Flight attendant shares hacks to avoid extra airport costs

  • 6 months ago
It has been revealed by Lady Frederick Windsor that our King Charles III has a very peculiar sleep cycle. Buzz60’s Chloe Hurst has the story!
00:00 As if the cost of flying isn't already enough, buying things at the airport and mid-flight
00:06 will put you even further out of pocket than necessary. Here's a list of things you should
00:11 avoid buying, suggested by an experienced traveler, a flight attendant. Purchase an
00:16 economy seat and be as patient as possible for your business upgrade, which means ignoring the
00:21 upgrade opportunity emails and instead waiting until you get to the airport. Avoid checking a
00:27 bag when you can, even if it means freezing your liquids to make them solid so they qualify for
00:33 your hand luggage. Don't buy bottled water, BYO, and the same applies for on-board food.
00:39 Mid-flight meals are absolutely overpriced. There are also better deals in the world than what you
00:45 see at the duty-free shop, and your ride share or car service is almost always cheaper than
00:51 airport parking.
