Ambedkar কে ভারতরত্ন দেওয়ারও যোগ্য মনে করেনি Congress! উল্টে তাঁর মতাদর্শকে ছোট করেছে: Modi

  • 6 months ago
তপশিলি ও পিছিয়ে পড়া সংখ্যালঘুদের নিয়ে সমস্যা রয়েছে কংগ্রেসে। বাবা সাহেব আম্বেদকরের চিন্তাধারা শেষ করতে উঠে পড়ে লেগেছিল কংগ্রেস। এমনকি আম্বেদকরকে ভারতরত্ন পর্যন্ত দেওয়ার  যোগ্য মনে করা হয়নি
00:00 SC, ST, OBC, they are very fortunate that Congress and its allies have always had problems.
00:15 They have not left any stone unturned to end Baba's politics and Baba's ideas.
00:25 They are available to speak on. They are available to say what has been said in the elections.
00:30 Bharat Ratna was not ready to give it to them.
00:35 That too, when the government was formed with the support of BJP, then Baba was not given a chance.
00:44 Not only that, Sitaram Kesri was thrown on the footpath by the Congress Party's President from a very backward caste.
00:56 OBC, that video is available. The country has seen what happened to Sitaram Kesri.
01:09 And, dear Speaker, one of their supporters is in America.
01:27 He was famous for saying, "It happened, it happened."
01:39 And Congress is very close to this family.
01:44 He has just tried to reduce the contribution of the Constitution maker, Baba.
01:59 The first thing in the country, NDA, is to make a tribal girl the President.
02:14 You should make her the Midwair.
02:18 If you have a personal opposition to us, that is one thing.
02:24 If you had a personal opposition to us, if you had a candidate, I could have understood.
02:31 But it was not a personal opposition. Why?
02:34 Because you made a person who has left our side the Midwair.
02:40 That is why it was not a personal opposition.
02:43 Your opposition was for a tribal girl.
02:49 And that is why you...
02:54 And when Sangmaji was running for the elections, he was also doing the same thing.
03:01 And till today, there have been many incidents of insulting the President.
03:15 This is the first time this has happened in this country.
03:19 People who are responsible for him have said such things.
03:22 I am ashamed.
03:24 Such words have been said for the President.
03:27 The bitterness in the heart keeps coming out of nowhere.
03:32 We have been working in NDA for 10 years.
03:38 We have always been interested in Dalit and now we are interested in tribal.
03:46 I remember Nehruji more than Sangmaji.
03:51 Because I expect my colleagues to say something.
03:57 Once Nehruji wrote a letter.
04:02 And this letter was written to the Chief Ministers.
04:07 I am reading its translation.
04:10 He wrote that this is the letter written to the Chief Ministers of the country at that time by the Prime Minister of the country, Pandit Nehruji.
04:23 It is on record.
04:26 I am reading the translation.
04:28 I do not like any election.
04:35 And especially, there is no reservation in the job.
04:43 I am against any such step.
04:53 Which increases the incompetence.
04:57 Which leads to the second level.
05:01 This is the letter written to the Chief Ministers by Pandit Nehru.
05:08 And then I say that this is the birth of his opposition.
05:14 Nehruji used to say that if SC, ST, OBC get the reservation in the job, then the level of government work will fall.
05:37 And the number of people who are here today, their value is here.
05:46 Because they had stopped it at that time.
05:48 Don't do recruitment.
05:50 If at that time, the government had been enrolled.
05:54 And they would have progressed by doing promotion.
05:59 Then they would have reached here today.
