• last year
Charlie is dating his coworker Caroline. Well, dating is a strong word. They see each other on Thursdays.
While Charlie is truly in love, he can’t stop thinking about why they meet only once a week. So, he decides to snoop around Caroline’s office to find out more. He finds a planner where each day is marked with a man’s name…
Charlie was right. There are no secrets between anyone in a relationship. And that's how it should be. But having said that, I think he misunderstood the names on the planner. And the fear of not knowing "what could be" and "what the real truth" is ruins relationships. By talking to one another, you solve things. Brilliant message and video DramatizeMe. ❤❤❤
This story really tugs at the heartstrings caroline was just trying to be there for her father and didn’t want to talk about it but sometimes it’s bette to talk about your problems than to bottle it up
Great video this is definitely one of your best ones this really emphasizes the importance of good communication in relationships she only sees him once a week and when he asks her about it she gets defensive no wonder he thinks she's cheating if they met recently it would make more sense but this is a 6 month relationship she should have been honest and upfront with him so he could make a decision but she didn't because she's in pain and doesn't know how to react to it it's understandable
Hi, Mr. Garry. I would like to tell you how much I appreciate your videos. They are very inspirational and motivational. Thank you so much. Let's spread all the good messages and change the world.
