Sunak faces backlash for PMQs transgender ‘joke’ as Brianna Ghey’s mother sits in gallery

  • 7 months ago
Sunak condemned over trans jibe as Brianna Ghey’s mother sits in PMQs galleryParliament TV


00:00 It's a bit rich, Mr Speaker, to hear about promises from someone who's broken every single promise he was elected on.
00:07 I mean, I think I counted almost 30 in the last year.
00:10 Pensions, planning, peerages, public sector pay, tuition fees, childcare, second referendums, defining a woman.
00:19 Although, in fairness, that was only 99% of a U-turn.
00:24 The list goes on, but the theme is the same, Mr Speaker.
00:27 It's empty words, broken promises and absolutely no plan.
00:31 [Cheering]
00:40 Of all the weeks to say that, when Brianna's mother is in this chamber,
00:50 shame, parading as a man of integrity when he's got absolutely no responsibility.
00:58 Absolutely.
01:02 Also, to Brianna Gray's mum, who is here, as I've said earlier this week,
01:06 what happened was an unspeakable and shocking tragedy, Mr Speaker.
01:10 And as I said earlier this week, in the face of that,
01:14 for her mother to demonstrate the compassion and empathy that she did last weekend,
01:20 I thought demonstrated the very best of humanity in the face of seeing the very worst of humanity.
01:26 And she deserves all our admiration and praise for that.
