's new film it's
05:44called The Miracle club and it is out in
05:47cinemas today and Water cast you Maggie
05:51Smith Kathy Bates and then the young
05:53Irish actor Agnes oey o Casey who's
05:55amazing yeah yeah she great so tell us
05:58about it what is the miracle why are you
06:00in it yes this is a group of women who I
06:03grew up in an Irish town with Maggie and
06:05with Kathy Aggie is of course younger
06:07who I have not met I have been away in
06:09the United States for 40 years you find
06:11out why I leave during the course of the
06:13movie I come back I reintroduce myself
06:16to these people who I not seen in a long
06:18time they then win a trip to Lords to
06:21take the waters yeah I go with them and
06:26happen and I'm interested as an American
06:29were you aware of Lords before the
06:32script well I'm also not Catholic so I
06:33had not heard now I had heard of you
06:36know the miracle of the water and and
06:38burn a debt and all of that but I I had
06:40not I did not know about Lords oh so I
06:43was a real I I learned a lot well this
06:45is said in the 60s but it's still a big
06:46deal like people buses still go tens of
06:49thousands of people a year yeah it's a
06:50big de wait what is Lords yes it's
06:53Madonna's daughter
06:58oh loads of people go to
07:01see it's
07:03miraculous I know it's a place in France
07:05well you know it's it's in France it's a
07:06small town in France there's a
07:07pilgrimage the Catholic pilgrimage is
07:09there because the the Blessed Virgin
07:11Mary came down okay and and presented
07:14herself and touch and where she arrived
07:17where she perched herself on the rocks
07:19of Lords water sprung up and then they
07:22created these pools of healing water so
07:24people will go many people who are firm
07:27yeah and will go in searching of a
07:29miracle in one form or another so this
07:31group of which I'm lucky enough to be a
07:34part they all go searching for their own
07:35Miracles and and when you go like
07:38there's a it's sort of in this groty
07:39thing but The Grotto it's loads and
07:41loads of crutches and walking sticks and
07:43all hung up on the wall have you been
07:45yeah oh You' look at
07:48me you you didn't see me before I mean
07:53yeah he's
07:5595 well listen we've got a clip uh this
07:58is you as your character Chrissy uh
08:00settling into Lords with your old
08:02friends and by the way because keyboard
08:04critics will be standing by you're not
08:06do not doing an Irish accent no no I I
08:09lucked out yeah you're full American
08:11here we
08:17go it appears I am sharing with
08:22m the Basilica isn't it
08:26beautiful is there only one bed
08:30I wouldn't you first
08:32well I'm not my mother ain't that the
08:37truth what does that
08:40mean show some respect Chrissy this is a
08:49pleas father's taking us to the
08:51grotto the
08:56grot love
08:58that presumably one of the big reasons
09:01for doing this movie was Maggie well
09:03absolutely of course I mean she is just
09:05a Titan and um every second I had with
09:08her I adored I you know they say don't
09:10meet your Heroes but I was lucky because
09:12she's been extraordinary but you'd met
09:14her before had you we had we had met
09:16before I did a one woman show here a
09:19while ago and she came to see it but how
09:21you know she I was she I almost fled the
09:25theater when I heard she was there and
09:26then she decided to do a one woman show
09:28as well the following year so we started
09:30talking about what it was like and she
09:31was asking questions and we became
09:33friendly and then we made this movie
09:34together so it's been a real privilege
09:37real total Joy yeah yeah yeah and
09:39talking of meeting Heroes uh you tell a
09:42story about being in uh Los Angeles you
09:45were directing yes I've been to
09:48Ang like it you were you were doing a
09:51video yeah I I when we did the comic
09:53strip da and I uh we I did I started
09:56directing when I was doing that and I
09:57did uh the second episode of bad news
09:59and I made a promo in it for the band uh
10:02and uh it went down quite well and other
10:04bands started asking me to do promos for
10:05them so I did zodiac mind warp and the
10:08love reaction and squeeze and The Pogues
10:10and things like that and I did a load in
10:11a year and won an MTV award hey an
10:15astronaut astronaut I I've won two
10:17prizes for vegetables one for making a
10:20video and none for
10:23comedy but this this priz got me out to
10:25LA to to make this video for a band
10:28that's not being heard of since and uh I
10:30was busy making it in the Charlie
10:31Chaplain stage yes wow and I know and uh
10:36I was aware as we were shooting there
10:37was a kind of kafuffle in the corner and
10:40uh sort of psychic wave and uh I sort of
10:43looked around like that and peered like
10:45that and peering back at me from the
10:47corner it's quite a long way away was
10:49Janie Mitchell oh wow oh my goodness and
10:52I thought that's that's joury Mitchell
10:54and uh yeah that's her on the screen
10:56there look at that and and I didn't know
