Behind the YouTuber Who Directed a Super Bowl Commercial

  • 7 months ago
This creator went from making YouTube videos to directing a Super Bowl commercial, here’s Mike Diva’s story.


00:00 This creator went from making YouTube videos to directing a Super Bowl commercial.
00:05 Here's Mike Diva's story.
00:07 Mike Diva started building his fan base and his career on YouTube with simple comedy sketches and silly videos.
00:13 One of Diva's most popular videos is a remix of the iconic Kazoo Kid with trippy visuals to accompany the trap remix.
00:20 While Diva was creating videos for YouTube, he started teaching himself VFX, saying,
00:25 "When I did do VFX stuff, it was out of necessity because a lot of the dim ideas in my head needed VFX to get them onto a screen.
00:32 But that means I can speak a certain language today when I direct.
00:35 I know how to shoot for VFX. I know what the process is. I know what's possible and what's not.
00:40 I do think that ultimately it helps to know your constraints."
00:43 It was this new skill that allowed Diva to expand beyond his YouTube videos and move into directing skits for SNL,
00:49 like the Pedro Pascal Mario Kart video, a music video for Doja Cat, and now a DoorDash Super Bowl commercial.
00:56 Diva's success and work ethic proves that no matter where you start, there's always room to grow and success to be had.
