Actress Anushka Sen, who created a stir in the television industry with the show 'Baalveer', has bought her new house in Mumbai. Anushka, who became the owner of a luxurious house in Mumbai at the age of just 21, has shared many pictures inside the house on social media. In these pictures, Anushka not only got an inside tour of her house but was also seen posing with her parents. See inside photos of Anushka Sen's house.
#anushkasen #anushkasenbuysflatinmumbai #mumbai #bollywood #television #baalveer #celebrity #celebupdate #trending #viral
#anushkasen #anushkasenbuysflatinmumbai #mumbai #bollywood #television #baalveer #celebrity #celebupdate #trending #viral
00:00 Actress Anushka Sen, who created a stir in the television industry with the show Baalveer,
00:12 has bought her new house in Mumbai.
00:14 Anushka, who became the owner of a luxurious house in Mumbai at the age of just 21, has
00:19 shared many pictures inside the house on social media.
00:23 In these pictures, Anushka not only got an inside tour of her house but was also seen
00:27 posing with her parents.
00:29 Inside photos of Anushka Sen's house
00:32 Everyone dreams of buying their own house in the city of dreams, Mumbai.
00:36 This dream has been fulfilled by just 21-year-old TV actress Anushka Sen.
00:41 Anushka shared the inside photo of the new house on social media which is now going viral.
00:47 While sharing the pictures of the house, Anushka wrote on Instagram, "Our new house.
00:51 Sen family.
00:52 Another dream has come true."
00:54 On this post of Anushka, fans and celebs are congratulating the actress for her new house.
00:59 In the photos, Anushka is wearing a multicoloured dress and is seen wearing goggles on her face.
01:04 The actress looked very happy with her parents in the picture.
01:08 In the photos, Anushka is seen flaunting in front of the camera holding a key in her hand.
01:13 The long smile on the face is revealing her look and emotions.
01:17 Let us tell you Anushka Sen was last seen in the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi.
01:21 Anushka was praised a lot in this show.
01:23 Regarding this reality show, Anushka had said, "I always look for new opportunities.
01:28 I have been doing TV for a long time.
01:30 I have done many movies and now I am also focusing on web series."
01:34 The actress further said, "I would definitely like to say that there is nothing that I will
01:38 not do in television.
01:40 The only thing is that as an actor, I am ready to work in any medium.
01:43 The script should be good."
01:44 -Anushka Sen, Anushka Sen.
01:51 -Anushka Sen.
01:52 (dramatic music)
01:55 you