China Sacks Head of Securities Watchdog Amid Stock Market Crisis

  • 6 months ago
Chinese state media says Wu Qing will take over from Yi Huiman as chair of CSRC, the body responsible for regulating financial markets. That's after Chinese stocks hit a five-year low earlier this week despite government intervention attempts.
00:00 China has replaced the head of its securities watchdog after weeks of stock market instability.
00:07 State media announced overnight that Wu Qing will take over from Yi Hui Man as chairman
00:12 of the body responsible for regulating the markets.
00:15 It comes after Chinese stocks reached a five-year low on Monday.
00:20 Despite several interventions, policymakers have struggled to stabilize the situation.
00:25 One trillion US dollars in market value has been wiped from exchanges in mainland China
00:30 and Hong Kong this year.
00:33 Nicknamed the "broker butcher" for his crackdown on traders, Wu was previously the head of
00:38 the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
