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Justice for Stuart! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the times “The Big Bang Theory’s” resident comic book store owner simply couldn’t catch the break we all wished him to have.


00:00 "So when you guys plan fun activities, does my name even come up or?"
00:05 Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times the Big Bang
00:10 Theory's resident comic book store owner simply couldn't catch the break we all wished him
00:15 to have.
00:16 "Can't catch a break."
00:17 Number 10.
00:21 He's the last to know about Bernadette's pregnancy.
00:23 The celebration, experimentation.
00:26 When the gang celebrates the news that Howard and Bernadette are going to be parents, there's
00:30 one friend who's notably absent.
00:33 Now, the expecting parents are totally entitled to tell whoever they want, whenever they want.
00:38 However, in this case, it seems like, in all their excitement and nerves, Stuart just slipped
00:43 their minds.
00:44 "Thank you so much for helping us, Stuart."
00:46 "Oh, I was just glad to be invited.
00:49 To be honest, I don't always feel like I'm part of the group."
00:52 "Okay, sweetie, we're on the clock here.
00:53 Can you hate yourself and Frost at the same time?"
00:56 However, that doesn't make it any less painful for him to overhear the happy news from Barry
01:00 Kripke, of all people.
01:02 "And how is the waiting at Mommy-to-Be?"
01:05 "Doing great."
01:06 "You're pregnant?"
01:07 "Yeah."
01:08 "Sounds like something a member of the group might know."
01:14 Poor Stuart.
01:16 He's good enough to help prepare Sheldon's birthday cake, but barely even an afterthought
01:20 in his friend's important milestones.
01:23 Most of us will know how gut-wrenching it is to feel invisible.
01:26 We see you, Stuart.
01:28 "Sheldon, I've spent most of my life feeling invisible, but having you and everyone..."
01:33 "Hey, everybody, listen up!
01:36 You nailed it."
01:39 Number Nine - Facing his mean comic book store rival, The Occupation Recalibration
01:45 Stuart's comic book store might not have a swanky coffee machine and tempting scone spread,
01:50 but we've got to applaud his commitment to exceptional customer service.
01:54 When Bernadette urgently needs to replace one of Howard's comic books, Stuart takes
01:59 her to the only store that stocks it.
02:01 It just happens to be owned by his mean, condescending rival, Jesse.
02:06 "My hair's exactly the same color as always."
02:09 "No, I was talking about your skin."
02:12 "Look, uh, my friend here needs a comic book."
02:14 "Oh, and she went into your store by mistake.
02:16 Good thing there was no one there to see her."
02:20 Spotting his old clientele hanging around the joint only rubs salt in the wound.
02:24 Anyway, Jesse's needlessly hurtful, and if we were in Bernadette's shoes, we'd likely
02:29 have walked out, too.
02:30 "Espresso, latte?"
02:31 "Nothing."
02:32 "How about you, Stu?
02:33 Mocha, scone?
02:34 Directions to the nearest soup kitchen?"
02:36 "Hmm."
02:37 "Oh, I'm just kidding.
02:40 He knows where the soup kitchen is."
02:43 We probably wouldn't have snuck back later behind Stuart's back, though.
02:47 Okay, maybe for a muffin, but we wouldn't have been able to enjoy it half as much.
02:52 "Want a latte while you wait?"
02:54 "No, I don't want a latte.
02:55 I want a cappuccino and a blueberry scone."
02:56 "I only have chocolate chip."
02:57 "Well, that sounds even better."
03:05 Number 8.
03:06 Getting stood up by the gang - The Mummy Observation
03:09 Stuart typically doesn't get invited to group activities, but in this case, Raj needed a
03:13 victim for his murder mystery party.
03:16 And well, we guess Stuart fit the bill.
03:18 "Go on, leave.
03:19 You're a suspect in the mysterious murder of Stuart Blue."
03:23 "I didn't know his last name was Blue."
03:29 "Yeah, it's Blue."
03:30 Meanwhile, Raj assigns the rest of the gang character cards, which ends up causing a bit
03:34 of friction between Penny and Leonard.
03:37 Stuart ends up restoring peace to the group, albeit upsetting Amy and Bernadette in the
03:41 process.
03:42 "In 20 years, who knows what'll happen with any of us?"
03:44 "I think you and Leonard will be together."
03:46 "You do?"
03:47 "Yeah, I think you're the best couple I know."
03:50 "That's so sweet."
03:52 "Excuse me?"
03:53 Later, as the group reflects on their friendship, they make a promise that no matter where life
03:59 takes them, they'll reunite in 20 years.
04:02 "Let's all promise to meet in front of this building exactly 20 years from tonight at
04:06 8pm and have dinner like we always do."
