10 Times Lego Games CHANGED The Source Material

  • 7 months ago


00:00 Who are you? What are you doing here?
00:01 Gazerbeam, you're alive! Man, I was worried about you!
00:05 Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're taking a look at 10 moments where LEGO games
00:10 rewrote the stories they adapted.
00:12 Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe
00:21 to Mojo Plays and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:29 Irina Boss Fight
00:30 Overall, Indy never really has a final showdown with his foes. Every movie, even Kingdom of the
00:36 Crystal Skull, ends with a spectacle that shows the supernatural elements of the treasure featured
00:41 in the movie. However, TT Games had to take creative liberties for the sake of gameplay.
00:53 Rather than kill Irina off from being overwhelmed by the alien's powers,
00:57 she is imbued with them in LEGO Indy 2.
01:00 What follows is a super underwhelming end to the second worst movie in the franchise.
01:09 At least you can say it is over.
01:11 The New Heroes
01:13 As we've seen in both Incredibles and its mediocre sequel, there have been a ton of
01:18 supers the Parr family were once friends with. Unfortunately, many have left, some not by their
01:24 own accord. Thing is that TT Games couldn't have players play through levels solo. And so,
01:30 LEGO The Incredibles forces some of the side characters to join Elastigirl as she investigates
01:35 the Screenslaver's whereabouts and identity. The same thing was done when playing through
01:39 the first movie, with Frozone heading to Nomanisan Island with Mr. Incredible. On top of that,
01:44 the overworld crime waves see two original villains wreaking havoc across Municiberg and New Urban.
01:50 The Duplo Invaders
01:52 *Duplo Invaders*
02:03 We know that this may not sound like it makes sense at first, after all the LEGO Movie 2
02:07 video game starts at the exact same moment the movie does, but the Duplo Invaders waging war
02:12 with the LEGO world. *Duplo Invaders*
02:21 These creatures pop up in some moments throughout the game, but they look a little odd,
02:25 wouldn't you say? Yes, for some reason, the video game portrays the Duplo Invaders as being made of
02:30 LEGO bricks. We understand liberties were taken for the sake of gameplay, but at that point,
02:36 they aren't really Duplo if they aren't made out of, you know, Duplo.
02:40 Radagast the Brown
02:43 Radagast is perhaps the weirdest character to be included in LEGO Lord of the Rings.
02:48 To TT Games' credit, perhaps he was thrown in as a way to make the game a celebration of the
02:53 acclaimed fantasy franchise. However, we still find his inclusion bizarre because he just never
02:58 appeared in the movies nor the books in the first place. He is only briefly mentioned in The
03:03 Fellowship of the Ring when our heroes meet with the Council of Elrond. He does appear in the Hobbit
03:08 movies, but those didn't exist until a few years after the game was released. It just doesn't make
03:23 much sense to have him here from a lore-based perspective. Donovan and the Grail
03:37 We were trying not to have another indie villain on this list, but we are
03:40 sorely confused about what happened with Donovan. In The Last Crusade, the legend of the Holy Grail
03:45 demands the Seeker choose from a massive selection of chalices and pray they drink from the correct
03:51 one. The rest are cursed and will cause the one who drinks from them to perish. The movie
03:56 made this clear when Donovan drank from the wrong cup and wound up turning to dust.
04:02 *Donovan's death*
04:08 So why in the world is he suddenly an overpowered zombie in LEGO Indy 2?
04:14 It just doesn't make any sense, man.
04:16 Greedo's Fate
04:28 Now this change, we're sort of understanding it was made for the sake of a joke.
04:32 LEGO Star Wars 2 depicted Greedo's death in a creative way fit for LEGO.
04:37 Skywalker Saga, on the other hand, opted for a movie reference. When Luke and Obi-Wan meet with
04:42 Han Solo, the smuggler is in a small shootout with Greedo that ends with both of them running
04:47 out of ammo. Han throws his gun at his adversary, who then walks away in shame.
04:52 *Han's death*
05:00 And still alive. We know this was done just to make a naked gun reference,
05:05 but with Greedo running around, what became of him in TT Games' new depiction of the fight?
05:10 No Live Actors
05:21 *Lego Movie video game music*
05:33 For the most part, the LEGO Movie video game does follow the movie beat for beat,
05:37 from the key story moments to the entire prophecy of "The Chosen One" being a bunch of hippie
05:42 dippy baloney. But one key moment left out of the game was the story between the son and his father,
05:48 the real lord business.
05:50 "Let's put everything back the way you found it."
05:52 "But dad, you don't understand."
05:54 "So I can make things the way they're supposed to be."
05:57 Of course, we can understand why this was completely removed from the game.
06:02 Legal requirements to get Will Ferrell to approve of his appearance in the game can be costly. Why
06:07 go through the trouble when you can just re-edit it to a simpler, trimmed down version of Emmet's
06:11 monologue?
06:13 "You don't have to be the bad guy."
06:20 Denethor
06:21 We don't mean to complain too much about character inclusions, especially since LEGO
06:25 Lord of the Rings is now 2 for 2 in this department. Denethor is one of several characters
06:30 you can unlock as you progress, and yet he has absolutely no part in the game's version of the
06:35 story whatsoever. All of his scenes are wiped from the narrative, yet he is fully playable
06:40 with his own abilities and everything? It's worth noting Denethor does have a part in the
06:44 story when played on DS and 3DS, but every other version saw him removed for some reason.
06:49 Gazerbeam
06:51 "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
06:53 "Gazerbeam, you're alive! Man, I was worried about you."
06:56 Now this was a creative liberty done for the sake of gameplay that just irritates us to no end.
07:02 Gazerbeam's disappearance and death are a key part of the incredible story. It gives weight
07:07 to the dark themes of the movie, as well as show how insane Syndrome truly is to go as far as to
07:13 kill supers. But in LEGO Incredibles, T.T. Games rewrote the story to show he's simply been hiding
07:24 on Nomanus Island. You mean to tell us that this guy has just been hiding in a cave and hasn't
07:30 figured out a solid escape plan on his own? Wasn't this supposed to be a hero just as renowned and
07:35 formidable as Mr. Incredible? There were just way better ways to weasel in Mr. Incredible's escape
07:40 than just rewriting Gazerbeam's entire purpose of the story.
07:44 "Stand back. I am operating my powerful and incredibly hot laser."
07:48 "Do your thing, Gazerbeam. Just do it quietly."
07:52 Alderaan
07:53 "I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."
07:57 "You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away!"
08:01 This is the most bizarre change to occur in LEGO history. Alderaan is such a key moment in the
08:06 story of A New Hope. It's a tragic turn of events that convey the stakes Princess Leia has in trying
08:12 to bring down the Empire. It is such an important moment that LEGO Star Wars 2 made sure to include
08:17 it, but for Skywalker Saga, Alderaan basically doesn't exist. There is no destruction of the
08:23 planet whatsoever, and the story moves on without it ever serving a moment of even brief character
08:28 development for Leia. It's just such a weird omission that any Star Wars fan would be left
08:33 scratching their heads. "Your Highness, the transmission we received. What is it they've sent
08:38 us?" "Hope." What other moments do you know of where LEGO games changed the story? Did it make
08:44 our list? Let us know down in the comments and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great
08:49 videos every day.