The Thundermans Return follows twins Phoebe and Max who are enjoying their superhero lifestyle in a new city, but when one ‘save’ goes awry, the Thundermans are sent back to Hiddenville. While Hank and Barb enjoy their return, Chloe develops a new friend group, and Billy and Nora begin a normal high school life, Max and Phoebe are determined to regain their superhero status. The movie features the return of show favorites, including familiar locations, and new menacing supervillains.
The Thundermans Return stars original series cast members Kira Kosarin as “Phoebe,” Jack Griffo as “Max,” Addison Riecke as “Nora,” Diego Velazquez as “Billy,” Maya Le Clark as “Chloe,” Chris Tallman as “Hank” and Rosa Blasi as “Barb.”
The Thundermans Return is executive produced by Jed Spingarn (Big Time Rush, Jimmy Neutron) and directed by Trevor Kirschner (The Thundermans, Raven’s Home, The Conners). Stars Kira Kosarin and Jack Griffo are executive producing. Dan Cross (The Thundermans, Julie and the Phantoms) and David Hoge (The Thundermans, Julie and the Phantoms) also serve as executive producers. The teleplay is by Spingarn, with a story by Spingarn, Sean W. Cunningham (The Thundermans) and Marc Dworkin (The Thundermans), based on characters created by Spingarn. Production of the movie for Nickelodeon Studios is overseen by Zack Olin and Shauna Phelan, Co-Heads of Nickelodeon & Awesomeness Live-Action. Brian Banks serves as Nickelodeon’s Executive in Charge of Production.
The Thundermans Return stars original series cast members Kira Kosarin as “Phoebe,” Jack Griffo as “Max,” Addison Riecke as “Nora,” Diego Velazquez as “Billy,” Maya Le Clark as “Chloe,” Chris Tallman as “Hank” and Rosa Blasi as “Barb.”
The Thundermans Return is executive produced by Jed Spingarn (Big Time Rush, Jimmy Neutron) and directed by Trevor Kirschner (The Thundermans, Raven’s Home, The Conners). Stars Kira Kosarin and Jack Griffo are executive producing. Dan Cross (The Thundermans, Julie and the Phantoms) and David Hoge (The Thundermans, Julie and the Phantoms) also serve as executive producers. The teleplay is by Spingarn, with a story by Spingarn, Sean W. Cunningham (The Thundermans) and Marc Dworkin (The Thundermans), based on characters created by Spingarn. Production of the movie for Nickelodeon Studios is overseen by Zack Olin and Shauna Phelan, Co-Heads of Nickelodeon & Awesomeness Live-Action. Brian Banks serves as Nickelodeon’s Executive in Charge of Production.
00:03 Max, let's bring the thunder.
00:11 Sky selfie!
00:17 I'm afraid the T-Force must be fired.
00:23 Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
00:26 We're back in Hiddenville, baby.
00:28 Thunder fam!
00:29 Reunion selfie!
00:30 Oh, oh.
00:33 This thing's got so many bad memories.
00:37 What are you doing back?
00:40 We're going to high school.
00:42 We get to be around other teenagers.
00:44 And get a well-rounded education.
00:46 Who cares?
00:49 Let the evil begin!
00:50 [EVIL LAUGH]
00:53 We have to get our jobs back!
00:54 I know!
00:56 Danger!
00:58 Need shelter!
00:59 Will some superhero save us?
01:01 Thundermans reporting for duty.
01:04 It's what we do.
01:05 Go, go, go, go!
01:08 It's been a long time, Max.
01:10 [GRUNTING]
01:13 Welcome to your torment session.
01:14 Say yes to continue.
01:16 No!
01:17 Great.
01:18 Let's begin.
01:20 Max and Phoebe are in mortal danger.
01:24 You're such helicopter parents.
01:30 We made the world a little safer.
01:33 And isn't that what it's all about?
01:34 All right, Max-inators.
01:36 That's today's live stream.
01:37 Sorry there was so much Phoebe!
01:39 [FART]
01:43 (upbeat music)