04:08 "Aww, I love it."
04:09 "I'm putting it in my phone right now."
04:12 "Yeah, me too."
04:13 While everyone sets calendar reminders, except Stuart, guess who's the only one who shows
04:19 up?
04:20 Yep, you got it.
04:21 Stuart.
04:22 "I knew it."
04:25 Number 7.
04:26 Stuart dresses up for the Game of Thrones viewing party.
04:28 The viewing party combustion.
04:30 It's one thing not to invite Stuart as an oversight, but it's another to include him
04:34 only to humiliate him.
04:36 When the guys host a Game of Thrones viewing party, pretty much everyone ends up at odds.
04:41 But then Stuart shows up and we learn Howard deliberately misled him over the dress code.
04:46 "Was it ever a dress up party?"
04:49 "No."
04:50 "Howard, didn't you tell me it was a dress up party?"
04:55 "Yeah."
04:56 Luckily, Penny's apartment offers sanctuary for those frustrated with Howard.
05:01 As if Stuart hasn't been through enough already, the guys continue to mock him as he mounts
05:06 his bicycle to head back home.
05:08 "Hey Jon Snow!
05:10 How come your horse has a basket on it?"
05:15 "How come your hat has your face on it?"
05:20 At this point, their taunts just seem unnecessarily cruel.
05:23 "Don't you guys have anything better to do?"
05:25 "Better than watching a guy in a fur cloak ride a girl's bike?
05:30 Nope."
05:31 Also, public service announcement, capes and bicycle wheels don't mix.
05:36 Poor Stuart.
05:37 Number 6.
05:38 He could have been rich.
05:39 The Bitcoin Entanglement
05:41 In this episode, the guys end up on a wild goose chase looking for the flash drive containing
05:46 the bitcoin they mined years ago.
05:48 Hearing that there's a decent amount of money involved, Stuart tries to get in on the action.
05:53 "Wow, and at like $5,000 a piece?
05:56 That's-"
05:57 "Sounds like a lot of money which we agreed to share.
06:00 Because I was totally there.
06:02 I remember it now."
06:05 But before anyone can discuss splitting this fortune, firstly they have to find it.
06:09 But thanks to Sheldon's vengefulness, no one profits from this experience.
06:13 Although one person comes very close.
06:15 "It's on the Batman flash drive on your keychain.
06:19 You've had it in your pocket all along."
06:21 "Sheldon, I lost that keychain years ago."
06:29 In a final flashback, we see Stuart sweeping the floor in his store.
06:33 When what should he stumble upon?
06:35 We can't bear to picture his devastation if he ever were to find out about the fortune
06:40 he erased.
06:41 "If I erase this, I can probably resell it for like 10 bucks.
06:48 Things are finally going my way."
06:51 Number 5.
06:52 Penny Calls Him By The Wrong Name - The Classified Materials Turbulence
06:56 Remember when Stuart's impressive art skills scored him a date with Penny?
07:00 We weren't sure if anything would bloom between them, especially when Leonard, driven by jealousy,
07:05 offers Stuart some lousy advice.
07:06 "Be a little shy.
07:09 Don't make too much eye contact.
07:13 Treat her with like cool detachment and, you know, fear."
07:19 Turns out fate didn't need Leonard to intervene anyway.
07:22 How would you feel if your partner called out the wrong name mid-kiss?
07:25 "Leonard?"
07:26 "That is your name, right?"
07:27 "Yeah, no, yeah.
07:28 I'm sorry.
07:29 That must have been the last thing you wanted to hear."
07:35 Yikes.
07:36 His romantic woes continue when he goes out with Amy, hitting a new low when she and Sheldon
07:41 advance their relationship during the date.
07:44 Talk about a cosmic collision of bad luck.
07:46 Luckily, his fortunes start to change when he meets Denise.
07:50 Orange, you glad she finally brought some zest into his romantic life?
07:55 We know we are.
07:56 "Hey, maybe we can go find Nemo together."
07:58 "That's a good one."
08:01 "Do your 63 other crayon friends know you're out?"
08:05 "Are you just going to make fun of me all night?"
08:08 "Probably."
08:09 "Great."
08:10 Number four, Howard takes issue with his new living arrangement.
08:13 The hookup reverberation.
08:15 At the end of season seven, with no job and nowhere to live, Stuart takes a live-in carer
08:19 role at Mrs. Woolworth's home while she's recovering from a fall.
08:24 However, even when she's all better, she welcomes him to stay since they've developed
08:28 such a tight bond.
08:29 "Is Stuart still living with your mom?"