10:59what to do uh because was I supposed to
11:02be staring at but she wouldn't break the
11:03Gaze it was like a sort of tractor beam
11:05on Star Trek and uh I kept on looking
11:08and she started striding towards me
11:10quite fiercely oh uh yeah wait have you
11:13slept with her too no nor have I naked
11:16her breast and then she started running
11:18and sort of pumping her fist I she's
11:20going to hit me and and she got to me
11:24and uh she as she got to me she threw
11:26her arms around me like this and I
11:28thought oh c she doesn't know who I
11:31am and she then she pulled back like
11:33this came back and kissed me on the lips
11:36oo platonic kiss no tongues yeah not sex
11:40best and and then she held me at arms
11:42and said Adrien
11:44Adrien whenever we have young ones
11:47parties I always play
11:50Vivan oh my no what an Accolade I know
11:55and what I love what I love about that
11:57story is that somewhere in the world
12:00there must be photographs of Joanie
12:01Mitchell dressed up as
12:06as we must see them um and Laura in the
12:10the miracle Club you don't do the Irish
12:12accent but you have done accent work I
12:15have in nameless films I have a nameless
12:17film nameless films that don't exist and
12:19on stage that's corre yeah oh on stage
12:21we can talk about that MH yes we can
12:23talk about that what you got what did
12:24you do what did I do it's you know
12:27school stuff primarily okay you know I
12:30think I dabbled in with the Scots a bit
12:32and you know various things that you try
12:35and usually don't do very well at and
12:37occasionally you hit it out of the park
12:39but you know it's always it's always a
12:40little risky so I was very relieved I
12:42didn't have to do it I didn't have to do
12:44it on this one cuz was it in death and
12:45the Nile uh they wanted you to be an
12:48American yes we were cast Jennifer and I
12:50were cast as two Americans in that film
12:53in fact I was playing the part that
12:55Maggie Smith played in the
12:56original Miss Bowers who is the um nurse
13:00companion to Jennifer no spoilers but
13:04you know what I mean lick you up the
13:08anyway spoiler yeah
13:10spoiler major spoiler um but yeah we um
13:15sir Kenneth of the Brer uh cast us as
13:17two Americans and um we went to the read
13:20through and you know we were trying very
13:22hard at the accident and when fatty
13:23who's you know Jennifer to me when she
13:26started I thought yeah well done she's
13:28sounding really good I was thought we're
13:29going to pull this off and I did mine I
13:31took a deep breath and gave it the full
13:33Yankee Doodle and everyone no never and
13:37so everybody was very happy and we went
13:39off and we started uh you know we du to
13:41start filming on the Monday that was the
13:43Friday and I got a phone call five
13:45minutes after I'd got in in with the one
13:47of The Producers going D we've had a
13:48little rethink and I thought oh no I've
13:51been sad they W lumely um because
13:55because that's happened to me before but
13:57they she said where thinking you should
13:59play it
14:01English so you know haven't been sacked
14:03just rubbish at the accent I can't do
14:05any accent I'm really I can do a bit of
14:06West country cuz that's you know that's
14:08where I'm from yeah but really almost
14:10everything else you know like people who
14:12who who think they can sing and they
14:14really can't which I'm also one of those
14:17but I really can't do accents so I
14:19admire anybody who can I really do
14:21admire it cuz London in in La where I
14:26live you prefer to
14:29yes do you do you have to alter your
14:31voice all the time like it's for a
14:33country that speaks English they don't
14:34understand English that they all think
14:36my vo is in black face it's so weird
14:39they don't understand what's coming out
14:40of my mouth and so I'll be like can I
14:42have some water and they'll be like ha
14:44and I'll be like Oh I'm sorry I can I
14:45have some water and they're like okay
14:47and then it's so crazy and they don't
14:49think that they I'm sorry I'm talking
14:51about your people go right ahead it's in
14:53front of a legend but they don't think
14:54that they have an accent so they'll be
14:56like oh my God I love your accent and
14:57I'll say oh I love yours and they're
14:59like I don't have an
15:01accent you have an America they don't
15:03get it I think it's cuz they got no free
15:05healthcare I don't understand I know
15:08you're right I know I don't know what's
15:10going on it's very crazy very crazy I
15:12love when I every once in a while I'll
15:13go to the theater here and I'll see
15:15someone doing an American accent and I
15:17can tell the what the actor has used as
15:20resource like someone will sound all of
15:22a sudden like Woody Allen oh yeah like
15:23someone would come on and Woody Allen's
15:25Cadence would come out or you know
15:27they'll pick someone typically who they
15:28think is is mine is Kardashian oh
15:31there oh my God stop oh my
15:35God what and very very quickly uh Laura
