• last year
The story revolves around Madelaine, a charming farm girl and school photographer from Dewetsdorp. Her life takes an une | dG1fMjU2b2s5WXJGdFE
00:00 I can't call Villeneuve and tell her she's a...
00:02 Villeneuve is going to be very disappointed
00:05 if her best friend is a real gay and she's not married to her.
00:08 Dad, wait!
00:12 Why did you throw at me? That cracked my windscreen.
00:15 I didn't throw at you, you idiot.
00:16 I followed you because I knew you'd hit me when I came up to you.
00:19 You think you're always the hero.
00:21 I'm going to invoice you for the windshield.
00:23 No!
00:24 Henry, this is the woman I'm telling you about.
00:26 This marriage is in your hands.
00:28 And we're celebrating, not partying.
00:31 Tomorrow is going to be the perfect day.
00:33 And I'm going to be the perfect bride.
00:36 Because you two are going to make it perfect.
00:40 (upbeat music)
00:43 you
