Under pressure Hodgson on struggling Palace's 3-1 Chelsea defeat

  • 6 months ago
Under pressure Hodgson on struggling Palace's 3-1 Chelsea defeat
00:08 Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
00:13 The late goal was the one, but the killer was the second one.
00:17 You know, we had two minutes to try and get back in the game, and as one does in those moments,
00:25 you have a free kick deep and you load up the penalty area and you get the ball in the box and you just hope desperately
00:33 it's going to fall your way and bounce down to someone and get you a goal chance.
00:38 In my experience these days, that's about a 50/50 job.
00:42 It might do that, but it could even recruit you to the third goal.
00:45 But it wasn't the third goal, they didn't actually start the race for score either, which it looked worse.
00:51 The follow was the second goal in the 91st minute, which effectively won them the game.
01:02 No, that was... Hughes was injured.
01:06 And as you know, he'd been limping for about 10 minutes and we were hoping he would continue to be able to run it off,
01:14 but he was struggling mobility-wise.
01:17 And Matthias Franck, playing his first game and doing well as he did, he was tired for a good 10 or 15 minutes
01:25 before he eventually pulled the plug on him.
01:28 So it wasn't a question of that, it was a question of trying to keep things going,
01:32 trying to keep what we'd been doing going right the way through to the end of the game,
01:37 and to do that before we needed to make the substitution.
01:45 Although it was a difficult start for Adam, I thought the first 15, 20 minutes,
01:52 it was obviously very quick and he played against players in there that I think the combined value of the two central midfielders
02:00 is around about £225 million.
02:03 He's just come from Blackburn in the Championship.
02:06 I think in the beginning, those opening moments, he found it a little bit...
02:12 He couldn't find his feet, but he did find his feet midway through the first half,
02:17 he played extremely well and he was definitely one of our better players.
02:22 And Matthias was every bit the threat that we hoped he would be,
02:25 taking over the release and role if you like, and being the man who's going to threaten from the wide areas.
02:31 Daniel Munoz had a good game at Brighton, he had another good game tonight.
02:36 So, I'm not really in the mood, if I'm to be brutally honest, of positive things.
02:42 If I want to find things to say that would cheer me up, I don't know what could be said that would cheer me up.
02:47 I hope I'm likely to say that would cheer the players up.
02:51 But had I been in that mood, I could possibly say, well, with the players who got coming back,
02:57 and these guys doing so right, it bodes well for the future, with the 14 games we have left.
03:03 But of course, we still don't know when Eze or Ise will be back,
03:08 so we might be battling through, like we've done tonight, for a few more games
03:13 before we can look at a team which will threaten the opposition a bit more than we've been able to do today.
03:21 [inaudible]
03:35 Yeah, they are.
03:37 I'm tempted to say that I don't know, I could have asked a lot more from the team that took the field today than they gave.
03:44 I don't know what I can look at, and, well, this is still in the tank,
03:50 because what we've got in the tank at the moment is England and I, which have taken the field.
03:55 So I think that what those boys did tonight, and the way they went about the game,
03:59 the determination, the heart, the spirit, the gutsiness, weirdly, against a team of really, really talented individual players,
04:08 I don't think they can do much more for us.
04:12 We're going to have to try and ask them to reproduce those performances in the next two games.
04:17 But there are, as everybody knows, no games where you can count on victories,
04:23 so it's going to be another effort that everyone has got to make, and these boys have got to make.
04:30 And then we've got to hope one day that a little bit of luck comes our way,
04:34 because today, without them creating a massive goal chance, they end up scoring three goals.
04:40 I think we've probably had as many opportunities throughout the game as they did.
04:52 Yeah. I mean, it's a bad period.
04:56 I mean, it's a bad period which has been caused in particular by the injury situation.
05:02 You go through bad periods, but, I mean, there's 14 games.
05:05 It's a lot of games, a lot of points, and a lot of matches to be played.
05:09 I think we've shown enough, even in some of the other defeats we've had,
05:13 even the away defeat to Chelsea, which was an unfortunate one,
05:16 the home defeat against Liverpool.
05:19 There's been lots of games where, really, things could have gone a little bit better for us.
05:24 So I don't have any concerns in that respect.
05:28 But I do want to emphasise that there's no complacency there.
05:34 We realise that we are at the wrong end of the table.
05:37 We realise that points are very necessary for us to get to climb away from the relegation zone.
05:44 But if the question is, do I think that this group of players are good enough to get us out of here,
05:51 I do, and I think they showed a lot tonight, which gives me even more faith and belief in the government.
06:09 No.
06:11 No, we didn't get out defending in the box right.
06:16 And Gallagher was good at finding that space there, profited by it and did his goal charge well.
06:23 The delay was the same for both teams, so it would be totally wrong to suggest that had a major effect upon us.
06:30 It affected both teams, but no-one was happy about it.
06:34 And I certainly don't want to blame that for the goal.
06:39 I'd rather concern myself with what we could have done better to prevent Gallagher's win at home.
06:45 Any others?
06:47 No.
06:48 Thank you very much.
06:50 Thank you.