15:39I do you any inkling I know bad news
15:41today on the strike but do you have any
15:43inkling when there might be some good
15:44news and you might get back to work and
15:45today's a big blow yeah today's a big
15:48big blow we were really hoping that
15:49everything was on the right track and
15:51you know unfortunately clearly talks
15:54broke down and let's hope that we can
15:56evolve soon all right well well in the
15:58meantime there is a film you can go see
16:00Laura's film it's the miracle club and
16:02it's in cinemas now thank you very much
16:10Linny Dawn French has a new book it's
16:13called the [ __ ]
16:16files it's out now and U and this is a
16:20kind of a reclaiming the word kind of
16:22thing it is I mean I'm I suppose I'm
16:24trying to start up a sort of anti-
16:26perfection League really because I
16:28realize that I've made so many mistakes
16:31in my life and we do all try to cover
16:34our mistakes don't we we we we get
16:36embarrassed about them we're humiliated
16:37about we have Shame about them and then
16:39I thought what why am I carrying all of
16:41that actually these mistakes are where
16:43I've learned the most they're where the
16:45fun is so if you can Wrangle back all
16:48that shame and sort of shine a light on
16:50it it's like shining a light Into
16:51Darkness so it just dissipates if you
16:53own your mistakes and say I was a total
16:55[ __ ] when I did this this this or this
16:58um it's very empowering so I thought
17:00well I'm going to just tell loads of
17:01stories it's really alarming how often I
17:04have been a [ __ ] yes I mean look at the
17:06size of that book whole book there are
17:08hundreds of stories you know I think the
17:10book could have been a lot bigger to I
17:12think right you're absolutely right
17:14that's right but you know imperfections
17:16are great volume one of each it's true
17:20it's true and you do tell lots of
17:21stories there's some there's some kind
17:23of uh kind of classic genre yes H tell
17:27us about being invited to the James Bond
17:29Premiere yes that was pretty bad um well
17:32I don't really uh I'm very lucky I've
17:34got a PA right so and I'm really bad
17:36with technology so I don't really get
17:39emails that come directly to me so I get
17:41little bundles of emails that are
17:42important and I was invited to the
17:44premiere of uh the latest James Bond
17:46film which had been delayed for two
17:48years because of Co so this was the
17:49ticket but I'm very bad on the red
17:52carpet it's not my natural home at all I
17:54don't like the the dress and I'm not
17:57very good at any of
17:59so I um I thought well look my sue my my
18:03PA knows that I'm going to say no to
18:05this but I'll respond to her in a way
18:07that will make her laugh and she'll send
18:08a polite no onto the people so of
18:12course yeah remember I'm B with
18:14technology and I just honestly lots of
18:16swearing which I won't do now but I said
18:18this will be full of the usual [ __ ] um
18:21in the industry it will be another one
18:22of those ranky uh red carpet I'd rather
18:25have my eyes pecked out by disease
18:27pigeon I'd rather have my tits munched
18:31off by rabid wild dogs frankly so a
18:35polite no thank you send I thought oh
18:37that will make sue laugh I was a bit
18:39surprised when a couple of minutes later
18:41I got a response directly from the PR
18:43department at the James bonvi where ID
18:45sent that
18:47directly oh they said um thank you for
18:49your Speedy response we totally
18:57understand oh dear oh dear and then some
19:01of the some of them I feel are out of
19:03your control like there's the one way
19:05you're getting
19:06anesthetic oh I know that's so terribly
19:09embarrassing it's sweet though it's so
19:10embarrassing I was having a little tiny
19:13procedure nothing for any to worry about
19:14a little girly thing um and um oh
19:17actually even I'm interested in that now
19:20I'm interested to know what I was doing
19:21anyway I had this little tiny thing and
19:23U the surgeon was there he said
19:24everything will be fine here's the
19:26anesthetic uh I went under
19:28you know you told me to count back from
19:3010 like you do and the next thing I knew
19:31I was coming around I was delighted to
19:33be in the recovery room still be alive
19:35all of that was lovely and he came up to
19:37me and he said uh well that was that's
19:39all gone very nicely and it was all very
19:41quick do you remember what you said to
19:42me I went um no I thought I was just
19:45counting backwards he said no you said
19:48um I'm a National Treasure be very
19:50careful with
19:52me how what's WR that actually actually
19:57why awful
19:59no number one it's
20:02true EXA what you say how wonderful that
20:05that's how you feel
20:07underneath how wonderful that that's
20:09your own inner truth you know you know
20:11the difference of that is that there's
20:12such a non-british thing to do blow your
20:15own I was so
20:18ashamed no it's but you know I still did
20:21want him to take care of
20:23me what
20:26TW actually saying the word a lot Laura
