ধেয়ে আসছে 'মশার টর্নেডো'! Pune-র আকাশে উড়ছে এ কোন বিপদ?

  • 6 months ago
পুণেতে দেখা দিল নতুন বিপদ! মশার টর্নেডো দেখাগেল মহারাষ্ট্রের এই শহরে। মহামারীর আশঙ্কায় ভীত বাসিন্দারা

00:00 Tornado is a very familiar natural disaster.
00:03 From the Earth's surface to the cumulonimbus cloud or cumulus cloud,
00:09 the tornado is called the "Column of the Wind of Timbuktu".
00:14 It is created locally, but it is very dangerous in the presence of powerful tornadoes.
00:22 In the past, the Keshavnagar and Basindar of Pune had also thought of a tornado like that on the local Mutha River.
00:32 In the case of tornadoes, like the columns of the wind, dust, sand, and other things are swirling around,
00:39 but some columns like this can be seen on the Mutha River.
00:44 But in this case, it is a very strange thing.
00:47 The columns were not like the wind of Timbuktu, but like a huge tornado.
00:53 The long columns were like huge tornadoes.
00:58 This is called a tornado.
01:01 Some videos have gone viral on social media.
01:05 In that video, it was seen on the Mutha River, a tornado like a thick cloud.
01:12 This kind of mass tornado is also seen in many parts of India in some severe weather.
01:19 But this incident is very rare in a city like Pune.
01:23 Why did this incident happen suddenly?
01:26 In the absence of a typhoon in the winter, an ideal environment for the spread of the mass was created.
01:32 This is what the experts are saying.
01:34 But how terrible will the Basindars be in this incident?
01:38 Recently, I have seen a lot of mosquitoes.
01:40 Approximately from 3 or 4 days, there has been a tornado also after a mosquito here in Karadhi.
01:49 It has become very hard.
01:51 Even you can see it coming out.
01:53 Even while talking, you have to lift your leg in the middle.
01:57 It has become very hard.
01:59 And nothing is being maintained here.
02:01 It is also visible.
02:03 And there are a lot of problems due to this.
02:05 There are a lot of mosquitoes in our area.
02:08 And I request the Pune Corporation to resolve it as quickly as possible.
02:15 Because it is dangerous to our health also.
02:18 And there are a lot of children in our area.
02:23 So I request them to resolve it.
02:25 How horrible is the situation?
02:27 It is so horrible.
02:28 There are so many mosquitoes.
02:30 It is like a tornado of mosquitoes, you can say.
02:33 It is like a tornado of mosquitoes, you can say.
02:35 I see it on Instagram Reels also.
02:39 Mosquitoes are basically a variety of diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya.
02:45 So, mosquitoes have shown a high risk of disease from the tornado in Karadhi, Keshavnagar and other areas.
02:55 And the Basindars have increased their outbreak.
02:57 The situation is created by the presence of humans on the nature.
03:03 The environment is also contributing to this.
03:05 The water in the river is polluted.
03:07 The habitat of animals is also being destroyed.
03:11 The possibility of creating a pandemic due to this unforeseen outbreak of mosquitoes is also a positive for the locals.
03:18 Bureau Report, One India, Bangla.