08:31 "I don't want to talk about it."
08:33 "But he's going to."
08:34 "My mom got him cable!
08:35 I mean, my whole life going up in that house, no cable."
08:40 This irks Howard, who's both uncomfortable with the arrangement and enraged that he's
08:44 no longer his mom's only bubbler.
08:47 "He's got my mother buying four-ply toilet paper.
08:50 I mean, four-ply!
08:51 His butt is so delicate, why doesn't he just use an Angora rabbit?"
08:56 But be reasonable, Howard.
08:59 The guy hit rock bottom.
09:01 He lost everything in one night.
09:02 Doesn't he deserve to be cut some slack and treated to some TLC?
09:06 Plus, isn't Stuart doing him a favor by keeping his mom company?
09:10 Not cool, Howard.
09:12 "Excuse me."
09:13 "Ma, you are cancelling that check and Stuart is not your bubbler.
09:18 I'm your bubbler.
09:19 You can't have more than one bubbler!"
09:22 Number three, being left out of group activities.
09:25 The Scavenger Vortex.
09:27 Stuart holds an exclusive membership to the Left Out Club, a recurring theme in his story.
09:32 But if they're not going to invite him to the party, isn't it just cruel to bring the
09:36 party to him?
09:37 "Hey, thanks for letting me use the comic book store as part of the scavenger hunt."
09:41 "Oh, my pleasure.
09:42 Always happy to help out with fun things that I wasn't invited to be a part of."
09:46 That doesn't stop Raj from thoughtlessly making the comic book store a pit stop on
09:50 his scavenger hunt.
09:51 Ever been left out of a group hang?
09:53 That sting just sticks around, doesn't it?
09:56 "So when you guys plan fun activities, does my name even come up or…?"
10:01 "I invited you to my murder mystery party."
10:05 "No, you didn't."
10:07 Fast forward several seasons and Stuart learns about the group's Vegas trip from Sheldon,
10:11 who isn't even invited.
10:12 "This isn't me just wanting to go on a trip to Las Vegas."
10:16 "What trip to Las Vegas?"
10:22 Still, he tacks along with Sheldon's gate-crushing escapade.
10:26 The group ultimately forgives Sheldon, while Stuart is left out in the cold.
10:30 Number 2.
10:31 Finding out he's a test friend over brunch, the fetal kick catalyst.
10:36 This is one of the few occasions Stuart does make the guest list, only it's not for the
10:40 most flattering reasons.
10:42 "That's an odd mix of people."
10:43 "Well, for our first time hosting, I thought it would be wise to conduct a trial run.
10:48 You know, like how I practiced for that Halloween haunted house by going into the bathroom at
10:52 the bus station."
10:54 While he probably did a little happy dance about the invite, Sheldon quickly reigns on
10:58 his parade.
10:59 Imagine being all excited for a social event, only to find out you're essentially a test
11:03 subject, there to help smooth things out before the VIPs roll in.
11:06 "You were the first people we thought of."
11:08 "Exactly.
11:09 We've never thrown a brunch before and I wanted to work out all the kinks."
11:12 "So I'm like a lab rat before your real friends come over?"
11:18 He's so callous, and we're devastated for him.
11:21 If that doesn't get you, then you probably felt your heart shatter into a gazillion pieces
11:25 when he voiced just how much they'd hurt him.
11:28 "I consider you and Sheldon like my family, and I'm not even sure you think of me as a
11:32 friend.
11:33 You have any idea how that feels?"
11:35 "We're so sorry."
11:37 "I'm always the last one.
11:39 Anybody thinks so."
11:40 We hope his tipsy love fest with Sheldon somewhat helped ease the pain.
11:44 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
11:48 about our latest videos.
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12:01 His Store Burns Down - The Status Quo Combustion
12:04 Many Big Bang fans will remember the horror and dismay when Sheldon walks into the charred
12:09 remains of the comic book store.
12:22 If Stewart thought he'd hit rock bottom before, he'd really crash straight through it now.
12:32 As if things weren't bad enough, many folks served him suspicious side-eyes, questioning
12:36 if he'd purposely burned down the place for insurance money.
12:39 Seriously, in one night the guy loses his livelihood and shelter, and people are still
12:44 throwing shade.
12:45 That's just cruel.
12:57 Howard steps in with a lifeline while Stewart gets back on his feet.
13:01 But before then, things were looking pretty bleak.
13:03 Poor Stewart, he just can't seem to catch a break.
13:07 Did you cheer for Stewart when things finally started looking up in the last season?
13:11 When else did you wish the writers would cut him some slack?
13:14 Let us know in the comments.
13:26 -
13:36 (upbeat music)