20:29are you familiar with the word well yes
20:32okay yeah do you find it offensive in
20:34any way no excellent well then you are
20:37also a [ __ ] and I welcome you thank you
20:41it used to be a lot Rudder than it is
20:43now do you know my mom used that word
20:44that's why I find it well there's twit
20:47and [ __ ] twit and [ __ ] but [ __ ] I think
20:50is an admonishment with a hug it's a
20:52gentle slap you don't you don't get if I
20:54oh stop being such a [ __ ] a you're not
20:56going to be offended well and I've often
20:58called you a [ __ ] yeah yeah you like it
21:02you like it yes I
21:04do but I'm interest I
21:07dirty but it is it's great to have a
21:10good title like London show to catch a
21:12dick great yes yes I have a a Netflix
21:15comedy special called to catch a dick uh
21:18oh my gosh look at me look at that also
21:20what I think so sweet about this is that
21:22asteris it's like what other word to
21:25catch a duck to C yeah come see my show
21:28so I don't swear in front of my dad so
21:30he calls it to catch a duck cuz we never
21:32he never swears I never swear so I'm
21:34like you know my show to catch a duck
21:35and I just say to catch a duck so yeah
21:38literally has he seen the show he has
21:39not he has not watched it that take some
21:41explaining he said there's some things a
21:43father need not know about their
21:44daughter so I've seen the show he's
21:48right oh yeah you came so Graham came to
21:51the show before um Kevin Hart saw it and
21:53produced it as a Netflix comedy special
21:55but before then gram was there one of my
21:58big supporters thank you no it's an
21:59amazing show and if you haven't seen it
22:01on on Netflix too um then Aid your uh
22:05sitcom bottom which is a great title but
22:08again not the title you wanted no we we
22:10wanted to call it uh my bottom uh just
22:14so the continuity an ansers would have
22:16to say and next on television my
22:21bot people talking about at work the
22:23next day would say have you seen Rick m
22:25in my
22:28he's tremendous he's doing some
22:30tremendous work have you seen what's on
22:32my bottom next week on my
22:37botom I really love my bottom I should
22:40have recorded my bottom
22:43actually and and the young ones you did
22:46swear but then you did also well there
22:49was a there was a kind of limited number
22:51of swear was you could use I think we
22:53were limited to five
22:54bastards in an episode so we so we kind
22:57of made up was like ploppy pants okay FY
23:01breath nice uh which kind of work cuz we
23:04were we were pathetic characters yeah
23:06now I look at lur Linny you don't swear
23:08do you [ __ ]
23:12off oh no the the butter has melted
23:18yes oh no I it seems so wrong I cursed
23:21like a sailor do you really I do I can
23:23restrain myself okay but oh no I I grew
23:26up you know I grew up in New York City
23:28okay so you know we're cursing each
23:30other all the time and it's has its own
23:32art form yeah it is it's an art form
23:34unto itself if you use it really well if
23:36you use it with Precision then cursing
23:39can be fantastic when it's overused or
23:42you're using it to bludge in someone not
23:44fun okay but when you're really specific
23:46with it then it and it's a skill I think
23:48saring is a skill absolutely and I have
23:50to say that my husband has a huge crush
23:52on you from a job you did that we can't
23:54mention um has a huge and now we'll be
23:57have lost it because
23:59because you're such ay mouth yeah and
24:03dur on the tour uh that's still going on
24:05yes I'm still doing it we've added an
24:07extra date in that God thank you yeah we
24:11added an extra date at the Palladium
24:13next week and uh we're going on till the
24:15end of November yeah are you coming to
24:17the states no actually we aren't we're
24:19going to Australia and New Zealand next
24:21year I don't know if anybody knows me
24:23enough yes they do yes they do they
24:28just a reminder that Dawn's book is
24:30called the [ __ ] files and it's out now
24:32Dawn French
24:34everyone thank
24:40you now talking all books Adrien
24:43Edmonson has written his autobiography
24:46Berserker it is out now and there is and
24:50you know there is so much comedy in this
24:52book and it's very funny and there's
24:53lots about comedy but there's also this
24:56other side it's quite violent
24:58and there's a lot of anger there's been
25:00a lot of violence in my life you know
25:02and in institutional violence I I was
25:04sent off to um a school uh when I when I
25:07was 12 and they they just used to hit us
25:09a lot yeah uh with sticks and uh
25:11slippers and conquers on strings yeah
25:14and it was was a fairly violent place I
25:16think the 70s was a l more violent place
25:18I'm sorry you had that Aid that's not
25:20fair well you tried your hard is not
25:23today but one of the one of the first
25:26things that makes you kind of Ranger
25:28gears is your name why did your name
25:30upset you so much um daor and I are both
25:33forces kids and our dads both work for
