Cubano reina en el atletismo mundial

  • 7 months ago
Un cubano es el rey del triple salto mundial: Andy Díaz logró la mejor marca del año en pista cubierta.


00:00 A Cuban is the king of the triple jump world. Andy Diaz has been the news of the week in the world of athletics when he established the best mark of the year in the Torun meeting in Poland, representing Italy, the country that has welcomed him and has given him the opportunities to launch his career to the highest level.
00:18 With a jump of 17.61 meters, Andy achieved the best mark of the year. Not only did he get the leader brand of the season, but Diaz also won the Copa Copernico in Torun in the World Athletics covered track circuit.
00:34 Andy started the competition with a jump of 17.25 meters and then rose to 17.61 in his second attempt. No other participant approached his mark. The Italian Tiago Pereira was in second place with 17.02 and the Argelino Oyazer Tricchi in third place with 16.93 meters.
00:54 Andy Diaz continues to consolidate his position as one of the main triple jumpers in the world. With the Olympic Games in Paris on the horizon, Andy and other talented nationalized Cuban athletes such as Pedro Pablo Pichardo with Portugal and Jordan Diaz with Spain are ready to fight for the Olympic gold that all the proud Antillean fans will have,
01:16 noting that this could be a podium for Cuba if the regime's failed sports movement had not practically forced them to escape in search of a better future in Europe.
01:26 -
01:34 (upbeat music)
