VIDEO | Ligue 1 Highlights: PSG vs Lille

  • 7 months ago
00:00 All good skills from Thiago Santos, the cross is dangerous as well
00:06 This is Yazidchik and it's 1-0 to Lille
00:10 Yazidchik turning it in from close range to silence the part they pass
00:17 And the PSG defence didn't deal with this cross
00:22 It was Fabian Ruiz turning the ball back into the danger zone
00:29 Lovely skills, Beraldo beat him
00:32 That wasn't the best piece of defending from Fabian Ruiz
00:38 And Yazidchik slots his fourth goal of the season
00:42 Alexandro taking a big risk
00:50 And now Dembele with the cross and it's 1-1
00:54 Gonzalo Ramos gets PSG on level terms almost immediately
00:59 Courtauld trying to play the ball out from the back
01:02 He really did take a big risk
01:09 Dembele doing well to steal the ball from him
01:13 And then after Ousmane Dembele
01:18 Dembele decides to go for goal himself
01:21 Fairly tame effort in the end but scintillating run from the French international
01:27 Cracking goal it was here against Monaco
01:36 Space for Ramos here, Gonzalo Ramos
01:40 I think it was a shot, the ball has gone all the way out to the right
01:46 Dembele
01:49 Dembele
01:51 Ruiz with the cross and it's a terrible mix up
01:55 It's Alexandro again
01:58 Paris Saint-Germain are 2-1 up
02:02 Well they've been gifted two goals really
02:08 The shot from Ramos was poor
02:11 The ball in here from Fabian Ruiz was
02:17 nothing too dangerous really
02:19 What happens here to Alexandro?
02:22 It'll go down as an own goal, PSG 2-1 up
02:27 It's Asensio and it's quite comfortably off target
02:45 Asensio on the charge for PSG, space now for Dembele
02:49 Dembele goes past Santos, gets the cut back in
02:55 Good stop from...
02:56 Home fans enjoyed that
02:58 It's a super stop
03:03 The second half of Paris Saint-Germain-Lille starts now in the in sports
03:10 Ramos, Ramos, Ramos
03:15 Ruiz finding Ramos
03:25 Dembele into the stride of Mugueli
03:32 Naudy Mugueli
03:34 Oh it's nicely done, this is Colin Warnick with the cut back
03:38 Oh it's been given away again by Lille, great opportunity
03:46 And a poor effort from Asensio who could easily have made it 3-1 there
03:50 It was Bentele of course in possession this time
03:55 Dembele, really good early ball
04:01 Oh he's got there as well Mugueli
04:03 Naudy Mugueli against the keeper and Chevalier saves
04:08 The right back Naudy Mugueli
04:10 Credit to the keeper for standing tall
04:14 Goodmanson
04:28 His cross reaches Gomez
04:32 Possibility here, Zhekrova with the shot and it's wide
04:36 That was much better though from Lille
04:39 Really good build up play
04:44 Zhekrova surrendered rather tamely
04:47 This is Barcelona, shot on from Bradley Barcelona
04:50 Comfortably over from the 21 year old
04:57 Barcelona, the one and only
04:59 Shot on perhaps Thiago Santos, couldn't keep it down
05:24 That was a good corner that
05:26 Very well defended by Hakimi
05:28 Traf Hakimi
05:32 This is Barcelona, Barcelona's chip
05:39 Barcelona again
05:41 Did well to get it over, now Colomboane, still Colomboane
05:47 What a stop, Chevalier with a stunning save
05:51 Well that looks for the world as though it was going to be 3-1
05:55 Colomboane smashing it goalwards
05:58 Brilliant from the keeper
06:00 Barcelona running at Ismaili
06:04 Still going Bradley Barcelona, the cross and is it in? No
06:08 Barcelona did really well, strong run from the youngster
06:20 Chevalier pushed it into Colomboane
06:23 I think, yeah the goalkeeper I think has collided with Colomboane's leg
06:32 Let's hope it's
06:35 Not too bad
06:39 Here's Barcelona
06:44 Good skills from Barcelona
06:48 They're queuing up in the middle, Barcelona with the come back and Colomboane
06:52 Gets his goal
06:55 Just showing the ball to Ismaili, inviting the challenge and then surging past him
07:06 He looked up, he knew exactly what he wanted to do Barcelona
07:15 And from close range, Randall Colomboane gets on the score sheet his sixth league goal this season
07:22 Bocchielli
07:25 Now Zaire Emery
07:27 And again Zaire Emery, Colomboane racing through the middle, Zaire Emery
07:33 Picks out Bradley Barcelona, Barcelona's shot
07:35 Good stop again from Chevalier
07:38 Now Zaire Emery opening up the Leo
07:43 Arrested a good number of players, most notably Kylian Mbappe
07:46 Adam Unas
07:52 Unas with the shot straight at Kylian Mbappe
07:56 He's been direct and purposeful, Adam Unas still finding his feet, plenty of promise though
08:03 He's been among the goals of late in the Coupe de France
08:09 So still five minutes in this one, five minutes of added time, Can Lille set up a grandstand finish
08:21 Not with that shot they can't
08:23 Unas, Adam Unas in the clear, good cut back from him, the shot from Cabela, saved
08:33 By Kylian Mbappe
08:37 Unas
08:38 Good burst again from Adam Unas, he got in behind Mbappe
08:45 Cabela's shot, well it wasn't the goalkeeper was it? It was Mbappe who recovered
08:51 Made a...
08:53 And the referee blows for full time, Paris Saint-Germain continue their march
08:59 Seemingly towards the league title
09:04 [Fart]
09:05 [Fart]
09:06 (whooshing)