25:35the forces and we moved schools didn't
25:38we every year and every time I moved uh
25:40everyone would saying a Ain what's that
25:42girl's name you got a girl's name and it
25:45would be a fight um so um I I I've I've
25:48always hated it still hate it and
25:51couldn't change it and I eventually no
25:53eventually no you will this nearly
25:56happened Rick and I who was my old
25:59comedy partner we we were doing some
26:01kind of Saturday night Sunday morning it
26:02was an old Chat Show and it was our
26:04first TV and uh we got an equity card
26:07with it and they said you know this is
26:10the time to make up your name so yeah
26:12left rehearsals and we went away and we
26:14thought about names and uh Rick sort of
26:17spotted that Ed Manson was a bit like Ed
26:19Manson Ed mansoon Eddie Monsoon it
26:22became Eddie Monsoon we thought what a
26:24brilliant name Eddie Monsoon yeah so
26:26went in next day told the production
26:28assistant Eddie Monsoon that's my name
26:31and they said no it isn't it's Adrian
26:32edmerson we've already sent it off a but
26:35but we those who know Aid call him Eddie
26:39I call him Eddie Eddie Monsoon was the
26:42name Jennifer took for Adena mons so
26:45it's it's yes that's cute it's had a
26:47better career without
26:50me but actually a big chunk of the book
26:53Adrian is you know starting off with the
26:56comic strip and all of that but what's
26:57so weird about tonight is that you guys
26:59kind of did it together wait when when
27:02did we meet 1980 79 uh yes 80 80 well I
27:07think what's extraordinary about our
27:08little group me da and Jennifer and
27:11Nigel planer and Rick who's not with us
27:13anymore but and Peter Richardson is that
27:15we met before we ever made it and we
27:18know who we are I I know who she is and
27:20she knows in a way that you can't you
27:22can't really know someone once they've
27:25got any kind of notoriety can you and we
27:28I know look that's almost the awful perm
27:31you once I know I know that's bad that
27:34was bad well one of the many awful perms
27:36yeah oh my gosh is that you I just
27:37realized what I'm looking at there
27:39Jennifer oh my God that's me on the
27:42right with some hair oh my gosh Wow We
27:45Were Young you you look better you guys
27:47look better now I'm not going to
27:51lie sorry and obviously two double ax
27:55Dawn French yourself and and Rick M and
27:57obviously very different double axe in
28:01what way well in that you and Rick that
28:04we didn't have any jokes well well no
28:06but you just you the stuff you did you
28:08know like in the dangerous Brothers it
28:10was funny but it was also dangerous well
28:13we we had our we had our own kind of we
28:16we called our stuff absolute bollocks at
28:18100 miles an hour uh and and it and it
28:20was about hissteria and the way to do
28:22hysteria we thought was to hit each
28:24other yeah uh so so we we we did a lot
28:27of stunty type work my my daughter read
28:29this book and she came up to me after
28:30and she said I I never realized that you
28:32were never actually a comedian you were
28:33you were a stunt man weren't you yeah
28:35well listen it all came to kind of ahead
28:36in the young ones we've got a little
28:38kind of Montage of some of the crazy
28:41things you did in the young ones here we
28:59just more
29:20time it's
29:25uh the one at the end there the bed was
29:27an extraordinary thing to do cuz it was
29:29it was in this stud in this very St was
29:30it in there here wow and uh we did it
29:33live in front of an audience like this
29:35and we were we were sort of up there in
29:36the in in the lights uh me and RI lying
29:38on this kind of metal bed that with a
29:40rope tied to it and and thinking is this
29:44right 25 ft and if you if you if you s
29:47look at it you'll see that as it lands
29:49right completely bloody winded yeah you
29:51will be but we carry on cuz it got a
29:53laugh of
29:55course and I know you're were a fan of
29:58like things like Monty Python and stuff
30:00were you aware of things like the young
30:01ones a little bit a little bit I would
30:04love to say completely but a little so I
30:05have some good viewing ahead of me no
30:07because the thing is in this country
30:08it's sort of easy to look back and out
30:10but at the time we had seen nothing like
30:12it and and it's kind of great that it
30:14was on the BBC yeah it's strange isn't
30:17it because I I I always think we're
30:19we're in a long line of kind of things
30:21from Laur and me and Rick as a duac from
30:23Laur and Hardy through S of moreon wise
30:26Peter and Dudley or I I I see it's that
30:29but then when I see it I think we're
30:31insane in our heads we're being Wy
30:34coyote and the Road Runner we look like
30:37insane people but it was Punk it was
30:39Punk yeah wasn't it and they were the
30:41comedy version of punk that's what was
30:43going on also it kind we didn't have
30:46enough funny material so we we just kind
30:48of we just tried down yeah pain pain is
30:53funny because London you wanted to be in
30:55chiz from a very young oh gosh yes like
