• last year
MrBeast got EXPOSED for something terrible that happened in mrbeast 'I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!' video recently. So mrbeast was in drama after he was exposed on tiktok for scamming a woman who created a toilet cake for his new video. In Mrbeast Willy Wonka chocolate factory video he has a toilet made out of cake built and apparently he didn't pay the woman who made the cake toilet. Mr Beast ended up apologizing and paying the woman, but some people still want mrbeast cancelled for this. NOW MrBeast got EXPOSED again for rigging and faking his willy wonka chocolate factory video. in a video titled 'MRBEAST CHOCOLATE FACTORY WAS RIGGED!? | 99% PROOF' a youtuber claims mrbeast faked this video and mrbeast rigged the video for Della Vlogs to win. i dont believe this rumor at all and still support mrbeast personally. Subscribe if you're new!!!