30:58how old were you when you decided right
31:00London news needs an agent um
31:03nine yeah n so I was obsessed with TV my
31:07mom said when I was about five she found
31:09me trying to get on TV by climbing
31:11around the back of it so like I tried to
31:13get inside and for me it was just all
31:16about the TV the people on there was
31:17like how do you how do you be that
31:19person and I found out at a young age
31:21from watching television that people on
31:23TV have agents and I didn't know how to
31:25get an agent and I'm very clever so I
31:28used my brain and decided that when
31:29you're looking for a job in in the '90s
31:32early 2000s where did you look the
31:34Yellow Pages so bless you I went through
31:36the Yellow Pages and I found estate
31:41agents and I didn't know that that has
31:43nothing to do with and I called up all
31:46the estate agents in South London pretty
31:48much and I was like and I knew that you
31:50say something like I'm looking for
31:52representation so I will call up and I
31:55called up beo EES Fox like all all of
31:57them and I I got my number blocked from
32:00all of the state agents in our area and
32:02my mom's phone bill was like £2,000 and
32:05literally I mean I'm dedicated to my
32:06dream CU look at me I'm here on gram n
32:08VI lot so I made it eventually woo yeah
32:12and and the whole story the whole story
32:15is in your new Memoir living my best
32:18life hun and it it's out now and I have
32:20to say I love the kind of the Huts SP
32:23and the honesty or tell us who you
32:25dedicated the book to dedicated it to
32:2714-year-old me no yeah I said to 14year
32:31Old me she knew this would happen so
32:33yeah and it did it did it did and it is
32:35an extraordinary story and you you were
32:37kind of trying this trying that just
32:39trying to get into the business yes but
32:42for you going to America wasn't just
32:43kind of part of the dream you felt to
32:45move to the next level you had to go to
32:47America yeah honestly it was um I've
32:49been doing standup I have now been doing
32:51stand up for 14 years but when I moved
32:53I'd been doing for 10 and I just you
32:55know we just watch all your white male
32:57friends in comedy just get their own TV
33:00show and get ahead BBC and channel 4
33:03love them and it's like I'm funny why
33:06don't they love me no I literally had to
33:08just make a decision that I felt like
33:10there was a glass ceiling in this
33:12country at the time for women women of
33:13color in comedy and I just saw all my
33:16friends thriving in America I'm friends
33:18with people like Daniel CA and I saw
33:20Idris Ela do everything over there and I
33:21was my friend Natalie Emanuel went from
33:23Hol Oaks to Game of Thrones to Fast and
33:25Furious by going to America so I just
33:28watched that and was like I will never
33:30reach my full potential unless I just
33:31try and I tried and I killed it so yeah
33:36you really did thank you
33:41yeah I think you need just a little more
33:44confidence yeah for me what I've been
33:47told so I'm so I don't have a British
33:49like that whole like I'm not a National
33:51Treasure thing I'm a National
33:53Treasure I don't have this briish energy
33:56I'm very American in my confidence which
33:58is why I I do well over there I guess do
34:00do you think he still the same now that
34:02yeah I do I feel like I know you paved
34:04the way it's for me you guys are legends
34:06and I was I loved and appreciated you
34:08but then I was like who's the next dor
34:10French who's the next you know what I
34:12mean and it just felt like it wasn't
34:13going to happen unless I went out there
34:15and tried to well the thing that's so
34:16interesting is that is that you guys
34:18created your own work yeah then there
34:19was a whole period of time work original
34:21work did not come from the stars of the
34:23shows and now the your generation is
34:26creating their own work and that's and
34:28that's where stuff is getting more
34:29different because Tik Tok and all of
34:31that so like people are just you know
34:33producers going out there and making
34:35their own dreams happen and stuff so
34:36yeah and and back to where it all
34:38started uh to catch a dick the show so
34:41papacy you struggle to catch a dick here
34:44H how is how is how is the dick hunting
34:49State my dad can't watch this show now
34:52no can't no honestly it's even worse
34:56taking in La is terrible and I'm
34:58gorgeous and it's
35:00terrible it's ter I had so many
35:02boyfriends in Britain that I took for
35:03granted cuz la like La guys they don't
35:07they don't understand truth um they like
35:09to lie a lot um they don't know the word
35:12aspirational uh so like I I'll meet guys
35:15and they'll be like oh you know I'm an
35:16actor and I'm like but you're not you're
35:18not an actor you're really not your arm
35:20was in Cheaper by the Dozen too okay
35:23you're not M I am the most important
35:25thing you've been inside anyway
35:28you're you're not an act
35:31darling I went on a DAT with a guy who
35:34told me he was a director and I believed
35:37him and we went on a date for two weeks
35:38until I found out he was a director of a
35:42home that is to sum up La day so yeah
35:47cuz Laura obviously happily married now
35:49it's all lovely it all worked out but
35:51when you when you've been single your
35:52friends have tried to set you up yeah
35:54they did and who did they see you with
35:56well that's the thing that's the most
35:58confounding the people who they have in
35:59your mind like in in will come you know
36:02some person the farthest thing you could
36:05possibly imagine I went out on one day
36:06with one guy we were at the dinner table
36:08all of a sudden he
36:13went I have
36:19apologize you how do you what do you do
36:23with that I mean it was h what did you
36:27do with that I just let him keep going I
36:30was like let's see where this goes okay
36:32is it going to go full Roar when stop
36:35are we leading into another animal sound
36:37I mean I was just and to watch the face
36:40with the noise like the UN like the
36:42message underneath the meow I I mean it
36:45it was and I've you know it is burned in
36:48my brain and it was he was a friend of a
36:50friend yeah what did the friends say you
36:52know I I I I haven't spoken to them in a
36:57and and in the book you you don't talk
36:59about Jennifer uh your wife too much cuz
37:01you kind of don't talk about each other
37:02in public but you do say two nice things
37:04about her yes I do I I tell I say that
37:07she is the best snogger in the world wow
37:11wow there there was a a time when we
37:13were courting and she was living with a
37:14friend in chelse I love I'm sorry I love
37:16that you said courting this is a real
37:19man courting well well she was hunting
37:23dick there we go see
37:31and I was that
37:33dick but we we we used to kiss first oh
37:38did you really I used to turn up and uh
37:41she'd open the door and we'd kissed for
37:43about 10 minutes okay the other thing
37:45Jennifer did for me was uh we were at a
37:47charity dinner once and uh there was a
37:49kind of lull in proceedings and they
37:50asked me to go up and tell some jokes to
37:53fill in the Gap and um I I told a series
37:56of jokes and uh as I was coming off
37:59stage someone who had taken offense came
38:02up and and hit me like that oh God and
38:04just as he'd hit me Jennifer was at my
38:06side and decked him yeah the little
38:09woman woman the queen there you go yeah
38:12I can verify that wow I can verify that
38:15about that amazing woman she's a que you
38:17do not argue with her you do not argue
38:19with her we were off of the buff to
38:21fellowship at one point and um I I'm not
38:24very good at those kind of things and I
38:26said oh let's skip that let's not do
38:27that and she
38:28went and we went out for dinner you were
38:31there actually Len was there and I went
38:33off to the L and I was coming out of the
38:34L and she just got hold of me like that
38:36and put me against the wall like that
38:37and said we are taking this fellowship
38:40and I said right okay right said the
38:42last people who had it were morom and
38:44wise I don't normally do this but we are
38:46taking it do you understand and I'm like
38:48yep yep we're definitely doing that and
38:49then she explained to me she said if we
38:52be become fellows of baa we will have
38:56membership to baa which is in the middle
38:59of Picadilly and they have toilets and
39:01we're getting
39:04older very good uh listen uh two great
39:09books about making chies and comedy
39:12London's book is living my best life H
39:14and eight is Berserker London news and
39:16Adrian Edmonson
39:21everybody I know you should
39:24be right it is time for music this Brit
39:28award-winning pop Trio have topped the
39:30charts with a string of number one hits
39:33here with their latest single when the
39:35rain comes it's a warm welcome to sugar
40:09we all here for
40:11cration yeah we all have some fun but
40:15who's going to be here when the part
40:19done yeah you can talk all that B all
40:23tell me can you back it up really all I
40:27want to feel is
40:29grown love not just the days where we
40:34stood in the warmth of the Sun
40:39raise I want to know will you be there
40:44in the
40:46Thunder through the
40:49stor will you run away you'll be there
40:52when the rain
40:55comes when it's
40:57pouring in the
41:00cold where you go will you be there when
41:16ring all looks so good on the surface
41:20easy to come for the ride but I need you
41:24here in the dark and the light
41:26I am not just the days when we were
41:31stood in the
41:36the I want to
41:38know you be there in the
41:43ther through the
41:46storm will you run or will you be there
41:51the come
41:54with yeah the
41:58cold we will you be there when the rain
42:03comes don't want temporary
42:06love I need something
42:09permanent something like I know you will
42:12when you say you will yeah nothing that
42:18disappear I need it to be
42:27will you be there in the Thunder you be
42:32there through the
42:35St we run you'll be there when the
42:43rain in the cold in the
42:47cold will you
43:05I will I
43:07will I will I
43:10will will you be when the rain
43:20wow Che
43:24everybody sounding so oh so good thank
43:28you to the B come on over please
43:38T hello welcome back to the show welcome
43:42back this Isa much
43:47London Laura thank you so much for that
43:51performance it wask sounded so good
43:55those harmonies and uh so that's the new
43:57single when the rain comes and that is
43:59out now yeah yeah yeah but uh there must
44:03there'll be more new music down the line
44:04of course yeah still working okay I'm
44:08freaking out my 14-year-old self is
44:09freaking out this the say I'm so happy I
44:12know but it's so great to see you I was
44:14at the the the show you did in the O2 I
44:17mean what an amazing night that was it
44:19was did you enjoy yourself oh such a
44:20good time but like and you know it's the
44:23O2 and it's full it's all these people
44:24who just love you did you know that the
44:27fans were out there and they carried the
44:29torch and they wanted to see you again M
44:32oh my God basically every show we do I
44:34literally am like is there anyone
44:36outside honestly so sold out even at
44:40glastenbury she was like oh my God isce
44:43Crow yeah we we're honestly so surprised
44:45every time we get like that response it
44:48was amazing cuz like the O2 sometimes I
44:50think it can be just so big that it
44:52doesn't feel intimate and I I feel like
44:54it we did have those moment moments that
44:56were really special with and for people
44:58who don't know at theot you showed some
45:00footage and stuff of how young you were
45:02how old were you when you actually
45:03formed sugar babes 12 and
45:061 I
45:08mean it makes me a bit cuz that night
45:11the think that there were these
45:1212-year-old girls who started at the
45:14band all and now you're were at the O2
45:16after and you know and what's great is
45:18the journey there you
45:22all you guys scare us with these
45:24pictures like honestly
45:30look when when when you were singing I
45:32was saying you still got the enthusiasm
45:34of the 12y olds in you Lely thank you we
45:39love what we do and it's it's been
45:41better this time around I think I can I
45:44can say you can you can take that those
45:46special moments in and just really
45:47appreciate them people who you grow up
45:49with and then you get to make art with
45:51and then you perform with I mean the
45:53Comfort level is so intense and it makes
45:56and we we grew up together you know and
45:59I just think it's just so nice it just
46:00feels like we get to spend all our um
46:02all our special moments together so it's
46:04kind of like yeah oh well welcome back
46:07sugar bab it was a great for so great to
46:10see you sugar babes
46:16everybody oh Feel Love feel love and L
46:20that's really it before we go at just
46:22time for a very quick visit to the big
46:23red chair Who We Got Tonight hello hello
46:26hello hi oh don't be
46:28nervous oh you're fine you're fine
46:30what's your name Zoe Zoe and where you
46:33from Zoe I'm from um Scotland D FR
46:36Galloway but I lived in Ireland for
46:37about 20 years it's a lovely accent very
46:40nice whereabouts in Ireland did you live
46:41uh feroy County corg fmo home of the
46:44pencil horrible
46:49town no it's got a giant pencil in it
46:52has it it's got a bridge if people want
46:53to jump off it
46:57I hated
46:58the we're looking forward to this
47:02story I think the cannon is
47:05loose so off you go um I'd moved to
47:08Ireland and started a new job on a big
47:10stud farm and I'd also started a
47:12relationship with my boss
47:16and she Sor I've got to show you a
47:18second did you say slug Farm or stud
47:21Farm stud Farm stud stud stud farm
47:24horses okay we got it got it okay so um
47:26I was at the stage in the relationship
47:28where you don't show your true colors
47:30where you you kind of want to look like
47:32you're nice and kind and do the small
47:34things and there was this one morning I
47:37had to get up early to go and work in
47:39the north and I thought it's not nice
47:41when the big light goes on so I'll be
47:43kind and I'll cover his face but he woke
47:45up when I was putting the pillow over
47:48face and
47:51Heely you can walk you can walk you
47:59okay well done and that is all we've got
48:01time for if you'd like to have a go of
48:03the red check yourself and tell your
48:05story and contact us via our website at
48:07this very address that was a good please
48:10say a huge thank you to all of the
48:12guests tonight sugar
48:15ban London
48:18new Adrian
48:21Edmonton D
48:23brench and Laura
48:28join me next week with singer Zach AEL
48:31Chef Nadia Hussein actors Bella Ramsey
48:34and Ray fines plus two screen Legends
48:37Dame Joan Collins and Sir Patrick
48:39Stewart I'll see you then good
48:47night it's getting late visit the
48:49Haunted Mansion that is Buton house
48:51don't expect to be scared though they're
48:53all lovely the final series of ghosts is
48:55now on I player just press the red
49:14button I offer for you